Apparently, the jacket worn by Flotus is made by a Nazi company called Zara...
Apparently, the jacket worn by Flotus is made by a Nazi company called Zara...
>Nazi company
Wtf I'm buying all their stuff now
Looks like the company makes meme clothing or something...
Looks like the company has a history of being controversial and stirring shit up.
This entire thing is a big fuck you to liberals.
Where the fuck is everyone?
This is meme gold!
Lmao unironically based
Posting in bait threads
This is so awesome. Huge boner eight now.
>Everyone I disagree with is a racist and a Nazi.
Womp womp.
Holy fuck that is some blatant nose-thumbing goddamn
Looks like the kikes are trying to shut them down
Damn, now I fucking love Zara. I'll buy their clothes
>and a 'sheriff star'
These literal fucking notSees
Weak b8 m8
I fucking hate kikes so God damn much. It blows my mind how normies don't find anything wrong with anti semitism getting its own special status separate from regular ol racism
The comments are gold filled with liberal rage.
This comment actually made me look up the info on the owner of Zara:
>Amancio Ortega Gaona is a Spanish billionaire businessman. He is the founder and former chairman of Inditex fashion group, best known for its chain of Zara clothing and accessories shops. Wikipedia
Born: March 28, 1936 (age 82 years), Busdongo
Nationality: Spanish
Net worth: 73.3 billion USD (2018) Forbes
Spouse: Flora Pérez (m. 2001), Rosalía Mera (m. 1966–1986)
>Trying to shut down the richest man in the world.
>tfw he's Spanish so extra good boy points
>More power than any Jew
Good luck with that one.
Is there anymore that swastika bag?
Womp uh...
This is real.
Apparently this Zara company is known for fucking with liberals by coming out with all kinds of meme clothing.
Just check out the comments section; liberals are freaking out.
All small clothing companies are based. They don't sell to fat chicks.
Hitler website defo
You guys have a very faggit thread
holy shit based sheriff's badge sweatshirt
stick melania trump in a controversial jacket and distract everybody from all the stuff going on. again. and again. and again.
This Spain nigger is worth 78 Billion Dollars!!!!
Go to the fapping website garsh.
Melania is so fucking based.
She looks like a Metal Gear character.
>BASED Conquistador
>going after people's clothing company purchases
zara is a huge brand here in the uk. a chad brand too
their twitter feed is decidedly dead. maybe Jow Forumspedes can fix that with some spicy nazi may mays :^)
I love how they sold it as a “striped pajama with sheriff badge”.
I’ve never heard of Zara before, but they sound based af
Hey, I’m not arguing there.
Seems like it’s all done on purpose to keep everyone distracted
Looks like an old Tony Soprano
Anyone have pictures of their supposed nazi clothing? Specifically stuff with swastikas on it.
absolutely shocking
Have another
I think it’s just the swastika on the purse and the Holocaust pajamas
But here’s the nigger watermelon children’s shirt they pulled off shelves after backlash
I want one in adult size now.
Are you trying to show they’re not racist by posting black models?
I’m not a liberal.
I’m not saying they’re racist.
The thread is about how liberals are saying it’s a Nazi company, so we are posting examples of what they are saying is racist.
Unironically going to buy aboit 10 meme suits and get them fitted locally.
Check out this greasy pink suit on sale.
They have some spectacular shoes and bags and shit too. And reasonable prices (for leafland anyway)
>slandering Zara
Isn’t the owner of Zara one of the richest people in the world? They can easily sue.
78 billion dollars.
I can’t even imagine being that rich.
I want to buy that green shirt for my nephew
No he's THE richest person in the world. Or at least he was last year. When you're that wealthy it fluctuates with the stock market. Same thing happens to Bill Gates.
This shit is hilarious
Holy shit this is actual dogwhistling
6th richest person in the world now according to wiki
Dude keeps a low profile
>The youngest of four children, Ortega was born in Busdongo de Arbás, León, Spain, to Antonio Ortega Rodríguez and Josefa Gaona Hernández from the province of Valladolid, and spent his childhood in León.[4]
>He left school and moved to A Coruña at the age of 14, due to the job of his father, a railway worker. Shortly after, he found a job as a shop hand for a local shirtmaker called Gala, which still sits on the same corner in downtown A Coruña, and learned to make clothes by hand.[5] In 1972, he founded Confecciones Goa to sell quilted bathrobes.[citation needed]
>In 1975, he opened his first Zara store with his wife Rosalía Mera.[6]
>Today, Zara is part of the Inditex group (Industrias de Diseño Textil Sociedad Anónima), of which Ortega owns 59.29%, and aside from over 6,000 stores includes the brands Zara,
Lol I’m trying to find out if the owner has anti-liberal sentiments or something, or since he’s in Spain, maybe he leans hard right...but according to wiki, there aren’t even any photos of the guy before 2004 or something. Very low profile
Any Spanish bros can add more about him or seen him on your news talking politics?
Quality brand
I Really Don't Care, Do You?
Last week I watched some video about the habits of billionaires, and Ortega was featured.
Apparently he STILL reviews everything that gets published, so if thats true he personally gave the OK for all these things.
>Very low profile
That itself indicates he leans right. When you run in smug ass hole circles, you have to be low key
I’m gonna go buy that before they are out of stock. Fucking amazing.
It would be interesting to find out if maybe Ortega and Melania were hanging out recently.
I’m sure she’s hardcore into the fashion scene still, especially now in such a powerful position.
If anything, Zara got some serious media attention, if anything.
Every time.
Note to self: only buy zara.
There is no future in which I see my desire to gas all Jews ever subsiding.
the fappening starts
There hasnt been a clothing company this based since hugo boss
Based Galicians, never disappoint.
At least she is not wearing this kind of stuff.
what the fuck is an anti-semitism lawsuit? what has this country cone to?
That's the company that did the Pepe thing?! Hilarious.
(((Klasfeld))) Yep, this one goes right into the shower room. Needs immediate delousing.
You are unironically retarded.
Wasn't that the company that told protesting landwhales that their clothes only come in small sizes because they don't want their brand to be associated with fat people?
Thank you for the link, I have been looking to buy my first suit and the variety there is dazzling.
if so
im buying some
He lived most of his life under a fascist regime, no wonder he likes nazi things, lol
Also just fyi, Zara is a mall store so you can usually find tons of their stuff in good thrift stores.
This is the "nazi-themed" attire
People forget that buddhism uses the swastika too
Also, that lawsuit never went anywhere cause it was just a gay lawyer claiming he was fired for being a jewish gay american.
No, the adl said it wasn't nazi related, and praised zara for taking it down "just in case"
It's legit just butthurt white libs complaining
The left has no style.
Is there any doubt that the trump family is not one of us now pol?
they bring bolivians to brazil to unironically be slaves in their factories. They are stripped of their passport etc, it was a big thing 3 or so years ago
he's of turkish ancestry iirc