Not to tip a fedora or anything, but how do Christians explain Dinosaurs?

Not to tip a fedora or anything, but how do Christians explain Dinosaurs?

I've seen people refer to the Behemoth and the Leviathan as dinosaurs in the Bible.
But that would mean they believe Dinosaur and Man lived side by side. I mean really?
And the Leviathan breathed fire, so its more of a dragon.

People say the dinosaurs died in the flood. How, God said save 2 of every animal. Did he say fuck the dinosaurs though?

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If they started having to explain dinosaurs imagine all the other nonsense they would have to ascribe reason to.

t. Tips Fedora

Dinosaur fossils are a atheist/Jewish trick to discredit the bible and true Christians
Its actually a rather compelling theory if you actually look into it, basically they say because the first fossils weren't identified until like the 50's or whenever that they all have to be fabricated and the "science" of paleontology is just a cash grab scheme that got out of hand

I dont know too much about the counter argument because dinosaurs are the cashest shit and I choose to believe they existed

Noah didn't do a very good job obviously

Dinosaurs were totally made-up 200 years ago.

Look up the bone wars. 2/3 of the dino bones "found" were proven to be false. Even the brontosaurus was recently found to be faked.

I believe its possible for a larger version of an elephant, like the wooly mammoth or komodo dragon type, but dinosaurs are a myth to try to gain credibility with darwins evolution. Thats why they keep adding feathers to these lizards.

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>he believes in dinosaurs
How embarassing

Another reason for dinosaurs is to coverup the fact that GIANT HUMANS used to live among us

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Like any intelligent Christian they ignore old testament jewish bullshit and claim that god made the big bang happen


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And who profited most from the hoax?

And what is Spielberg?

I'll let you fill in the blanks*

*I don't want to go to prison

> pic
they fertilized eggs after they were laid, like chickens

Hay soos road a T-Rex around Jordan!

Our interpretation of geology and dating methods are incorrect; like many aspects of science before them. A deep fossills "millions of years" underground was really just buried by a giant cataclysm aka the flood.

Are we talking about Schindlers List here or Jurrassic Park?

>but how do Christians explain Dinosaurs?
The non-retarded Christians accept reality. The heavily retarded ones say crazy shit like this:

You dont need to believe in creationism to begin with faglord even if you are Christian.

>You dont need to believe what the Bible says even if you are Christian.

I ain't gotta explain shit

Are we supposed to believe these made up images of what the Earth looked like millions of years ago based off of nothing but conjecture of (((paleontologists))) wanking off on some bones? Who the fuck knows? Certainly not these half baked scientists who worship Satan and their own egos.

>Old Testament
>when Christanity primarily focuses on the New Testament

they weren't mammals you know

God made dinosaurs dipshit.

If the Old Testament isn't cannon, why is it included in the Bible?

I'm really shocked that I seem to be alone in this opinion...

The Bible contains large swaths of metaphor for things that are certainly, absolutely intended to be taken as such. For instance, the largest book in The Bible is Psalms, which is entirely written in poetic verse. It's meant to be felt and weighed, not litigated. The question of dinosaurs, evolution, prehistoric humans, and essentially all history predating early Abrahamic culture is essentially contained completely in the book of Genesis.

Genesis spans from the story of creation to the beginning of the Exodus of the Israelite people from Egypt. It's an incredibly long amount of time.

According to some of the Biblical scholarship stuff I've read, the WAY Genesis is written is very important, as it gives clues to the intention of the author and therefore a clearer picture of what the intended message was supposed to convey.

Genesis is written in a similar fashion to other literature from that time period that was meant to convey a metaphor rather than an instruction manual. This isn't to say at all that The Bible is to be interpreted loosely and without conviction; it is, but when things are repeated in specific language, I think that's how we ought to approach those verses. Again, Genesis is written like a story, not an instruction manual.

So I believe that really evolution and Genesis aren't mutually exclusive. And the other unanswered issues too. I see no reason why God didn't use the tool of evolution in order to create humanity. Really, the metaphorical creation of man out of dust is really not inaccurate according to the theory of evolution.

I think what God was more concerned about addressing in the book of Genesis was much less the technical details of our creation, but rather the essence of our nature. After all, when you're writing a book that will have an audience spanning thousands of years, there's little purpose in telling sheep herders that they morphed out of trilobites.

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It got Ret-conned after that Age of Sigmar shit

You're a retard

Dinosaurs are mentioned in Job 40. Not that hard to understand.

