Attention romanians we have an issue on our hands.
TL;DR there's an idiological push into our schools. One is wich to teach kids to distance themself from the "classic family" and embrace "diversity" and new "cultural family". Also anti- conservatism and gender garbage. if you're a parent or know people tell them to email or phone Ministerul Educației Naționale before they push this. of course its pushed by Soros goons

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Other urls found in this thread:

strap bombs to gypsy's and lead them into government buildings with trails of coins.
Press the button and solve two problems at once

Nice finally we will become really diverse because until now we only took a couple of niggers and arabs as citizens.

forgot to mention that PSD has a link to most of this progressive propaganda.

God bless their souls then, hope they will implement the changes.

When do we burn the parliament?

lmao, turn on the tv right now, psd is getting fucked and dragnea got arrested.

not happening, PSD getting btfo right now

Kek, sunt profesor. Habar nu ai cat lucram ca sa ii convingem pe copii sa fie normali, sa ii urasca pe gay si pe transexuali, tigani si negri.Sunt sigur ca am dus pe calea cea buna mai mult de 100 de copii.

i had a few more ro anons tell me how psd was pushing this garbage. glad they're getting fucked

hahaha PSD IS OVER, ProRomania and Ponta here WE COOOOMMMEEEE

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Wtf is wrong with you, I hope they will fire you as a matter of fact at what school do you work?


which party is based



Literally none.
All are either EU cocksuckers, commies, reddit party or spineless bitches.

good to know, just be careful with this type of shit getting pushed. They know that the kids are a valuable weapon to use.

I really hope you're not lying user. It gives me hope.
One of my teachers would frequently go on anti gypsies tirades during class so I have reason to believe you.

I must admit that is kind of funny :)

They know this. But we are in the shitter demographically speaking. I work in a village of 2200 people and only 2 kids have beed born since the New Year. I.was an examiner for the local Capacitate exam and the neighbouring 5 villages mustered only 90 8th grade students.Its unironically genocide.

I am not joking where do you work because I want to get you fired.

This, what is wrong with us that we dont have a single good party

didn't Ponta agree with the mega mosque in bucharest? if i remember right

Romania is a NIGGER LOL

It's all a smokescreen, someone used the chaos created by Dragnea's sentence to pass a law to prevent antisemitism


You got to love that man I mean he didnt won the goy of the year from Israel in 2014.

Of fuck...maybe you could shoot another prime minister on live afternoon TV? (grab his wife too, just for historical accuracy). You need to nip this shit in the bud in no uncertain terms.

Dont worry, I'll quit next year before I start my masters.

He's the only Romanian to get decorated with the Compass of Jerusalem, this spring he tried to sneak his way around moving the embassy at Jerusalem

true, like most EU nations more europeans die then being born here, sad really

Well that doesnt change the fact that you are racist and using your authority to indoctrinate kids to instigate racial prejudice.Now tell me where do you work.

how about you grab a rope and hang, you treasonous degenerate loving imbecile? You and all your bug-chasing faggot friends.

>kids to instigate racial prejudice
Oh grow fucking up smugtard.

Thats because he is a smart man may God help him in his path.
How about you drop the meme flag and join the real world?
Thats what he did, you might not know our language but that is exactly what he said.

I have no idea what's going on but you sound like such a faggot prissy little bitch cunt. WTF is wrong you, princess?

Dude, do you think we live in Sweden or what? I dont want to get doxxed on Jow Forums, but I would gladly tell you where I work , so I could see you fucking try and fail like the bitch you are.

You've got to be that "A Jew from Eastern Europe" character

wait, why pass this when we have an extremely small jew population. Really makes me think

Do it and I will see if I can send the local authorities there.
100% orthodox baby.

No coincidences, Dragnea's visits to Israel, link related, the law being passed, President Iohannis saying that Dragnea may have secret deals with jews back in april 2018.

% orthodox
>>faggot and trannie lover

Can you smell the bullshit? How about you join the real world where genetic dead ends should not be pandered too or given special status because they like to chop their genitals off and take it up the ass?

Thank you!

Its up to each individual to decide what they want to do with their bodies, now drop the memeflag and join society.

Shut the fuck up, you piece of shit.

>local authorities
You retard fail to realise that I already have the OK from the local authorities to teach. I already know personally all the important "authorities", from the mayor to the general school inspector . It would take an committee from Bucharest to fire me, but they couldn't prove shit and they know I would sue their asses.

Don't forget that he hired an Israeli firm to manage PSD's political campaign and frequently had meetings with them whenever something went very wrong for him.
Also PSD is also very adamant of moving our Embassy to Jerusalem.

No I will not.
Which is exactly what I will do.

well ill be damn, he was a good goy after all. Wich makes his jailing even funnier

Doamne fereste, I didn't know that.

nah he didn't

Welcome to the club, now what will you do nothing, so lets hope he will not go to prison and the appeal works thus leading the country into a beautiful diverse future.

You glow in the fucking dark, what do you want ? Why are you betraying your own country ?

