/SWEG/ - Swedish Election General

We need to keep these going. Election is in 3 months!

On the 9th September, Sweden is going to have a general election. This may be the last chance Sweden has to stop itself from falling over the edge before it’s too late.
The Sweden Democrats are the third largest party in the Riksdag. They aren’t perfect, but they’re anti-migrant, anti-handout and pro-justice for rapefugee victims.
If we can get them into office, it’s not going to fix all of Sweden’s problems overnight- but the only other option is the NMR, a street movement set to get about 2% of the vote.
That’s not enough for this time around, and anyway, NMR is more effective on the streets. But if we can get enough Svens Redpilled enough to vote for SD, that’s going to have a knock-on effect after the election.
We need the SD to start putting Sweden right and push the overton window. And we have just under 9 months to make this possible.

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IGNORE THE SHILLS!- We are here to plan, not get into the same debates and slide topics that have been plaguing this board for the last year. If you see a shill, click the downward arrow by their post number and select hide. Focus on the campaign.
NO MORE BROTHER WARS- Nobody cares about your personal opinions on Sweden or how useless you think fighting back is. Even if you think there’s no hope left, if you’re not willing to go down fighting then get off this thread. Anyone on here blackpilling should be treated like a shill.

With that out of the way… It’s time to get the Meme War moving on the European Front.
Get creative.

Scandinavia & the World- Another LibComics artist, but one with fairly redpilled commenters. Let’s give them some backup, shall we?
As most of you know, we got shouted out by Angry Foreigner recently, and it’s really helped the visibility of the campaign. We might be able to reach an even wider audience, if a certain person gets to hear the message over on the ylyl threads…
>>/wsg/ / >>/gif/
Speaking of outreach, we need people spreading the good word in the farthest corner of the redpilled spectrum. We need all hands for this task, people. That means reaching out to reddit.
Public support for the SD is going to be crucial. Jimmie’s going to be going on tours of Sweden before the election; if you can make it, please try.

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(please save this list, & add to it in future threads!)

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Skurt posting

Angry Foreigner. This guy might be a degenerate, but he makes some very good videos about Sweden. Definitely share these around.

The based Dane trilogy. These videos where super successful in redpilling Swedes. They went viral in Sweden a few months ago

Gör Sverige lagom igen

SD & AfS videos:
youtube.com/watch?v=VR-lAGj_dlQ (created by exiled SD members, who later started AfS)

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reminder that these threads are not useless. In fact, they gained quite a bit of attention from the swedish media. Media attention=attention to our message, which means more swedes start talking about immigration. Remember, priority number one is to force more swedes to think about immigration.

>does not mention AfS
AfS has a better chance of being elected than NMR.

SD are nothing but civcucks.
NMR are NatSoc LARPers without good optics.
AfS are /ourguys/ -- both pragmatically and ideally.

Vågn dog op mand, sig mig, stemmer du også DF herhjemme?

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AfS are definetly /ourguys/, we need more memes in favor of them

Og ja, jeg stemte faktisk DF til sidste valg. Ved ikke helt hvad jeg skal stemme nu, da jeg ikke rigtig har lyst til at smide min stemme væk efter et eller andet pisselille parti der ikke kommer ind over spærre grænsen.

Yeah! Let's vote for SD. The politcal party which has a new scandal about racism and nazism every two weeks where the response of the patys leader is "I had no knowledge about that" everytime. What makes him seem qualified to run the country when he cant even run his own political party?

Well... I guess you can watch a debate with him and watch him spew incorrect and false information and when he is called out he plays the victim and starts talking about the other partys who wont adress the non-existing issues he just made up.


Gustav Kasselstrand and his party Alternative for Sweden would be the best choice.
They are a newly established political party, and most of their leaders are either former SD-members who got banned for being "too extreme" or simply left the party because it became too cücked and moderate.

Tja, al politik er realpolitik nu om dage -- jeg stemmer personligt Nye Borgerlige, de er hårdere på flygtninge- og indvandringspolitikken samt de önsker lavere skatter og mindre stat. De er libertære, og minder meget om det gamle Glistrup's Fremskridtspartiet - naturligvis en del ökonomisk blidere.

Forresten, er du på Nordtinget - eller anden skandinavisk fælleskabsdiscord?