Also: we used to live together with dinosaurs, but they later went extinct.

You are not alone in that opinion. Well put together post. To say God created man is not necessarily to say that God said POOF and man appeared. It could absolutely be interpreted to say that God set about a series of events (go as microscopic as you want) in order to create man. To say we're part of God's grand creation (existence as we know it) is not incomprehensible. God theoretically could have set rules of physics differently in order to create an entirely different world. Almost kind of a deist, deterministic interpretation.

Good post fellow pede. Have an upvote. Have u seen the latest Q post? I’m gonna blog about it later tonight after I finish my tendies.

this. every fossil displayed was made in chinese fossil factories. A you have to do is compare their weight and size to current large animals. zero chance giant dinos could even walk on land much less have a long ass neck weighing tons swinging around.

there's nothing in the bible that states one way or another but personally I've always thought we lived together in the distance past

Everything in the bible is plagiarized or fabricated. Genesis basically being a character-swapped epic of gilgamesh, for instance. Another (and I can't find the link, sry), is that Egyptian archaeologists were unable to find any evidence of Hebrew slavery at any point in their history. Its easier to explain as just a reprint of a reprint, etc... of an old social engineering tool. In times when only a handful of people could read, I imagine any written text could be perceived as magical when interpreted - very powerful considering its limitations.

You can still hold on to Christian values, and otherwise be considered a good "Christian" person without buying in to a bunch of old mythological parables. There may be truth buried in there, though its been buried under centuries of political intrigue and lies.

The state of summerbots

You assume all Christians are literalists.

>People say the dinosaurs died in the flood. How, God said save 2 of every animal. Did he say fuck the dinosaurs though?

Noone says that. Noah took the eggs of the few spiecies of dinosaurs with him on the boat.

The variety of dinosaurs bones we find today were from interbreeding after the flood. Kinda like the thousands of dog breeds come from a single wolf.

confirm("Are you ready to play?");
var age = prompt("What is your age?");
if(age < 18)
console.log("Sorry, but you're a faggot");
console.log("Get ready to get ass raped");

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Best way to explain it, along with evolution and other stuff like that, is this. How long is a day to God? We currently think of it as 24 hours, but to God, it could be a billions years or more.

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And then:

And then believe on Jesus Christ for remission of your sins and your only way to go to heaven.
Please watch this entire video to see how fraudulent science is used to prop up "evolution." In it, you will see that science proves the KJV Bible right. There are numerous things that the Bible has told were going to happen before they did, particularly Revelation, which we are just getting into now. How could a book 2,000 years ago tell that no one (except the unsaved/hellbound) would be able to buy or sell without a mark in their right hand or forehead?

Dinosaurs were on earth at the same time as humans. There is all kinds of evidence that supports this; just watch the videos. The Bible and many ancient writings and societies refer to them as "dragons." This is among many other things that man is willfully ignorant of. Please watch that video. The man in it spent a decade in prison for withdrawing his own money from his own bank account.

>Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

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Dinosaurs are actually Alpha Draconans. There is a reason dragons were depicted throughout many cultures of the world. They didn't go extinct, they went underground.

You are retarded m8

That is not how chicken sex works, please read a fucking book

They literally believe it's all a conspiracy and scientists are burying fake bones in the earth.

This is a good hypothesis for a simulated reality.

Why are you asking pol? Of all the groups of people you think pol is likely to buy into a Jewish lie? Ask something about pagans or something, nobody here is retarded enough to believe in Yahweh.

The bible talked about them. God gave them a swimming lesson for being the bastard offspring of fallen angels.

They must of been black though because they all drowned.

Genesis literalists (Young Earth Creationists) are the minority. They have literally always been the minority.

Dinosaurs aren't real, bud. Look at T-Rex, no way that thing existed it's silly to be over 12 and think so. They were imvemted by museums to attract touriats. They hide all the "real" bones in storage they claim as well lmao. In case you haven't figured it out, all theoretical science is an occult religion.

For the Gilgamesh poster, can you read Sumerian? Thought not.

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>swimming lesson's


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or even the MegaCanids of to-day

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Nobody has mentioned the Canopy Theory?
Before the flood things lived incredibly long lives. Some animals kept growing until death, therefore before the flood many types of huge creatures existed. The water canopy around the Earth and the superior DNA of preflood (antediluvian) life insured their lengthy lifespan. Notice in the Bible there was never any rain until the flood. Also everyone ate veggies.

