So why do supposed "white nationalist" worship a brown Middle Eastern Jew?

>INb4 some retard cites an image stating the archaeologists who were conducting the study of pic related were Israeli
If you truly believe all Jews are evil, then why do you worship the supposed king of Jews?
>Also inb4 Le Israelis are not the real Jews
>They're descended from the real Jews
>Not real Jews
Israelis are the descendants of the ancient Jews, this you cannot deny.
>Muh Bible says Jesus was white
The Bible is a compilation of bastardized Jewish/Pagan European folk lore stories. It is not the literal word of Jesus, as it was written three hundred years after Jesus's death.All the supposed "real" paintings of Jesus were also created three hundred years after Jesus's death.

Attached: Real Jesus.jpg (1920x1080, 221K)

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Oh look another kike propaganda thread.

Did u kno hitler was juish lol

>No actual argument

Attached: Knuckle dragging retard.png (645x729, 116K)

its just americans
Makes it easier for rabbi to control them

Jesus, as the son of god, can choose how he wants to look. He chose that form because it was the people he would walk among. Jesus has no race and transcends all culture.

Jews killed christ retard. They hate christ so much that the slur KIKE was created because of it

This. And that's considered white in the US

Attached: 1be171d.jpg (236x419, 20K)

>He can choose how he wants look like
>No reference to back this assertion up
>Moving the goal post

Attached: download (1).gif (500x382, 125K)

Because crypto-Jews push it

Attached: 1529502069015.jpg (646x789, 158K)