Ireland 2040 (Ireland embraces mass immigration)

What I would’ve laughed at a couple of years ago has now become a reality, for years I always thought that things like Islamic extremism, mosques etc were only issues in the cities and different countries, however this isn’t the case, in 2040 they say the population is going to increase by one million people, and >100,000 of this will be economic migrants, recently they attempted to put 115 asylum seekers in a nearby town called Lisdoon locally, the population of lisdoon is 100 people, they literally attempted to make the population of lisdoon a minority like that, however this was stopped because a vote was taken and 93% of residents voted against this ethnic cleansing, however I’ve no doubt the Irish govt will put them in some other place, we already have gangs of nigs terrorizing the streets of Dublin and a labor councilor wanted to fly the flag of minority nations over the county hall yet didn’t want to fly the Irish flag Incase it “offended” immigrants and also said “hopefully one day we can fly the red flag here” but this issue is more than just flags, this is nothing short of the ethnic cleansing of the white Irishman and replacing our rich heritage with a large multicultural mess and this all being egged on by the lefty trendy collage liberals overly influenced by Americans and our queer shit skin Taoiseach (prime minister) Leo Vardakar. It depresses and embarrasses me that this is what’s happening to my country, that images are being beamed around the world of niggers trying to fight elderly people outside their burnt out house, if there’s any justice in the world Leo will wind up getting stoned by the very people who he brought into the country in the first place for being some queer, degenerate EU cock sucking, communist appeasing handicap. That’s my rant over bois cheers.

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Save the Potato nigger.
I may be from protestant ancestry but we were the poorfags of the clan and left from cork. I'd rather not see that island turned into a nigfest, your music is the tits.

>NI subtly included
Nah, you guys aren’t fucking that place up.

>Potato Famine 2.0

Council are building 10 houses near me in a floodplain of the Shannon while there are hundreds of houses just sitting around windows broken inside in limerick city, Unless they force people to take people in there's nowhere for them to go.

“Irish music” will be the call to prayer within the next couple of years at this rate, if you’d told me in 2010 or even 2014 that the town where I go to school would have women walking around in burkas and a pack of sandniggers in my school I literally would not have believed it, it’s the Jews lads I’m telling you, this whole migrant thing doesn’t just happen they’re shepherding this global filth to all the countries of Europe and soon Luton in the UK will be the model which every town and city and village and hamlet from Ireland to Italy and everywhere in between and they won’t stop, when I first saw those Muslims carrying the signs “Islam will dominate the world” I thought it as some fringe group but now I look at my own town and I’m seeing that it’s not much of a joke anymore

Look up news on that town again. I'm pretty sure the government forced them to take the immigrants even after they voted.

Hopefully an Irish user can confirm or deny.

To be fair, the original Iriish were bronze-skinned Muslims.

Burn them down at the weekend when nobody’s on site

From what I know is they were pretty much forced to accommodate them. I don't know why they chose lisdoonvarna to do this there are many other towns similar and closer to major city's.

Haven't started yet they only went in and fucked up the fields with diggers and put up notices, everyone is against it around here but it's going to happen anyway.

You need a new brand of rebel music that is fashy. I'm suprised the IRA isn't opposed to immigrantion tbf.

What happened to just kneecaping people and burying them at sea?

IRA is so left wing it’s not even funny

Only 60 migrants got placed in Lisdoonvarna and a bunch have since fucked off. They're not all negros either. A lot are Polloks(who are also mud farming, potato boiling, Catholics).

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some local hotel owner made a deal with the government worth 1-2 million.

True, they are socialist and Marxist just like James connolly.

Did they leave any supplies or equipment on site? Shame if something were to happen to it and the notices vandalized appropriately.

You see the thing about the IRA is they were never keen on taking a side on the political spectrum it’s just “muh 32 counties” although in the 70s and 80s it changed and they went left wing and the IRAs magazine had headlines like “local capitalist killed in ambush” and were using big boi words like “imperialism” and “colonialism” and then in debates are like “Churchill and d Indians :DD” there’s no having any real debate with them to be honest

Lisdoonvarna has a match making festival or something like that. They're trying to push miscegenation on us.

All that was left was a big hole in the ground, I went out filed it in, they haven't been back for a month or so.

Pretty sure lisdoon consists of hotels a few pubs and a couple of houses the rest are dispersed around the countryside I don’t see why they’ve to put them there of all places

you guys are the eu's bitch since you banned smoking in pubs for eu-money. that was the point of no return. you made your bed, now get raped in it.

Just being a good helpful citizen, I see. Unattended holes can be a danger.

There is fuck all out there really.

Lisdoon match making festival is just an excuse for local lads to go drinking and pro creating, it’s more of a tradition than an actual thing, because since most people were socially awkward at the time and didn’t have much social skills and had trouble finding someone they enlisted the help of a match maker and that’s how it started really

Their trick runs on the wheels of 'it wont happen here'

Wouldn't want to fall in and snap my neck.

But Ireland has low corporate tax You are a capitalist country.

We've had traitors before, time to get our hands dirty again.

The local alt lite kid was fuming when a few brown people turned up and then I told him go out and get (I can’t rember the name of it but it’s a liquid that solidifies very quickly when you do something to it) and get a syringe and put it in the locks of their door at night when they’re locked, then they’re locked in their house while a locksmith has to come and change it which in rural areas can be quite some time, yet he didn’t have the stones for it and cucked out very lively

you wont do anything, nobody does anything

Referring to the IRA

I don’t think anybody can really mimic the amount of influence the IRA had on our country, I know it was wrong headed and evil a lot of the things the Provos did and that but like they’ve basically an entire music genre dedicated to them and pretty much every door was open to them in their communities, any chance of a proper right wing movement in Ireland went with the blueshirts in the 30s and now we’ve the same problems as the Americans with AntiFa and femenazis

I wholeheartedly agree user, it saddens me that we have been denied our birthright in this nation. What is our identity? What will our identity be in 10-20 years? Will kids in the future not look at pictures from the 60s, 70s and 80s and see how predominantly white and homogeneous we were and not ask questions? It deeply saddens me

Erin go Bragh!

>Legalize Abortion
>Start importing the 3rd world
Coincidence? I think not.

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Gaels have their own national flag which I find interesting. Maybe if you can associate the flag with protecting your identity against (((multiculturalism))) you can get the idea through the general populace.

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I like the saltire of St. patrick desu

It's happened so quickly. The only immigrants at my primary school were two Poles and a third-gen Indian. It's turned into Pakistan in less than twenty years.

They had to ramp it up strategically so nobody would notice until it were too late.

Flag has already been used by na finna, which used to be the youth of the IRA now is the youth wing of SF

Left wing nationalism is always a mistake. They make allies of convenience but it's always a Faustian bargain. It's the same phenomenon in Scotland and Catalonia.

I wish the blueshirts didn’t go to Spain to be honest probably would’ve lasted longer, it was all civil war politics at that time though, with Finna Gael and Finna Fáil and Labor in the dáil bar spending their ridiculous €55K a year salary (€80K a year if its a minister) just to sell out our country to Brussels and to economic migrants and Jews wanting to infest our beautiful land with this trash and filth capable of nothing but causing havoc and destruction, the Gardaí are weak and ineffective when it comes to the matter, they don’t want to deal with it, they’ve come out and said that they don’t have fear or authority on their side because these people come from countries where lads leave the house and are like “right have I got my wallet, my keys and my RPG” even though they’re probably just going getting a bit of milk, I don’t see how garda Declan who’s dressed as a lollipop man and who’s arsenal consists of a truncheon and the reek of his breath from ciggys and coffee, it’s a joke we might as well all get a ticket to Australia and abandon ship at this point

>it’s the Jews
It's actually corporations looking for cheap labour and more customers. Some of the CEOs are jewish but to say that they have some sort of evil perennial grudge against white people is pretty stupid. Why would a jewish supremacist import millions of antisemitic, anti-israel muslims into europe? I makes more sense to see this is some wealthy banker or CEO lobbying the state to import new customers/workers.

But but but guys, capital is the problem. muh free market

This kraut is actually woke as fuck.

Corporations are actually fucking satanic. Single-proprietorship or union-owned companies is literally the only way to go

Viva la falange

Yeah, they got infiltrated by the atheist commies. Most of the OG IRA, as well as the Provos were good Catholic nationalists

Fuck de Valera and his liberal commie minions.

Arent immigrants more likely to use the abortion system anyway?
Its like that in USA

>implying that the communists didn't co-opt the corporate capitalist state to further their goal of destroying the west
>implying that leftist degeneracy and modern capitalism are not inexplicably intertwined

pic related

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They also have more children on average, so it doesn't make any difference.

Abortion won’t be used as a form of contraception and it won’t be as common as it is in America, FG won’t let that happen and the Irish public would go spare if it panned out like that, anyway it’s ireland so there’ll be a 9 month waiting list

>de Valera

Without abortion, you keep a high birth rate and dont need immigrants.

problem is, this keeps educated mothers at home with kids, driving up wages for skilled men, so the capitalist elite would rather have abortion and immigrants to free up skilled labor and drive down their costs

Yeah but we live in a post welfare society, phrases like ''if you cant feed em, dont breed em!'' aren't true anymore when ''people'' get to demand free housing and finance in a global fucking recession...