I don't think Jimmie is necessarily a bad leader, and you should really think less of what the politically correct media says in your country.

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Go Sweden... GO, elect MORE liberal progressive (Pro African Immigration) Feminist!

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Interesting times ahead

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Again, its about metapolitics, we cant sadly win in the long run unless we shift the overton window through civic cuck parties. It was the same thing with DF back home, they have slowly managed to turn even left wing parties over to a semi pro Danish side.

While i agree more "extreme" parties are needed, we cant just rush for "muh literal nazis" immediatly and expect good results.

Borger here, I've been blackpilled as fuck about the nordic countries, what odds do y'all have to push things your way? Seems like the heebs have a lot of fuckin control there?

My sources tell me SD is winning in the polls

Nords in general are doing better than you think. Denmark is guaranteed to continue with a semi-hardline immigration policy no matter who wins the election next year.

Sweden is pretty bumfucked, but a large SD surge will shake up the establishment no matter what happens

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as in getting 30% at most, against 70% in favour of mass immigration.

That's some nice news at least. Ran into a couple of fellas from NRM during a trip I took to the Netherlands a year ago, they seemed pretty pessimistic about Sweden's future, hopefully some good shit goes y'alls way.

Other Nords are doing ok. In fact, Sweden is actively being used a a horror scenario in Danish politics. People are literally running on platforms based on avoiding "Swedish conditions"

So in a way, the more sweden fails, the more its neighbors wake up

The latest poll from 'Tidningen Svegot' shows that AFS is gonna get 3% of the votes in the upcoming Swedish election 2018. Naturally, I do not think AFS can win this forthcoming election, but the biggest potential is for the next election in 2022 where AFS has a good chance of winning. If not, at least participate in a coalition government with SD. This is of course just speculation, but there are good chances for it. Especially if SD decides to cück even harder when they win this upcoming election, they are just gonna disappoint their early loyal voters and pass them further to the right to AfS.

SD is gonna win this election -- whether as coalition or not.
We need to start preparing AfS for 2022.

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The best way to make swedes give a shit about whats happening here is definetly talking about it aboard. If there's one thing a swede cares about it's what foreigners think about him. In fact the whole reason we got into this mess was because we wanted to look good. So if the immigration policy makes us look bad instead of good, everyone will feel it was all for nothing, which means twice the anger.

If you're ever debating politics with someone, mention to them that there are literally politicians running in denmark for avoiding swedish conditions"

abroad gvy?

Can't really blame the media for reporting on scandals coming from the SD party.
It's so typical to blame the media for reporting the news. Its not their fault that the party is
filled with idiots. Its not a coincidence that there is so much reporting on the party.

Im not saying that the political correctness in Sweden isn't annoying and a problem.
It's probably the reason why SD became as big as they've become and I think it's important
to have a party like SD to start a conversation which the media didn't help with but I also
think that the party is big for the wrong reason.

SD blames all of Swedens problems on immigrants and the other parties. They try to make the other parties seem worse to make themselves seem better.
And the immigration-blaming is similar to what the national socialist party did in germany.
Like I said, it's no coincidence that there is so much reporting on the party. It's just the people who are who they are and it's dangerous to blame one ethnicity for all the crimes of a country.

Here's a video of Jimmy not knowing anything. If you want to see more and die from alcoholpoisoning watch any debate with him and take a shot everytime he doesnt know something.

Who is the biggest problem in the establishment? Is it the Moderats or SocDems? Actions against them?


Sverigedemokraterna is definitely winning this election, either in hand with Socialdemokraterna or alone.
The polls say so.

Er du den blond danske gutten fl*renz?

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show swedes the problem they have, thats the best way

I just happened to hav been looking at polls for the Swedish general election and this latest poll had the Sweden Democrats wer on 28.5% up from 20%, Let's Hope!

perhaps, but the swedes that are against mass immigration is in a crushing majority

That's pretty well known. The counter argument is basically that danes are racists. The problem is that people don't give a shit what I say, I'm a fucking swedish male. What we need is international bad publicity. Tim Pool's story, the "last night in sweden" comment by Trump (mocked by the establishment and then instantly followed by a terrorist attack killing several) and the swedish/danish debate where the swedish journalists sperged out are some examples of what changed the climate here.
