How does pic related make sense if the (((theory of evolution)))...

How does pic related make sense if the (((theory of evolution)))? What is the point of evolution without survival and reproduction?

Attached: Childfree.jpg (600x797, 99K)

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Voluntarily childless couples fucking suck. You know they're going to be sucking up tons of gibs when they get old because no kids to help them with anything. You just know these asshats are planning on the rest of us to drag them over the finish line.

What's the point of anything really? On a long enough time scale, nothing fucking matters. Your offspring will eventually die in the Heat Death of the Universe.

Whoa they actually avoided using a mixed race couple for once--

The fag in that photo should excuse himself and let the girl find a real man who will fuck her good and put 3+ white kids in here.

They suck, but in the meantime we are told to celebrate their lifestyle. Makes no sense on evolution.

Perhaps this is their end goal, to promote a nihilistic, narcissistic and hedonistic outlook on life. Replace traditional values with a culture of instant gratification which, in the end, is meaningless and purposeless. You could say whatever you want about Christianity, but at least it offered hope in times of hopelessness. There is no good fight to fight anymore, its consumerism from cradle to grave.

Yup nothing matters! Let's just open all our borders, stop reproducing, and curl into the fetal position and wait to die. Let's just throw away all human sacrifice required to reach this point because in some arbitrary amount of time things will be gone anyways!

>trying to make sense of jewish propaganda

Evolution doesn't have a fucking point, it's not intelligent and it doesn't have a goal, it just is. Stop anthropomorphizing everything you dumb yokel.

I know I should know better, but still. First, they teach us in biology classes and nature documentaries that survival and reproduction is all that matters, then they teach us that survival and reproduction doesn't matter and that we should life a childfree life. Where is the logic in that?

>The fag in that photo should excuse himself and let the girl find a real man who will fuck her good and pay for 3+ aborted white kids.

minor error there champ.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up 0.01% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:

Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why we are in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Attached: jew covers.jpg (1113x729, 369K)

You mean Jamal? Yeah, she'll find that one.

Polacks are complaining about Westerners not having children. But are you having children? Are you? Most of you aren't. So you're part of the problem. Why point at others if you aren't having 3 children? That's retarded.

Also, what's in that Time magazine article? Are they really "celebrating" the lifestyle or are they just talking about it or even criticizing it?

transhumanism. Fuck families, fuck church & nation. Hedonism will win. Kill a soldier, he deserves it.

communities within a species tend to care more for the survival of members of their community
the survival of the elites depends on having an easily controllable populace
connect the dots

I have 3 kids. I get not wanting to have kids.

But only a faggot or infertie make could not impregnate a woman after a period of time

We used to call them DINCs. Dual income no children. Maybe that was just the Census Bureau name for them.

it does, because evolution does not care about individuals, only species and populations. Earthworms cease to reproduce when they sense overcrowding. In fact overpopulation and mindless breeding is what leads to crash.Your individual genes are not important. The childless couples assuring the survival of human species under overpopulated conditions, while breeders will assure its demise.

But if Europe is overcrowded/overpopulated, then why bring in male immigrants by the millions into Europe? The mainstream narrative makes no sense, you can't argue that Europe is overpopulated yet open the borders for millions of fertile males to come to your countries and interracial couples being promoted in the media and schools.

you don't understand evolution, or nature

physics don't care about your aesthetics. It's the reason why there are so many insects and so much mold, even though both are cancerous and primitive.

At the same time, certain dolphins and bears are dying out.
Nature doesn't care about you and this would not be the first dead-end happening.

Europe is not overcrowded at all. Eastern Germany is almost desert compared to the West, to make one example.
Or take Spain. Spain has a really low population, but it has a huge unpopulated area.

"Overcrowded" is a weird term. The US have a tiny population when seen in relation to the area that it has. Even if you count out the desert.

However, they still don't have children. They don't have children because children are expensive and with them they would have to give up their neo-boomer lifestyle.
I don't think I'll remain childless. But I know plenty of people who probably will.

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Why is michigan the best state? How do we stop their domination? Why do they have the most advanced schools, the most beautiful white dutch people, and the greatest beaches in the world?

Who can compete with kid rock? Who?
This is michigans legacy.
And i as an ohio cunt, am envious.

Attached: Purest Michigan.png (799x1141, 596K)

>Earthworms cease to reproduce when they sense overcrowding
wow i guess same applies to humans and europeans are having less children mainly because they sense some non-existent overpopulation

Priest baptising toddler, loses his sh*t and slaps it.

Return the Toledo strip and maybe you can be slaves in the Michigan Imperium.

Attached: The Greater Michigan plan.png (300x214, 32K)

But the point is that, as opposed to earthworms sensing being overcrowded, this isn't the case in Europe. So again, how does a childfree lifestyle make sense in Europe and America? Maybe in India it makes sense, but not in Western countries, right?