Lads I’m still stunned there’s going to be loads of ooga booga nig nogs running around my village fairly soon, anyone up for a milita

That's absolutely where it's headed, even if it's not going to happen right away. In time,the public will change and will accept it. It's the same Fabian-style methodology that is always used.

They're not going to stop until whites are a minority in every country.

You would need the help of your up north brothers if you wanted to clense the country of shitskins and traitors alike
God, I would take going back to the troubles and having brits beat the fuck out of me for fun than having my country invaded by a bunch of no good ungrateful shitskins

Ireland is fucked. I just spent trhee days in galway. there was only one guy my age who thought abortion was wrong. he didnt even know why.

I expalained to him the moral reasoning why killing babies is evil and he thanked me, as noone had told him before.

you lads need to seriously step up your education

Anyone who believes this is an idiot. They liberals will absolutely be pushing relentlessly for free-for all abortion, just like in the UK.

Its going to happen (not that killing kids later or earlier makes killing kids any better)

Did you tell him that abortion is for the systematic extermination and replacement of the white race?
If not your efforts were for nothing

You'll completely turn people off of an issue with talk like that, casually.
Whether it's intentional or a side effect of something else is irrelevant though as it's almost certainly occurring

Nah, he was just a good ignorant catholic boy.

Yeah that’s true, people are “educated” though you’d find people with a uni degree don’t know the first things about politics and just tend to inherit their views from their parents because they see political discussion as a waste of time, and indifference is probably the major enabler of this new holy war and ethnic cleansing in my opinion

they seem to get most of their veiws from marxist profs rather than their parents. the old guys i talked to seemed quite conservative.

the people in Mass were mostly old too.

>white irishmen
The idea that an irishman could be of any other complexion then a pale one is already thought-cancer that puts you in the defensive.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say Deutschbag we all can’t harbor the aryan race

Some of them do although I would say that (at least in rural areas) when the ballot paper is handed out it’s not surprising for entire communities to vote the same party, although in the cities its just a melting pot of leftish trash

Seriously, do that. What are the gun laws like in Ireland?

>killing babies is evil
But has an eugenic effect

>implying the potato nigs dont have FALS and armalites and enfeilds stashed in the basement.

Killing white babies is evil, barring them being defective. Abortion for the rest of the goddamn world is morally righteous.

Did i ever say that deportations were not in order? No. Killing children is evil, despite possible positive side effects.

Also, if you want to help the white race, ban contraception and abortion. We are more successful, and will outbreed the fuck out of everyone else.

Being so close to america languagewise doesnt do you a favour. The brits were rather quick to adopt the american view of there being "white british" "asian british" and whatnot kinds of british in line with the anglo saxon ius soli line of thinking that living on the land makes you part of the ingroup and not descendance.
Thus as a !white" irishman you will have to defend yourself already against some black guy from dublin about how you are supposed to be more irish then him and dare to claim that your kind that happens to have another colour is entitled to be irish alone.

Here in germany we didnt even say "white" except as an abstract descriptive term (never has a white man entered that jungle) but never as self identification. Something as a white race was mostly talked about in our distant colonial past by an upper class who wanted a common identity with the other western europeans in regard to the dark tribes in the south. Either you were german by descendance or not. Now the far left is trying to make that term of "white X nationality" more prominent again, talking of white germans.

To be honest the gangs are probably the best armed right now, there’s probably a few weapons knocking around that weren’t decommissioned in ‘05 because all they really saw were a few arms dumps n shiet and a dissident IRA lad went out to Bosnia (I don’t know where that is either, it’s what the news said they probably meant native Serb land but anyway) and got a load of guns and anti tank rockets for really cheap because there was so many of them there, funnily enough the Irish state actually paid for him to go out there because he was with Irish Aid and they didn’t know he was actually going out to buy guns kek, but yeah there’s probably a few but you need lots of connections to get proper firepower, most of the handguns available on the legal market have a fairly low ACP and all that’s left after that are shotguns and rifles

>barring them being defective
What is defective though. There must be a limit at what stage you call a potential for life defective and there you come into a cold hard discussion of usefulness again and not of principles.
Im not liking the thought of carelessly aborting babies. But people who would have aborted their baby would not have done a good job raising it either, Idk if we need more people from such households.

I am talking about birth defects, extra chromosomes, shit that should have auto terminated. If someone comes out with an extra finger, no big deal but if they are going to have a disease that will make them a burden for their entire lives then yea, they get the vacuum.

