
>increase confidence and pride
>largely used by white race
>preferred by middle America
>knowledge of chemistry science
>motivates to accomplish goals
Why is this not /ourdrug/?

Attached: whiteMethManiac.webm (430x500, 1.85M)

>causes physical addiction to the point where you would literally suck dick for meth
ok op

ew OP is gay. confirmed

Well. Not gonna lie Adderall got me a promotion and a raise lmfao. I would get shit done on it.

wow is this the new ploy? jews trying to act like whites and say "wow, meth is so good!" to try to get them addicted and strung out? massively fucked up.

Attached: schlomo the jew.jpg (700x400, 63K)

Get out of here kike

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You could see the exact moment he was ready to suck a big one

Get fucked you disgusting yid

this pretty much. my parents did meth, and my mom eventually sold everything I owned and even stole my identity when I turned 18, signed up for a bunch of credit cards. I'm almost 30 and still dealing with handling it.

don't do meth.

Do DNT and wake up from the simulation temporarily.

How are we supposed to maintain the white race if our dicks don't work?

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Fuck off poo nigger. Meth is based

im so sorry user

this poo gets it

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Why the fuck are there 2 meth threads on my Jow Forums right now.

I was just thinking that. maybe its a sign and we should all go smoke some meth

nice shill

targetted advertising.

Attached: 457845784568.jpg (720x540, 47K)

yeah that's not the approach most folks take unless they're women.

generally it will be violent crime and theft instead.

filth. sage.

It was called Pervitin in Nazi Germany. It was issued to soldiers during the Blitzkrieg.

A good reason to not do meth is if you spend 5 minutes talking to literally any person that does meth. Show your star of Kike, David

Attached: IMG_7499.jpg (640x640, 52K)

Fuck meth, anyone trafficking meth should be crucified.

they destroyed the /nsg/ and /sig/ threads and replaced them with trans and meth threads.

no freedom of speech for the /nsg/ and /sig/

I've heard meth makes you gay (checks leaf flag) confirmed

aderall got me through college. now that i am working full time i avoid it because i know i would suddenly be so good at my job, i wouldnt be able to stop taking it

Jews, duh...hey Op I'm serious about that flag, come on faggot if it's Israeli I win $20 I'll split it with you

>tfw user merely pretends to be a meth addict to such dick
>tfw I don't have a suitable image because I had to reset my phone

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it happens enough

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this isn't the only pro-meth post I've seen lately. my mom did meth before having me and now I have autism so be warned you guys

are you a mongoloid or what?

Don't do it.
It is literally poison.
The worst thing is it will make you do horrible things which will seem logical at the time, but afterwards you will realize how stupid and dangerous they were.
It also destroys your body and hormone production, plus teeth.

Degeneracy. Gas yourself

>used to farm money off of niggers
>made its way into white neighborhoods
>rich whites got into it

What is with all the threads about meth?

Adderall is a very different drug from crystal meth. See: cocaine in soft drinks vs smoking crack.

Show your flag, rabbi kike

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-06-21 at 4.06.51 PM.png (1050x1116, 804K)

that's not how meth actually works...
>ask me how I know?

>nazi flag
this is why otto von bismarck will always be better than hitler

Hope you the best, user.

fuck off dope peddler

>moments before this post was made

OP in pic related

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holy shit that gif

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w h y?

Attached: 9dqrw4cS61vhml.jpg (456x810, 81K)

You are a huge faggot. Meth is a plight to any and all people and fucks up lives forever. Die.

This just reminded me of a recurring dream which happened again last night. I try to navigate a labyrinth of gross hockey dressing-room style washrooms to find a suitable place to shit and often just have to make due. Last night I took a shit in a urinal with no privacy. It flushed.

Just take Ritalin.

Attached: large.png (500x365, 282K)

>causes you to have sores, look gangly, and rummage through my recyclables
When you start acting like the local Mexicans do, you've stooped too low.

>navigate a labyrinth of gross hockey dressing-room style washrooms
holy fuck user that is a re-occuring dream of mine also.

Why doesn't the gubment give you dem programz? Sounds like your life has been far more burdensome that the self destruction of the average negro.

Gas chambers for all drug users and dealers.

Attached: RWDS.png (1920x1080, 3.02M)

Virtually all drugs other than alcohol with meals/in moderation socially are far past acceptable parameters of degeneracy. That includes weed. Stoners are useless and obnoxious.

thanks for your input Cleetus.

That's pretty fucked up, user. I hope your mother gets well and your financial situation improves in godspeed. Also, I hope there's forgiveness in your heart for her because people on meth are not themselves, I've seen a few family change from decent, hardworking people to nigger thieves because of meth, but I love them and I hope they get better nonetheless.

lmao what kind of meth dealer accepts credit card?

Meth is the thinking mans drug. Weed is the drug of the negro and the Latino.

Caffeine, dumdum
Does all those things and you don't have to interact with Bathtub Bubba to score it

Do phenibut instead. Meth makes you dumb and criminal. Then but improves mood, IQ, energy, social abilities and productivity. You can't die or get serious side effects from phenibut.

>mfw Jews use the nazi flag to larp and basically turn themselves in

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That includes maple

didn't the nazis use meth?

W ..........W