Oh yes brigadier michigander sir. I will make note straightway to our ohioian cunt governor.
J-just like old times eh? Heh heh....

most people move into cities and urban areas
subconsciously there's a high chance they sense some overpopulation vibes

over-organization is also a huge issue and might be even worse
even with great excess, there is a sense of anxiety and limitedness

Honest question- Why do they always show role-model looking white people in these articles? Why isn't it any other races?

policies and immigration have nothing to do with evolution, it is all political agenda and shit. Humans are overpopulated, Europeans are also overpopulated and since they have higher standard of living and invest in offspring, K-strategy, they do not breed when conditions are not favorable (i.e. not enough money to provide, etc). Africans have R strategy, pop as many babies as you can and see if at least one makes it to the adulthood.

they're the ones doing the #childfree live the most :D

as long as whites are so naive it is hard to complain about the programming...

I don't have kids because my genes are too bad to pass on.

So you're going to be relying on your kids to support you when you're old?

It makes sense everywhere. The sustainable human population is between 500 million and 1-2 billion. We are overpopulated everywhere. In Europe you have no wildlife left, why? Exterminated by humans. India, China, Africa are insanely overpopulated.

Yea, tell that to a family member of yours dying of a terminal illness.. sorry mate your suffering doesn't matter because you wont be here in ten years. What a joke to think like that. It matters more because you are finite and you may only have one chance to set things right. So yes your actions of today count and one of the best gifts you can give is life to another human being. Shit..

why should kids support boomers that aren't even related to them? Big scam

No, I'm saving. Statistics show that something like 80% of Americans have no retirement savings, though.

And yes, it is good to have a child help with your affairs after you've become too feeble to do it on your own. My parents helped my grandparents, I intend to show my kids the way by helping my parents in their twilight years.

Rule 1 of living in Michigan Never Trust an Ohionigger.

Rule 2 everything the Great Lakes touch is rightful Michigan clay.

Attached: Mak85F0.jpg (1500x1206, 761K)

true, animals dying en masse in africa and india because there is a competitor animal now

those who don't believe can look up "species extinct per day" and read some WWF placards

>The sustainable human population is between 500 million and 1-2 billion.

Isn't that written somewhere in stone? I remember some satanist writings mentioning that the world population should be drastically reduced. Also, some elites have said that people are useless eaters and some want to be reincarnated as viruses to kill other people. There is some sick stuff going on in this world behind the scenes, it's almost as if there is a death cult and the elites are into it.

Ofcourse they didnt... They want mixed race couples to reproduce.. With articles that talk about the child free life they are happy to use whites..

Forgot the meijers logo, jeff daniels and kid rock in that image

This post reeks of estrogen and is practically dripping with bean milk.

Not one leaf on the great lakes.

Posting the accurate version

Attached: IMG_14091.jpg (956x1280, 243K)

Georgia Guide stones.

>Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
>Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
>Unite humanity with a living new language.
>Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
>Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
>Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
>Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
>Balance personal rights with social duties.
>Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
>Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

Honestly not very Satanist.

Most of us don't have children because most of us can't find a proper woman to have them with. The dating world is even more fucked than the job market right now.

Have you heard of birth control?

Insects are cancerous?

I know nothing about satanists, but it is a common sense. Overpopulation makes it miserable for everyone, the constant competition, resources depletion, human life loses its value, horrors, cruelty, constant ethical dilemmas, democracy goes to shit and so on and so forth. It is so much easier to not breed, but of course the culture obsesses over cute babies and childless women are called old, useless spinsters.


It's some mix of Gaia/Earth worsthip and secular Humanism. They want to reduce and maintain human population to 500 mln, that in itself is satanic. What if people have more children? Are they taken away from the parents? How do they intend to maintain their intended goals? Perhaps they will use drugs to make people comply, aka soma and social and genetic engineering. See brave new world and 1984.

This type of thinking is pushed and adopted mostly by the left. The older I get the more I sense left and right thinking is partially driven by genetics. So, let the left die out, it's good for the world


nowadays you only get to be white if it is coupled with killing yourself off

It is not easier not to breed, because it goes against nature. Remember that we are told by them that all that matters in the end is survival and reproduction, so now they are teaching us the opposite. Their narrative makes no sense whatsoever. They can't have it both ways, either we survive and reproduce as nature intends, or we don't, in which case we die off.

Also, childless women are miserable, they admit it themselves. Instead of having children, they grow old with a bunch of cats.

I'm an ICU nurse and old people without children are the most miserable bitter fucks I've ever encountered. The only human interaction they have is with some caregiver that don't give a shit about them.

Also I work with alot of 50+ doctors and nurses who prioritized career before children. Not a happy bunch even though the high income.

