Melania just ruined any chance he has in reelection

Melania just ruined any chance he has in reelection

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Finally Blumpffturds BRFO

Not gonna lie, Trumps handling of this horrific scandal has made me change my mind about voting for him in 2020. #I'm with her now

Nope, Melnia just shut down the MSM narrative that she is trapped as Trumps wife and is embarrassed by him.

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You forgot to change the flag before posting

Were getting slidd hard

Kill yourself you sick disgusting faggot communist traitor.

Not gonna lie, Trumps handling of this horrific scandal has made me change my mind about voting for him in 2020. #I'm with her now

Holy shit I`m a democrat now, thank you OP.

Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.

Know the best part?

This is the year Democrats win fucking everything.




Asshole will attack Syria, kill Assad, and leave the bald headed Russian cunt spitting mad.

Then Mueller will have Asshole and Vice Asshole arrested by summer.

Then President Nancy Pelosi (uhhhnnng fuck YAS) gets to declare national emergency right before the big blue tsunami in November.

Hey, don't forget the Russian cunt!

He'll do something incredibly stupid. Or we'll just tell you he did. ;)

Are you guys with me?



President Nancy Pelosi. Democratic supermajority. War and emergency powers.


We're literally literally going to be dragging far right pantshitters into FEMA camps this time next year. We'll literally be giving their big houses to refugees and undocumented immigrants. We'll LITERALLY be doing whatever the fuck we want and there's exactly FUCK ALL Skinhead cunts can do about it.

Congrats, babydicks.

You beat your chests and thrust your little dicks thinking you'd won the entire world when Asshole beat Her.

Now, you get to find out what a big, brutal bloodthirsty bitch Hillary "Payback" Clinton is. And how much delicious mischief we'll do with no rules, no limits, and no more regressive shitfucks standing in our way.

Womp womp

Everyone likes Melania.
Stop being negative.

He really changed my whole life perspective, I'm now a homosexual muslim drag queen who wants to remove white people thanks to this post. Fuck laws, fuck boarders, murderous criminal rapists are people too !

Oh no!!!
Zero fucks given

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Those are some based last 3 digits

Does anyone know what her jacket was even supposed to mean? Or does she just actually not read English that well and thought it was just some trendy phrase?

He said he grabs women by the pussy and was still elected. One fucking jacket is nothing.

daily reminder that Melania is a gold digging mailorder bride slut from some commieblock backwater.

Fuck what leftists think. BASED MELANIA.
Maybe the next time the left wants to be outraged they shouldn't fucking lie about it constantly and improperly put the blame and fault for it on Trump.

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I had someone tell me years ago that "i dont care" is less offensive in places other than america. Like if your mother asks you if you want something to eat and you say i dont care its disrespectful in america, but nothing special anywhere else.

Not saying that's the reason, but its something to think about

Most women have little to no good qualities and in many cases their loyalty is to the highest possible bidder they can obtain. Why are you mad at trump for doing what's best for him? Should he have instead dated a far past her prime woman in her 50s after his latest divorce, is that what you would have done when you had access to super models?

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You need more material. Fresh un pasta'd stuff stuff. This one barely got a (You) out of me. Seen it too many times now babydick.

>This is the year Democrats win fucking everything.

Dems won't win the civil war once it breaks out after they win. They lose the war and they all get executed.

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Where's the line for muh free gibs?

Based, but unironically


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this unironically secured my vote for him. was skeptical until this.

Did you brainlets forget that this was started by Obama and you stayed silent for whole time until you were cornered and had to find “narrative” to hyper radicalize masses once again. I am not huge fan of Trump but he is by far the best president. I choose to withdraw from now on. It is too tiring to deal with people spoonfed with msm.

sage and kys


>1 in the pink 1 in the stink

You shills do realize that the more you try to push, the more transparent you become right? You think flooding this site with bullshit will make people leave like and therefore divide and conquer, but you keep failing to realize there is such a thing as loyalty. I'm not leaving this site, I'm voting Trump again, and all you've done is solidify a red voter for life.

Talk about a waste of time and money.

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>screenshot digits
>post itself digits

Hell boys, it's just starting.
My respect for Melania just jumped 100 fold.
The leftists went and screwed with her son, that's an Ooops moment.
They crossed a line.
All these pics of kids in cages are from Obama era.
Remember, the left always accuses the other side of what they are guilty of.

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>will make people leave

They don't even understand we're here forever.

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The left (Fonda) threatened her son.
She is sending a message.
Crossed a line.
Never were Obamas daughters ever threatened, and he had the same thing happening on his watch.
The left is going to push until they have some crazy do something really bad.

He'll be fine you crybaby, the media and liberals don't reflect the real population of your country just the vocal obnoxious minority

Such Wow drumpf btfo this time.
Awesome thread.
Great job.
Eternally btfo. Until the next shitty thread.

Smart Mexi user gets it.
The left has control of 95% of the MSM and about 50% of Congress.
Neither entity really reflects how most Americans feel.

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If the Khan Family, Access Hollywood, McCain and other things couldnt stop Trump, why would this?

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>jeff lynne
my boy, fucking god tier band

Naw, you are a moron.