Black Pigeon Sperges

The sheer irony dripping from this retard's videos. This guy has an emotional obsession with the UK and Europe, and his baseless videos seem to come off a false sense of superiority. Why won't this yellow fever sperg talk about the white genocide happening in his own country right now? Why won't he talk about sanctuary cities, or the open border with Mexico?

No, this asperger prefers to meme abotu le binning le knife, whilst his country gets BLACKED

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Other urls found in this thread:

Just so you know he browses here so if a leaf or East Asian flag shows up and spergs out you've probably baited him successfully.

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Does he live in East Asian? The absolute state of this fat weeb

He lives in Japan...
He is basically a non-asian white migrant in Japan, who does not want non-white migration to Europe.

He's a leaf and he talks about Leafland, but it's a lost cause as we know.

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He’s a white guy who lives in japan and probably married a gook and just talks shit over a microphone about his home country, why doesn’t he get off his ass and do something about it the problem I have with all these E celebs is that they always say we have to stop this and most never act on anything except for Lauren southern, I’m not shilling for her but out of all e celebs you have to at least give her credit for going to South Africa and having balls to film what’s going on unlike most but either way who gives a fuck what black thinks.

He has a second channel called TVShinjuku where he tours East Asian countries, but he did move to Japan somewhat recently.

Tot be fair, he stated multiple times he does not oppose migration but he does oppose mass migration with huge demographic consequences.

Hi mediamatters shill.

Goodbye fagnigger cocksucking little homofuck kike jew. Chew your own lips off. Cut off your fingers and stop typing, worthless assfucker.

>Sanctuary cities
People who live in big cities aren't white desu.

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Faith Goldie also put her ass on the line. Tommy Robinson too!

watching him now just to spite you OP

if you actually cared about your country you wouldnt be against his vids. He is in one of the few countries that are not completely cucked like the UK and most of europe. America is getting better but your country is getting worse.

All of his videos are total cringe. He sounds like some mgtow incel loser.

>and most never act on anything except for Lauren southern
How many children does that beloved tradthot of yours have, huh? How is she "acting" when she's wasting her most fertile years?

She's not doing SHIT. In fact, she's doing LESS than BPS but you like her because she gets your peepee hard.

>you have to at least give her credit for going to South Africa
Yeah, credit for the thot for going on what's effectively a vacation on the money of her paypiggies. Maybe, MAYBE if she settled down with a white man and spent the next few years having at least three children, I'd consider even remotely listening to her. For now she's doing the painfully obvious: parroting what her chosen demographic wants to hear back at them in order to make bank.

Hi Alexander.

from your post filled with "projection" I came to the conclusion that you are filthy muslim.
it's the " sense of superiority" that's give it away.

Any content creator that pol think is good?
At least with BPG the EU get some difusion about it problems.

>Blackstone intelligence

Those names reek of mossad/Masonic shills

>Hey there fellow enlightened souls. I'm also a free thinking contratian who doesn't blindly follow what the mainstream media tells me to believe.
>Can you please tell me what information I'm allowed to consume?
Fuck off.

TY user!
Feel welcome with this.

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he's talked about the decline of both the US and Canada umpteen time you autistic fagbot

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More information more power. Ill decice what to belive.

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Yes, you'll "decide" after being fed information that your clique has filtered for you and decided is good for you. How about you behave like a fucking rational human being and look for that information yourself? Don't say anything, I know! It's because looking up shit for yourself is difficult.

You completely failed to refute one word he ever said, you faggot.

I fund him, he's pretty fucking based if you ever speak with him 1 on 1. Total autist, best kind of person.

Retardation levels over 9000.

I think he is a leaf.

he's canadian you moron. from hongcouver.

I think in one of his videos he stated he's a dual citizen of America and Canada, but has traveled a lot in his life so he spent more time outside of his two 'homelands' than in them. Currently living in South Korea I think.

I don't need to, sperg. I'm attacking his character based on the content he has produced. Which is trash, so this is result and my take it on. Are you autistic?

Yea how could I forget about faith Goldie and tommy Robinson

I’m not a shill for her I’m just pointing out what I’ve observed from here videos, Lauren’s image has been changing ever since the beginning of the year and hasn’t been the same to me:

>caring about Canada
The colonized areas are a lost cause, except maybe Australia.
We need to focus on Europe.

He's canadian I believe, and he talks about whites getting crowded out of their countries all the time. Dafuq are you talking about?

character assassination thread

>I'm attacking his character
The absolute state of leftards
They're openly admitting to using Ad Hom and acting like it's totally fine.

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The Alternative Hypothesis is really good.

kek, stay salty bong, and show me your license to post on the interwebz

Not a leftist. And I SHAN'T be justifying myself to some fat weeb greaseball lmao

haha praise kek!

Oh boy. Another "E-celeb" slide thread.



>in his own country
What's his country? Not that I care, but I've never figured from his videos.

Did he hurt your feelings ?

>Not a leftist.
Uh huh, sure. Attacking the character of someone you don't like and completely ignoring their message totally isn't ripped directly from the left's playbook.

Are the kikes at again?

they are, also saged

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We have him ranked #1 of 50...

1. Black Pigeon Speaks
2. Anthony B. Logan
3. Paul Joseph Watson
4. Mark Dice
5. Kevin J. Johnston
6. Wild Smile
7. Bearing
8. Jesse Lee Peterson
9. Lift the Veil
10. The Iconoclast