Can some one give me an argument against Amnesty

Can someone give me an argument for not having a reasonable system in place for people who came here illegally many years ago and want to come clean now?
Why can’t we have a system where people pay extra money to pay back the stolen taxes for when they lived illegally in the US and eventually earn their citizenship? I’m not advocating for blanket amnesty. We have fines for most worse crimes, why not have one for this? At least with this method we have people documented.
I know it will never pass, but I want to hear thoughts on ways to fix immigration.

Attached: Bestchan.jpg (678x678, 83K)

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they're not white

> breaking the law should be rewarded

you don't reward criminal behavior by granting them citizenship, and the wast majority of them are non-white, when the US was founded as a white country.


I know it isnt in your native language, but try to read all of the post before you reply

I love how they think we're gonna debate and compromise our existence away.

The final solution will be the final solution.

Its not a debate. I am asking for peoples ideas on how to fix something that I view is a problem.

I get that this is an alien concept to someone who has lead a sheltered life.

Bullets are cheaper and easier.

Nobody is using bullets now. You are getting nothing out of the people who are living in your land illegally. Why are you okay with just letting them steal from you?

>Europeans have grown strong in eternal struggles and we will only perish through eternal peace.
Nothing lasts forever, not even victory. The struggle (evolution) is eternal.

stupid fuck, I'm European born from a former communist Nation. Came legally after waiting my turn and paying the fees. The real problem is that you still think it's a negotiation.

Not everyone has a rich family that can front them the money. I understand that, you don't because you are sheltered.
Walk the streets of the nearest city next to the suburb you live in and see that not everyone is as well off as you.

Those taco venders broke our laws why reward that behavior and give them amnesty. And they're not white.

eat shit, you should do that, shit into a pan and bake it, then eat your shit cake.
fuck you

that's I why this is non-negotiable. My family sold everything (at 90% loss) to come here and start from the literal bottom. You're not ready to take from me. You're not even willing to give the minimum requirements to help "your" people. I'm willing to sacrifice everything take what's necessary from anyone to give to my* people. You're making a mistake :) goodbye

This must be that famous cuisine I hear about from the 'former communist Nation'. You should get out more. It will improve your outlook on life and make you capable of rational thinking.

Willing to sacrifice everything in order to abandon your people.

says the literal retard who want to let in millions of foreign invaders

>Breaking the law is okay as long as you get away with it for a long time


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that's another misconception you should reconsider. Thinking I'm satisfied with the success of only white Americans. White people will unify as what they are, Europeans living abroad.

Where are you going when you die?

Attached: Heaven or Hell.jpg (1280x1429, 456K)

In order for that to happen We would need a Europe that is worth fighting for. In the last several years I find it harder and harder to recognize.You are fighting the wrong battle.

>Can some one give me an argument against Amnesty
>why don't we just let the invaders in?
Because that would be a retarded thing to do.
> I want to hear thoughts on ways to fix immigration.
Kill the invaders, not make them citizens, you traitorous christcuck.

>fuck off, we’re full
Is that reasonable enough for you, OP?

as long as there's one living cell of a white person somewhere, our fight goes on as it has for hundreds of thousands of years. There's more to fight for today than at Europe's most decadent age. I don't war to keep worthless treasure, I war out of genetic obligation to my ancestors, the most precious possession I could own in this world is my own people.

Wax hypothetical all you like, its just dramatic posturing unless paired with action. I am asking what action you would take. I get no actual reply because no one here has a solution.
They just want to piss in the wind while contributing nothing.
You say nothing of value because you are nothing of value.

Political conflict.

As a Christian, in response to your OP pic, I will say that Christ is clear that love does not equal giving someone everything they want and ask for, nor does it mean endless mercy. Love must be tough, must often mean punishing and taking, sometimes, harsh measures to do what is right and best for those you love. This is why Christ so often uses the term "father" when referencing both himself and God above. A father loves his child, but also enforces the rules and provides disciplinary measures, not because he hates his child or is angry with him, but because he loves his child. This understanding can then be extended to the immigration problem. Granting amnesty is not doing the fatherly thing, it is showing too much mercy. The immigrants must learn to walk, and stand on their own. They must learn that fleeing their country, and their fellow countrymen, is not the proper act of a good person. The proper actions are to stay in their home country and fix them, to improve those countries, to stand up to the evils they face and smite those evils. God is on their side, if they would only meet God half-way and fight for their homes. America cannot let them in, because it only distracts them from what they must do, help their own countries to improve, not runaway from those problems. That is fatherly, That is Godly, that is what Christ would have done

Wrong on many accounts. I am no arrogant enough to pretend to speak for the God, but I will point out that when the prodigal son returned Christ did not tell him to return to where he had been living so he could reap the destruction his sinful lifestyle had brought him.
I am no advocating dropping all criminality from the actions of the illegal immigrants. I am advocating for a way they can work to make amends for the theft from our nation.

The only real solution to all of this is catch and deport. We need to begin doing this immediately. If this had been policy all along we wouldn’t have the problem of so many people brought here illegally as children. As for them, I would only be ok with them staying as long as they are never given citizenship, birthright citizenship is repealed, and we FULLY enforce our border from now on. They can not be allowed to stay if they can just pop out babies who automatically become citizens. Whites will be overrun within decades if we allow the status quo to go unchallenged.

I agree with everything you say here. We have laws and those laws were not enforced. We need to start enforcing them fairly across the board. People who were raised here illegally really didnt do anything wrong, they just got fucked over by their parents.

>I am no arrogant enough to pretend to speak for the God,
I am taking it straight from the Bible and the Council of American Bishops. I suggest you pick up a bible before you presume to speak on its interpretation

I am not speaking on its interpretation. If you want to quote Bishops but ignore the musings of the pope you are just cherry picking people who agree with you. Come back when you will be honest with yourself that you are just using your religion to justify not helping people who need help.

>fix immigration
There's no fixing immigration. Illegal immigration is the least of our concerns, what is destroying the United States is the fact that minorities, who literally pay less into the tax system then they take by about 700k per person in their lives, are going to absolutely destroy the United States once they take over the majority of the population. In the end healthcare/welfare are going to be have to be basically blanket removed which will cause the the U.S to be considered a 3rd world nation, or we deport the root of the problem. Low iq immigrants don't contribute to a society which relies on higher iq individuals. We all have different needs, fuck off you absolute retard.

This. You don't bargain with criminals, you execute them. If there is no disincentive to coming illegally, them everyone would come illegally which is one reason why legal immigrants despise illegals the most. Go away JIDF, lurk more, this is Level 0 Jow Forums stuff.

No one gives a fuck if you view it as a problem. Move the fuck out of the USA if it hurts your feelings so badly. No one is going to debate a god damn thing with you because you're either A) non-white or B) a brain damaged leftist who is just parroting whatever tired emotional rhetoric you heard on tv or kikebook. Kill yourself faggot.

It is Jewish.