Round about way to say the flood.

When God created the universe, he also created the means for living beings to change adapt, and evolve. Fedorafags are too stupid to come up with this shit themselves.

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How did the dinosaurs in the oceans survive?

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Perhaps they were all fresh water creatures and the flood made the oceans salty?

Love this one, last seen many years ago.

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Therefore most of them died.

This. As Issac Newton said, God created everything by number, weight, and measure.

but they arent all freshwater

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bones from one of the nephilim have been used for ages to fabricate 'dinosaur' skeletons


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The timeline of Genesis is not literal and is outlined in a fairly reasonable order given our current understanding of natural history.

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show me some nephilim fossils plox

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what if we just not use the scripture as a scientific basis

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Sure, I'll bite.

How do dinosaurs contradict Christianity?

they're in all the musea, the bones have been twisted and deformed by the earth and are now displayed as huge beasts which roamed the earth 300 million years ago

That would be ideal, yes. The Word is a text for personal guidance not a scientific textbook.

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Dinosaurs existed when God was still young. Didn't you play with dinosaurs as a kid, user?

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>i promise ill pull out

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>le JIDF gaslighting thread
no flat earth threads today?

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well, theyre big, and have long necks, for one

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>jews caused dinosaurs too!

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A fucking jew?

G-d: "Behold my work. Allosaurus."

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well many dont believe real dinosaurs exist. if you ever see a fossil let me know. because only a few dozen people have every seen a real one. the ones you see in musuems are all fakes. the real ones are locked up.

>made in God's image
>love dinos when young
>90% of species appear at same time
>Right about when God's moved out of his parent's house and is starting his career
almonds activated

G-d: "Behold my work. Monsters of the Deep."

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>but how do Christians explain Dinosaurs

How do you explain how reptiles decided to grow tits, squirt out milk, give live birth, then stick around to nurse their young. A bit of a stretch of just lucky happenstance where the first lizard with milky tits had some benefit over the one that did not for enough generations to develop an instinct to nurse its young.

Anyway this is a Jew slide thread and nobody who is a Christian (lives life according to the lessons and actions of Jesus) feels that their spiritual truths they find in his teachings are invalidated by the fact that the old testament creation mythos (like 4 fucking pages) is mythos and not logos.

You need to have a higher than room temperature IQ to see the deeper truths in parable and other mythos.

>How will necklets every recover?

near the inland sea

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G-d: "Behold my work. Coelocanth."

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Christians need to explain the GOSPEL (Good News) of JESUS CHRIST and how to obtain ETERNAL LIFE AND SALVATION through FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST ALONE!

Christians need not explain anything about Dinosaurs.

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240-million-year-old coelacanth fossil found in Madagascar

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Not 1 real dinosaur scull fossil has ever been found.

>And the evening and the morning were the first/second/third/fourth/fifth/sixth day.
God is clearly defining here a "day" as an evening and a morning.

and you think those are real skulls? and not replicas? i cant find the chinese link of the company that does all the recreations.

my theory is that the original dino bones were actually giants and etc from the old days and they just use the model of the dinosaur to cover the original bones which were more likely large leg bones and some artist came up with the concept of a cover up and dinosaurs were created


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>well many dont believe real dinosaurs exist.

Religion: Faith-based. No proof needed.
Science: Proof-based. No faith needed.
And never the twain shall meet.

The Monster Study


The Monster Study was a stuttering experiment on 22 orphan children in Davenport, Iowa, in 1939 conducted by Wendell Johnson at the University of Iowa. Johnson chose one of his graduate students, Mary Tudor, to conduct the experiment and he supervised her research. After placing the children in control and experimental groups, Tudor gave positive speech therapy to half of the children, praising the fluency of their speech, and negative speech therapy to the other half, belittling the children for every speech imperfection and telling them they were stutterers. Many of the normal speaking orphan children who received negative therapy in the experiment suffered negative psychological effects and some retained speech problems during the course of their life. Dubbed “The Monster Study” by some of Johnson’s peers who were horrified that he would experiment on orphan children to prove a theory, the experiment was kept hidden for fear Johnson’s reputation would be tarnished in the wake of human experiments conducted by the Nazis during World War II. The University of Iowa publicly apologized for the Monster Study in 2001.

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Most of Genesis is just an allegory; science comes first. Anyone who says otherwise is a low-iq Pr*ttie.

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Dinosaurs are made up nonsense