Someone give us a tl;dr in English please

I am betraying nothing I am just following my principles.

Fyi, I will still drop redpills about the gyppos, the niggers and the muslims as long as I teach and there is nothing you can do about it.And I'm sure 90% of people wouldn't object.

>beautiful diverse future
So we end up like sweden? lol no thanks

The government wants to train teachers to brainwash school children against conservative tendencies and the traditional family while also making them more open to diversity and "a new type of family"

And that is why you need to be punished.
But we are already like them, no need for the hate and bigotry.

Why dont u move to west eu if u enjoy diversity so much also u are fucking mentally disabled gay faggot

How likely is this going to happen? I know nothing of the internals of Romania, Save this one poorfag on steam who is always complaining about poverty and gypsies

But I did worked there for a while and want to spread the love here also.

ce faci ma Sebica? cum o mai duc incornoratii aia de pe reddit?

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Go back, we dont want or need you. Also just try to spread that (((love))) publicly, youll lose your head faggot

>But we are already like them
were are not even close to what swedes are having to deal with, don't delude yourself

I have a family here so no cant do anymore.
Maybe where you live but here in the South we are very diverse and full of other races of people.

Not very likely on the short term.
We hate gypsies, according the (((ADL))) we are one of the most antisemitic country in Europe and our schools teach kids to be patriotic from primary school.
But this is a long term play and as long as PSD is in power it will eventually succeed.

Old news already. The Coalition for Family (CpF) managed to put forward a petition signed by over 500 pro-life, pro-family, traditionalist NGOs and the Ministry of Education withdrew the project from their website. They got help from the Orthodox Church as well.


>Peste 500 de ONG-uri care apără familia tradiţională au lansat marţi seara, în cadrul unei mese rotunde, o campanie împotriva proiectului de Educaţie Parentală, iar miercuri proiectul a dispărut de pe site-ul MEN, scrie

By doing this, PSD is slowly but steadily losing the support of the Orthodox electorate and the Church will simply do what they do best - they will start flirting with the opposition parties and then the negotiations will begin yet again. IMO, a pro-life referendum for votes in the next election sounds like a promising deal for all parties, excluding USR

from what i understand people caught wind of this and were furious, they pulled the proposal from the official site and right the party who was pushing this (PSD) is in deep shit, nothing is known for now

Hello, Albanian bro, let me explain, shit's a lot more complicated than we imagine. QRD
The party that won the parliamentary election in november 2016 is full of corrupt leftists (social democrats/ PSD), their campaign has been coordinated Israeli consultants, they tried to move the Romanian embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, even though our president (Klaus Iohannis) advised against this, the president also stated that the leader of PSD may have secret deals with jews so they started to pass a law that "prevents antisemitism". They want to build a Jewish History Museum over a Romanian art gallery (Pinacoteca). Mainstream media isn't covering this. Coincidentally, it's exactly when people start shilling for multiculturalism/diversity/gay civil partnership, etc.

Thank you for this info, is good to know we still have a backbone to reject this shit.

have you guys heard of ProRomania? What do you think about them?

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>leader of party
>Victor Ponta

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it also lays the premises of the Coalition (CpF) going into politics, considering the statements they've made these couple of days, after finding out that PSD backstabbed them by pushing forward this Educational reform, while still promising that they will organize the pro-family referendum. This will cost PSD a heck of a lot, mind my words.

Now, listen to this statement and tell me if it doesn't sound like having a populist anti-system rhetoric. Lads, make room for a right-winged, pro-family, anti-degeneracy, traditionalist Christian political party

>Mihai Gheorghiu, preşedintele Coaliţiei pentru Familie, a declarat că „Strategia este şi neconstituţională şi ilegală. Este o intruziune în viaţa privată, în libertatea de gândire. Nici comuniştii nu au încercat aşa ceva. Suntem în faza în care popoarele trebuie să se apere singure pentru că politicienii români nu ne mai apără. Este o agendă invazivă care vizează structura intimă a naţiunilor şi a copiilor noştri. E nevoie vitală să conştientizăm lumea din jurul nostru despre ce se întâmplă. Suntem în plin proces de reeducare nu numai a copiilor noştri, ci şi a părinţilor. Ne aflăm pe un drum care pentru ei nu are sfârşit decât la implementarea agendei lor”.

Attached: Corneliu-Zelea-Codreanu5.jpg (2048x1150, 327K)

Better than Psd and Usr, while Pnl is still hibernating

t. Victor Ponta
They didn't even begin their political game, what is there to think about them ? In the end, I trust Ponta as the least toxic social democrat so there's that. Dan Sova was also in the same spirit, but fell to in-fighting and getting himself jailed. I doubt there's anyone that knows much now about Pro-Romania except for its' members and associates.

kek. Well I hope the people stand against it.

Oh my that guy sounds very racist indeed I hope someone will do something to stop him.

i know for a fact that psd is never getting my vote after this shit

They secured mine forever now that I see them how much hey change our immigration and passed the right laws.

also, don't fall for the obvious shill in this thread. he's been living his life hunting for threads like these for quite some time now, it's truly amusing watching him.

