>INb4 some retard cites an image stating the archaeologists who were conducting the study of pic related were Israeli
If you truly believe all Jews are evil, then why do you worship the supposed king of Jews?
>Also inb4 Le Israelis are not the real Jews
>They're descended from the real Jews
>Not real Jews
Israelis are the descendants of the ancient Jews, this you cannot deny.
>Muh Bible says Jesus was white
The Bible is a compilation of bastardized Jewish/Pagan European folk lore stories. It is not the literal word of Jesus, as it was written three hundred years after Jesus's death.All the supposed "real" paintings of Jesus were also created three hundred years after Jesus's death.
So why do supposed "white nationalist" worship a brown Middle Eastern Jew?
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh look another kike propaganda thread.
Did u kno hitler was juish lol
>No actual argument
its just americans
Makes it easier for rabbi to control them
Jesus, as the son of god, can choose how he wants to look. He chose that form because it was the people he would walk among. Jesus has no race and transcends all culture.
Jews killed christ retard. They hate christ so much that the slur KIKE was created because of it
This. And that's considered white in the US
>He can choose how he wants look like
>No reference to back this assertion up
>Moving the goal post
Because crypto-Jews push it
>says god was a jew
Yeah fuck off schlomo
>thinks Judeans are the same as Jews
Jesus is truly progressive. Fellow dems, maybe this is the time that we should pick up Christianity since its leader is so progressive and multicutural.
"king of the jews" used on the cross is used ironically you dumb faggot.
>Forgets to read the description of the thread
hows post-christian germany working out for you, muhammad?
Go read the Bible.
>No argument
>Calls me Scholomo but worships a Jew
Major shill raid and look, anti Christian threads.
Oh how reassuring.
Why do supposed diversity lovers obsess about whites?
Judaism is a faith, how can God be a faithful of himself?
True white nationalists abandoned the church ages ago, if they were ever followers to begin with. All abrahamicism is Jewish horse shit, and both Hitler and Dr. William Pierce knew that allowing christfaggotry in the movement is just to pacify the low IQer foot soldiers at the lower levels of the hierarchy. Even Mike Enoch talks about how christfaggotry is a tool of Jewish subjugation.
>All anti-Christian threads are shill
So, this is the power of the Christcuck. Not bad. Not bad at all.
Why do whites obsess about diversity lovers(Jews)?
pic related
That’s not what He looks like. Just look at the Shroud of Turin.
Judaism is a race you autistic little bitch, if it were just a faith Tay-Sachs wouldn't have a genetic correlation with the Jewish people. Fuckin' fag.
Why do you only believe in certain parts of the Bible that fits your agenda?
>how can God be faithful of himself
>moving the goal post
^these are both correct
also look into when jesus beat the shit out of greedy jews:
>forgets to read the description of the thread
Get cancer you meme flag fag.
>Judaism is a race
Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist jew agenda.
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>Incapable of reading the description of the thread
>Thinks a Jew would beat up his fellow Jew
How is that moving the goal post? Are summerfags already out of their schools?
you haven't even read the Bible you pathetic memeflag piece of shit
>le Jesus was an ugly brown jew
Umm no sweetie.
Sup plebbit athiest
can you fuck off now? thanks.
I don't like anti Christian propaganda from left wingers
>No actual counter argument
You’re such a dishonest retard u deserve gulag, Jesus was a Levantine and the New Testament was written as soon as Jesus died in 33AD it’s not like Jesus didn’t preach to Jews, only the oldest literate race, u niggers swear Christianity started with Constantine. Such dishonesty it’s sickening, U deserve gas chamber
Remember: A good Christian supports Jews and Israels no matter what.
None of Jesus's miracles were real, he was nothing but a Jewish cult leader who opposed traditional Jewish power. We have plenty of anti-zionist leaders now who don't claim to be the son of God like a schizophrenic sperg.
>Forgets to read the description of the thread
>Thinks a Jew born in the Middle East was pasty white and Nordic
what you some kind of theology expert???????????????????????????
Halt the display of this false (((study))) at once.
>post sn argument
Le moving the goal post goy!
>post an insult
Oy vey! Not an argument goy!