I’d be more Irish than a nigger from Dublin in so many different ways, because if some black bastard who came here from France to come do in people’s windows and sell heroin tried to tell me that he’s equally as Irish as me just because he lives here is a non sensical, mind numbingly stupid argument, and I hope the Irish people aren’t as stupid as to accept some Dublin nigger telling a white born and bred Irish person who’s family have inhabited the island for generations and generations that he’s just as Irish as me, sorry if I come off as aggressive but that thought there annoyed the fuck out of me kek

kiss me im feckin arab

Yes lel but its what they tell the niggers and what the libs tell themselves. The british might have adopted this argument more easily as it might have been sold as an imperial identity so no english guy feels his englishness questioned by a "black british person" but well.. Its what they are trying here and elsewhere.

Look at this clusterfuck of a discussion
Our whole hemisphere suffers from an identity crisis lel

It seems as though they hate Clare or something, loads of shitskins in Shannon too and more houses being built with a fair amount going to refugees, it's like they want old Ireland to be gone

That is fucking hilarious. You dont need much more than shotguns and rifles, and rifles can be modified if you have a machinist friend. Get some chemistry and engineering friends and you can have ghetto grenade launcher. Probably cheaper than going to Slavlands and buying actual military tech.

Yeah man, but Shannon is a pretty grim place I wouldn’t like to live there it’s full of junkies and travelers, like I spoke to a girl who went to the comp there and she was pretty sound but they’re all so misguided like an entire generation of kids just sent down the entire wrong direction because their parents or their friends are inbred degenerates, although Killarney is a mess too, I spoke to a barber there (traditional Irish barbers bois look em up) and he was the most based individual I met, spoke to me about trump first and we had a 2 hour long conversation, there’s hope there

Yeah true, although there’s laws surrounding certain chemicals as well like in the 70s and 80s it was actually a pain to get chemical fertilizer for fields because it was being used so often in bomb making etc, also they don’t sell potassium nitrate here either

Stop it

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Travellers aren't much of a problem here, junkies are but they seem to stay in their dens, most of the lads I know were anti-abortion and have right leaning tendencies. I hope that the place improves. Never been to Killarney but it's supposed to be a den of inequity.

How do I learn Gaeilge?

Killarney is something else, a group of Muslim men nearly kicked an old ladies dog to death and the streets are lined with women in burkas and men wearing towels and it genuinely doesn’t look like the Killarney I used to visit when I was younger, don’t go there anymore though

You can't get invaded by darkies if your country is already invaded by darkies.

I'm one step ahead of you, Ireland

Why do that to the browns? Isn't it the gubs fault for voting for that shit?

I’d advise against going to an Irish secondary to school to learn it, best Irish speakers are probably in the north, they’re way more enthusiastic about it up there than we are down south, I did ordinary level for the Junior Certificate (Irish GCSEs)and I’m deeply considering taking foundation for my leaving certificate (Irish O levels/SAT) because I find it really difficult, depends how much you work at it though, I’m sure there’s Irish language classes somewhere near you if you lived near an Irish community

How did your government become cucked so quickly? You fuckers were bombing cars before ISIS. I don't get it.

People always look back on history and think "imagine if i was alive back then, one small action could have changed the outcome of humanity", but they never think to do the same in the present moment.

Governments been cucked for a long time, IRA has been illegal since the 40s (soul purpose was to keep Anglo-Irish relations from crumbling even though they could’ve just sent a volunteer force to help the BEF or something but no Develeara was too much of a cuck) Irish politics is just all progressive, you will not hear one regressive voice about hardly any social issue except some centerist aul lad called Declan

I've hear a lot of Irish say the language classes are structured really retarded and most Irish don't learn a lot.

I wish my grandparents bothered to teach me.

They proclaim certain Socialist ideals sure, but they are also Nationalists.
Nazis like...
>literally Hitler

I am literally ready to eradicate the subhuman scum from Dublin. My blood is boiling everyday. Im filled with rage to the point where I wish I could pick up a weapon and just drop an entire group of low IQ sewer dwelling scum. This also includes the white knackers that inhabit this region. Fuck political solutions. Fuck campaigns, This is war. But yet I have no one to fight with and not a single fucking assault rifle to pick up.
Lads, I'm ready to fucking die. I don't want to live on this Earth anymore.

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It isn’t focused around being able to speak it effectively it’s centered around being literate enough to pass the exam and I would say a large portion of lads never get to that point and it’s pretty annoying because nobody keeps it up because everybody has this image in their head of what Irish class was like and why would they voluntarily put themselves in more Irish classes, most lads say Irish is a dead language which, even to me is offensive and I’m nowhere near fluent,

You’d be supersized, I know a lad who went to DCU (rival originals oneither IG or Twitter)who feels pretty much exactly the same as you