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PSD wanted to originally hold a meeting for the Traditional Family but a few weeks ago they started doing link related

Get fucked idiot. No country in EU is safe.
And now come safe spaniards of all those muhameds!

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quick rundown for non-Romanians.

What you need to know:
>there are no /ourguys/, there never have been
>current political party that runs the Government is PSD (Social Democrat neocommies)
>the opposition is non-existent (PNL/PMP/USR)
>there are no right-winged parties in Romania (believe it or not, PSD is actually the closest to the right at the moment)

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I don't know, the backbone is the old romanian conservative party. and they said they are going to be a nationalist party. they even an europarlamentarian that is asociated with the nationalist block in the Europarlament

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In the 89 people overthrew the communist regime and installed communists in the lead with some plants. We had our borders completely open for a few months, time in which convoys of trucks / trains filled with "humanitarian aid" came into the country ,and left with everything they could get their hands on.

The main party was CPUN (Provisory Council of National Unity) which later turned into FSN (National Salvation Front) which turned into PDSR and later into PSD , the current ruling party. This is a left party.

This party is the largest one in the country and has been ruling Romania for almost all the time since 89 with some minor exceptions.

FSN invented a nationalist party PRM . Unlike popular belief, Vadim (the leader of the party) was controlled opposition for a while and at some point he went amok.

After the revolution 2 major historical parties were re-activated by historical figures

PNL - a right wing liberal party which died after merging with PD (see below) and turned into a sort of center pro-eu party.

PNT - the peasant's party was a strange beast with no real ideology which completely disappeared.

PD (left) founded by Petre Roman one of the destroyers of our economy broke out from FSN and later merged with PNL to win the 2004 elections. Turned into PDL, and then split again into PNL. and something else.

UDMR - magyar ethnic cultural union with clear separatist goals. Not even a party, however you can vote for them because of reasons. These left wing prostitutes have always sold their services to whoever was ruling at the moment. PSD and UDMR were combined 100% in the government from 89 to now.

USR - hipster party, pro-eu, pro-lgbt, without leadership, heavily bankrolled and promoted by (((you know who))) got in the parliament only to demonstrate what weaklings they are.

also scrap that last point, copypasta is old

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The only party that even sounds promising and isn't controlled opposition like Noua Dreapta is Alianta Noastra Romania.
But they are literal who's that will never get power.
Read their platform. They are pro-tradition, pro-orthodoxy and pro-romania without going too far to the right to be called extremist right wing nazis by the media.


the "Right" means nazis for most politicians

All parties are left wing. They are either former FSN members or the new Pro-EU hipster leftists.

The "right is bad" narrative helps both of these as they can blame everything on nazis.

All parties are either pro-outside or pro-stealing for themselves.

There is NO pro-romanian (free market economics, national identity) party in the country.

That's why most Romanians don't bother to vote anymore, because many love their country, and nobody represents them.

USR has destroyed romanian's faith in politics as it was planned.

Now we are forced to choose between thieves and traitors.

PNL and Pro-Romania can still redeem themselves if they get their shit together, also start looking into independent candidates, if faggots get independents like Remus Cucknea maybe there will also be conservative independents. I'm speaking for the elections/referendums that are yet to come, at this moment everything's fucked.

good find, multumesc.

voted for ANR in the last election cycle, feelsbadman.jpg

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mai e și asta din zielela stea
și mai e, evident, dacă tot suntem pe subiect:

Did you look at PNL s logo?
All Christians are race mixers.

PNL are spineless cunts tho.
They will change their position on issues to whatever is popular in the country.
They are the lesser evil right now but they are not reliable unless they get a powerful leader.

That whore Turcan was a retard that killed PNL's popularity and Orban is all bark with no bite. Much better than Turcan but still not a good leader.

>PD (left) founded by Petre Roman one of the destroyers of our economy broke out from FSN and later merged with PNL to win the 2004 elections.
Petre Roman is jewish

Ce muie de pizdă are

Would anyone in Bucharest (or wherever Dragnea is currently oiling his asshole rn) be able to track him down with a couple of lads(through news or something) and sing happy birthday to him? Or at least bring a boombox and blast some meme shit like

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PNL at this point is very close to fracturing from the inside out, mainly because there are still a heck of a lot of former PDL members that have significant influence, especially when it comes to party logistics (they usually have the mayors in their pockets). Not to mention that Orban is quite radicalized lately, trying to attract the USR electorate towards him, but at the same time pushing away the more traditional PNL electorate, who doesn't like the aggressive-activist rhetoric that USR employs.

Pro-Romania is literally a party filled with the PSD rejects that deflected because they couldn't get any more beatings from Daddy Dragnea. The moment Dragnea falls, Ponta will most likely try to either fracture PSD or take over control of the party yet again, as he still has some support.

Either way, both of those parties are borderline retarded. There's your explanation.

of course he is, his father came to Romania with the Tudor Vladimirescu Units, straight from Moscow. He was a high-ranking Soviet officer.