This thread is giving me deja vu.
not everyone who hates niggers is a bible thumper, retard. they suck kike dick more than anyone. meme flag dick eater.
>can be anything in the universe
>becomes a Jew
> has to criticize the semantics of the post because he can't address the actual argument
This is how everybody knows you're a retarded little fag who can't get any decent cunt lmao.
How is the pic he posted pasty white nordic looking? Bot confirmed. Sage
>Still no actual counter argument
Are you retarded? Saying Judaism is a race is the same as saying racism is a race, do you not understand basic grammar?
An ism is a belief.
How can god be a faithful of himself? Please explain.
Being this fucking retarded.
Read pic related.
Some say Jesus Christ was just a man, or maybe a great teacher. But He was and is much more than that. The Bible says Jesus is unique in both His person and His purpose. He wasn’t just some spiritual individual during His time on earth; He was both God’s Son (John 3:16) and God Himself—God in human flesh (I Timothy 3:16). Yes, He was fully man, but He was also fully God (Colossians 2:9)
>and God Himself—God in human flesh
If jesus is a jew, then god is a jew.
>jesus is the king of jews
>that's why the jews killed him. The Talmud literally says Jesus boils in shit. "king of jews".
>why does jesus's race matter. He is God. Why would I give a fuck that his body is similar to that of a jew? Do you think that is what makes a jew? his body and not his evil mind and nature?
> still criticizing the semantics of the post because the actual argument completely destroyed his entire stance
>How is a picture of a man with white skin,brown/yellowish looking hair Nordic looking
>Still no actual argument
>moving the goal post
Your argument is that Judaism is a race, when it's not. Khazar is a race, should have used that instead. Maybe should have used judean? Is that what you're trying g to say?
> being a white nationalist
> believing all Jews are evil
Implying that one cannot exist without the other
> proving Jesus's miracles were real through a Jow Forums screenshot
Typical, mentally incapacitated christlet.
Prove they were fake.
Semantic argumeeeeeeeeent, because you have nothing moooooooore.
It's always the same threads over and over again.
Hehehe look guys! I'm le memeing
>same thing
>different IDs
>thinks same fag
Wow! Damn I never thought of it like that
>over and over again
>still doesn't provide any actual counter argument to the assertions made within the title of the thread
> alchemy has never successfully been accomplished outside of a chemistry lab and using actual compounds to create the chemical changes
> Jesus turned water into wine with nothing but magic powers
>still posts the same script
> can't defend his original argument so he completely abandons it in favor of impotent shitposting
>lel I'm so smart samefagging they'll never catch on
I'm a pagan so I say this without any bias in favor of Christianity, but the image you're using is inaccurate. The Shroud of Turin is a far better representation of Yeshua's appearance. It's certainly not white, but it's at least more handsome.
But he was god in flesh.
>still same script
>still hasn't provided an actual counter argument
>still using the same meme
Because Catholicism.
> completely abandoned his argument because he got destroyed
> impotently raging at the posters in the thread who humiliated him without an actual premise
> appeal to authority
>jesus was a brown jew because all jews are brown
>white looking Israelis are descended from ancient jews goy
>Provides no actual counter argument
>still posting the exact same meme numerous times
>Still posting the same damn meme
> he thinks Ashkenazis just materialized one day out of the ether
Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist jew agenda.
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>he thinks that's a counter argument
> can't present an actual argument to rebuke mine
> still impotently spamming away because he's frothing at the mouth with christlet rage
>Thinks being descended from a specific group makes you genetically identical to that specific group you are descended from
I am doing a thesis on the subversive nature of Jews, specifically pilpul.
In honour of my subject I will be stealing your comment and using it without crediting you.
Also I can't believe you have accused everyone who ever touched a Bible a bastard! Who would do such a thing?
>still hasn't responded to the difference between proposed Christ's face and his descendants skin color
>dancing arou d arguments
It is. Ashkenazis have been proven through thousands of years of historical data to be a European/Jewish genetic mixture. Period. And nothing you do will ever change that.
>thinks chinks can turn into niggers magically
Spice and remove thread
>Ukrainian hohol larping a semitic palestinian