So letting in millions of violent 3rd world savages and ISIS fighters is ok, but /ourguy/ Tekashi69 can't even tour in the UK.
What kind of game is the UK playing here?
So letting in millions of violent 3rd world savages and ISIS fighters is ok...
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I would comment on that but I have not got my license with me
A fucking clown
riots when? fucking bigots...
A fucking nigger
He can be your guy I don't rap and i'm not gay and don't do drugs i'm better then all that
but he's hispanic, not black
112 million degenerate idiot gluttons for punishment view the shithead
is that 99.9% views from africa? I sure hope so because it's so total fucking garbage not even a god damned dog or a rat should be subjected to it
but he's still a nigger
>support trump
>be denied entry
wew lads
you have to go back
That my little pony themed mutt is not "our guy" you stupid fucking wigger. Delete your shit thread.
when your african dna is 3%
One drop.
This is some parents' legacy.
I thought this dude just killed himself or something. What the fuck is up with the mongreloid rappers these days. There's just 1000s of these not even quite a nigger carbon copy face tatooey types.
The irony is that American 3rd world savages I guess are still just too brutal for the soft-ass pansey-ass Englanders to handle. America is still #1, guys. The UK just isn’t tough when compared to the US.
>When did pol start caring so much about rappers and niggers?
it's because he questioned the holocaust in his song gumo
>yids iffy uh, holocaust fishy uh
ha ha
he is a typical american
he could just say he's leading a gay pride parade
just because White people do
we have to think for them too
This nigger barely supported trump. All he did was say that he’s upfront. He didn’t officially endorse him or anything else like that. I can’t belive some of you back this nigger.
How the fuck is he /ourguy/?
He probably just needs a loicence.
do you have a licence to not have a licence?
go back to listening to your fruit loop
because he sucks
First post, best post
Nothing is more gay than having sex with another man in the house
Why is he /ourguy/? Did he knew XXXTentacion? Do he know about (((Aubrey Drake Grahams))) cocksucking?
I also just googled Drake and at is a video, the grey one, that says what Drake had to do with X death, "conspiracy theory", but it's deleted or I can't load it. Any germanon else? Hm, weird.
>I'm here for the interview
That's one rare pepe
Right? None of us fags ever touched a tiddy...
He gave that pass up. No real Hispanic respects him or niggers.
Chimpout and Riots WHEN?!
I wouldn't let that faggot in my house either.
i don't listen to that fucking mexican tranny goblin lmao i'm white faggot
How the fuck this beaner get to say nigger 8888 times?
Come on mang
Where’s ‘is rapping loicense?!
then how do you know the words faggo
I'll let this one slide if ya suck me willy
It is actually just a big larp. This guy is a meticulous character actor named Melvin Davis, who wakes up at 4 am every day and carefully puts in his extensions, tooth veneers, and touches up his false tattoos before venturing out into the world.
literally where is that line?
It's such bullshit man I swear. Get your shit together bongs you niggas is iffy uh
it's all over the board constantly, nigger lips
>Some mutt who can't even do math
I legit cannot tell the difference between these retards, are they some long-lost race of pygmies?
t. iffy niggas
X's killer has finally been identified: