RIP Wikileaks

Press S to shit on Assange's grave.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>with linkedin profiles
social media, not even once

this is all cianiggary, they're completely running the WL and Assange puppet show.
You fucking idiot

You trumpfags are retards. Wikileaks is Russian shill organization trying to destabilize the US by any means necessary, they'll pander to whichever side causes more chaos.

didnt heard any pol complain when wikileaks posted the infamous turkey women that webdated adresses and phones

Assange has been taken or dead for a year and a half. This is CIA run (((Wikileaks)))

Reminder that Pam Anderson killed Julian Assange with a poison sandwich


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sweetie, calm down. wikileaks is based.

Wikileaks is pretty consistent on core principles. They dont wave with the political wind. This is why they have been perceived as anti Bush and pro Democrat at times and pro Trump anti Democrat at others.

?? this is THE reason I like wikileaks so much, they tend not to take sides.

also you realize Julian is a leftist, correct? Him helping during the election wasn't intentional

You're glowing you faggot

This is actually a good move. Now that the left has fired the first salvo of massive doxxxxxxxings, we can doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx normie leftists back and host a permanent archive on Wikileaks.

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What the fuck.

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wikileaks fuels the fire of an american civil war
it's what you want isn't it, Jow Forums?
so why are you complaining?

Assange is dead

The_donald cucks need to fuck off back to plebbit

Bring it on

at least i don't run some faggot DOS-era OS

that's more like it.

>Let's give radical leftists and the Cartel a search engine for ICE agents

This is Antifa tier.

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Are you cucks serious right now? You're complaining over wikileaks btfoing another narrative with publicly available information.
Just three years ago or less, this forum would have laughed at you because that's lulzy as fuck, and it still is.

at least someone gets it

This. It doesn't mean we have to like it but we can't bitch. Its not even private information.

With any luck someone will fuck with an ICE agent and get perforated. With even less luck someone will fuck with an ICE agent that works with the illegal traffickers hmmmmmmm

Daily reminder that back in 2009 Wikileaks leaked the British National Party membership list, containing names, addresses and phone numbers of thousands of their members.

The list remains online today, and the people who appear on there are still regularly subject to harassment from antifa.

>feds snitch themselves out
Social media everyone

this organization is so embarrassing the last 2 years

Well, this only suggests that Assange is dead, and wikileaks have been taken over.

This, Wikileaks has always been open about hosting doxx lists. nu-Jow Forums is just too dumb to take advantage of it.

Wikileaks publishes literally anything it's given. The whole narrative about it being a right wing or Russian shill organisation was a load of horseshit for gullible idiots from day one.

Can they do the same thing with interdiction officer profiles?

>in past assange has never allowed names to be leaked for personal safety

>2018 releases detailed info on federal law enforcement

If assange isn't already dead, he just threw away his freedom the dumb motherfucker.

I've supported him for years but fuck this.

Lol Wikileaks is fucking compromised you dumb fucking niggers, this is probably the fucking CIA or something.

Reminder that Assange has not signed anything with his PGP key since october 2016 after the embassy was raided by "armed mans" following John Kerry's visit to the UK and multiple threat to Assange by Pedosta.

Reminder that mentioning Assange not using his PGP key will automatically trigger xkeyscore and bring a bunch of CIA niggers pushing disinfo about PGP keys.

Haha theyre getting BTFO

you're really fucking retarded

Wonder if the leftist media will grasp back on to Wikileaks after abandoning them when they transitioned from criticizing Bush's wars to Obama's.

This confirms for me that Assange is definitely dead.

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since OP is a lazy faggot and wont post the rest

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Antifa attacking the feds is best timeline. Remember if your enemies kill each other you win.

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thats not true, they have a similar data dump on intelligence community members

>anti-censorship mission

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>muh Russia
it's already BEEN PROVEN that it was the FBI and MI6 who colluded, not muh Russkies ya kike

Literally written by CIA

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Not even. If the CIA is behind this it's fucking treason


Not that this will make lefties think WikiLeaks is on their side. WikiLeaks is only on WikiLeaks side. They've always been a double edged sword. Maybe if lefties start attacking Ice Members we can get this civil war kicked off.

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yep, this move confirmed it for me.

this Assange is dead

They're posting public information like it's a "leak" ? Lazy as fuck.

Well, libshits? Are they still "Russians"?

i hope you stupid cunts know that wikileaks is a vast organisation with many different leakers, also Trump didnt do shit for Assange so he got what he deserved


Why don't these faggots ever do anything when Antifa attack? All they do is Siegepost, if they're going to be """extremist""" at least be useful.


How many days until the first cartel assassination?

Really makes you think doesn't it


Cap this

Probably tomorrow.

Thank god most of those people are armed

I would love to see one of these onion faggots try and go after an ICE member. It would swing everyone on the right back to Trump's side

assange has been dead since late october 2016

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Fortunately and unfortunately that's the nature of WikiLeaks, it's designed to leak "any" information.

They've done far worse things in the past, why do you think JFK was whacked? He didn't approve of CIA Niggers

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Shut the fuck up weeb nigger

What's wrong with this. If ICE is committing human rights violations we should know about it. Still doesn't mean they can't send them all back.

The glow niggers are running wikileaks

proof assange is dead and wikileaks is now (((wikileaks)))

Jesus. Wikileaks IS compromised. Fuck 'em then.

>it’s Wikileaks fault fags have LinkedIn accounts.

>Why don't they intervene when controlled opposition attacks controlled opposition?
Read Siege to find out.

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>ICE is committing human rights violations we should know about it
kys you fucking nigger

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They doxxed the entire membership of the British National Party several years ago when Assange was definitely at the helm. Had a huge impact.

What a weird world this is that everybody knows they are

If we gotta hide our power levels, they should too.

Wow all the help I tried for Assange and all the praise I gave wikileaks and they do this to my beloved ICE member.

Today i am sad

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I’m convinced this isn’t assange or any of his ill. WL wouldn’t stoop to this level of doxxing regular working LEOs, especially considering this has been going on for 2 decades at this point.

Did Wikileaks help with exposing all the CTR shills that were here? I forget? Will they host a list of antifa shills?

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How's it going sucking Assanges and Putin's dick

So when do you do something?


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Once WikiLeaks was in the mass public lexicon and had its fifteen minutes of fame, it was earmarked to die a horrible death.

Pour one out.

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>this is my first encounter with wikileaks
Fucking read a book retard

this is LITERALLY against TOS

why is Twitter doing nothing


No, this has nothing to do with Assange.

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That was a year ago user. Even Jow Forums has its own list on a pastebin somewhere. If you search the 4plebs archives, you'll find it.

The lesson here is never use social media.

Now. The real question is, "What do you do?" Read Siege.

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Nah. I'd rather yell at shills

They were never on your side dimwit


kek, Wikileaks truly is chaotic neutral

This is great. It's confirmation the deepstate has control of WikiLeaks accounts.

It doesn't proove Assange is compromised, only WikiLeaks accounts and site, which makes sense given the raids in October and subsequent deaths of the staff.

its not about trump if he is going to support open border globalists fuck ASSange

>tfw wikispooks out themselves

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Lately? They mean for the past 20 years? No way Assange is this stupid.