Attached: leandoer.png (500x500, 322K)

It is as biological as it is cultural. There are cultural, societal and religious pressures to breed. Not every woman wants to have a child and not every man wants a child. But society tells them and pressures them to do it anyway, or else. Not all childless women are miserable, and if they are it is only because the society tells them that their worth is measured by how many kids they pop out.

Read about Tikopia, sustainable human population could be achieved and sustained via cultural change, no genocide or viruses needed.

You don't read that on the cover of Time magazine. I hope more people find out about this and realise before it's too late.

I feel sorry for the left. They want to be progressive and change the world, but in the end, they are signing their own death certificate by not having kids. They want to save the world, but they can't even save themselves.

yeah, as if children to do not abandon their elderly parents. Nursing homes are packed to the roof by abandoned elderly who do have a family. It is really hard to tell what is worse, knowing that you truly have no one, or knowing that your precious kids have abandoned you despite everything you did for them and sacrifices you've made.

>Polacks are complaining about Westerners not having children. But are you having children? Are you? Most of you aren't
16 year olds shouldn't have children.

Wanting kids is not a social construct, and yes, most women are miserable without kids.

''Sustainable'' means nothing. It means what the elites want it to mean. You can't change human nature by telling them to live a childfree lifestyle. If they live such a lifestyle, they will die off within a generation or two. This is the tragedy of the left, they are committing genocide with consent.

I'm a white guy getting married to my fiancee in a few months and we aren't having kids. The world is a fucked up place and it's only going to get worse over the course of the next several decades. I sincerely believe that we are looking at another US civil war in the next 20-30 years with how divided the country is becoming between left/right, male/female, whites/others, etc. It's only a matter of time until shit goes down and we've decided that its immoral to subject a child to those horrors if it can be avoided. Even if there's no all out civil war, the west is in full economic decline, my children would most likely be reduced to abject, grinding poverty after my death. I just can't justify it senpai.

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well, it looks like you have made your mind, user.

Attached: virginchadtranshumanism.png (1400x650, 221K)

>be me
>had one kid
>turned 18, moved out of the house with a roommate
>been 7 years, travels 3-4 times a year out of country doing shit I couldn't afford because I was paying for a kid
>401K is fat
>laughs at friends in their 40's with 3-4 kids too poor to travel
>have fun at Chuck E Cheese bitches

My experience is that the elderly who don't get visits were pieces of shit parents that didn't raise their kids right

But sure, kids are always a gamble. But I'd rather gamble than not participate.

Departure from the environment of evolutionary adaptedness. The reason why fertility rates are low now in the West is because natural selection has not yet had time to catch up to living in the modern environment. With time, natural selection will cause fertility rates in modern Western society to once again become higher. In particular, natural selection is selecting for increased religiosity and conservatism.

Attached: wedonotbreed.jpg (1280x2096, 761K)

You can change my mind by showing me a society that has survived more than a generation or two once they implemented a childfree lifestyle. There is no such population, because a childfree lifestyle is not sustainable in the long run. It is consensual genocide as anyone who understands birth rate statistics will tell you.

I love how the ads to not have babies the couples are white. Meanwhile the ads to have kids and start a family are only interracial. Really poodles my noodles.

Boofuckinghoo, fix your fucking narcostate. It’s more of a problem.

I fucking gave you an example, read about Tikopia, geez. Why ask a question and waste our time if you have made your mind and ignore all examples and arguments?

>So you're going to be relying on your kids to support you when you're old?
That is how people used to do things before (((social security)))

Lmao yeah right, I'm already rich enough to retire at 35 because I'm not paying for a roastie and annoying little kids

Enjoy being hated and thought of as a burden by your kids before being dumped in a public funding home because you didnt want to be called a degenerate on the internet

If anyone's a failure and a waste of resources its you and your inbred children

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Cool story bro.


Population control on an island of ~1000 people, how is that representative of the entire world over 7 billion people? You have not shown what is required for a childfree lifestyle to work in the long run, a remote island is hardly evidence to make your case.

Life finds a way user

Birth control is how the left goes extinct.

this,if you honestly believe your kids won't despise you as a worthless old fuck when you're old you're naive. I feel like that with my parents. They had their whole lives to save in a better economy with more opportunities

>I feel like that with my parents
Not everyone had shitty parents

My parents were fine, typical boomer parents. They're just overfed cattle like the rest of their worthless generation.

>believe your kids won't despise you as a worthless old fuck
Sounds like you dont really care for them

Arent boomers just kids from moms who fucked random strangers while their husbands went to war? Generation of stepkids who want to make more generations of mixed families without traditional values and culture or clean bloodline.

>Arent boomers just kids from moms who fucked random strangers while their husbands went to war?
Boomers came after the war

>muh culture muh bloodline
>meme flag
Post your flag, mutt

So all the guys who died in WW2 died for jews so their families back home could remarry and start new families got it.
