A multi-cultural society would never work.
Whites and people of color have such a contrasting view on how things should be.
>prove me wrong
A multi-cultural society would never work.
Whites and people of color have such a contrasting view on how things should be.
>prove me wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
it could work with forging new identity around those people and being authoritarian just like empires of old did it. but yeah ethnostates are better
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
America is suppose to be the new identity built around these people and it still doesn't work.
Until whites are no longer a majority and keep winning in elections minority communities will always feel like things are unjust.
So you're saying a society where everyone lived in cities would have the same ideals?
Nice one
City people are more intellectually mature because their brains are left to evolve in a highly complex social environment, which explains why they are able to support candidates that offer a far more sophisticated platform like Hillary's, whereas rural and suburban retards are entirely manipulated by childish demagogic platforms.
>Rural retards
Using mathemetics as a standard, the NAEP says at grade 8 rural kids have 0.2% more high achievers and urban have 10% more unsatisfactory than rural. Rural iq's are also slightly higher.
So kill yourself pretty much.
Cities tend to be more liberal and attract other people with the same ideology. So those results are most likely skewed.
Shouldn't the states with the most cities have the highest IQs?
As you can see on your map, the highest IQ state (Massachusetts) is also one of the most urbanized.
is this why the races that have been living in cities for a while are smarter
Do you not remember what a bitch hillary was? Rewatcu the debates reddit9r
Probably. Urban societies are extremely discriminatory against low IQ people. Being dumb in a city is a death sentence.
You're trying to draw a correlation between IQ and urbanization when there's plenty of states on this map without a high amount of urbanization and still have high IQs.
There's nothing to suggest IQ to correlated with urbanization.
Hawaii is one of the most urbanized states and look at how they're one of the lowest.
There's no natural selection for intelligence outside of the city. If you're dumb in the woods, nobody cares. If you're dumb in the city, you end up homeless and eventually you'll get shot by the police.
To add to this, urbanites compete with people from all over the world because of globalization.
Why are all fucking leafs retarded?
You're suggesting that people outside of the city have everything given to them since you said there's no natural selection, when in face the opposite is true.
Huge cities tend to liberal in nature and offer more gibs to residents living in the cities, which reduces natural selection.
And globalization effects the whole economy.
If you actually did any research instead of making assumption based on what you think it rational, you'd realise there isn't a hard correlation between iq and living in a city.
>If you're dumb in the woods, nobody cares. If you're dumb in the city, you end up homeless
Retarded opinion, if you're dumb in the woods you die because anything is normally 30+ minutes away. Parallel to that you have less exposure to toxic chemicals that can damage or limit brain development.
College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.
"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.
Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.
We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, jews, radicals etc.)
Just look at the demographics vs counties won.
It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.
Time is short.
It can easily be reversed if we do those 3 things.
What a coincidence.
What a coincidence.
>Huge cities tend to liberal in nature and offer more gibs to residents living in the cities
That's some retarded shit. I don't even know how to respond.
You're retarded if you don't think it's true.
You're just pulling this out of your asshole
Poor people are leaving the cities in droves because of gentrification. You can't be poor and live in the city, period.
Different cultural values.
>Asian/Indians value educational and long term success
>Blacks value individual and immediate success
Not sure what white people care about. It's like they're just kind of ok with everything as long as you don't do drugs or commit crime and have a job.
What do white people value within their communities?
>le 43% face
Jow Forums is a demoralization test lab to see how many Whites can accept and get acclimated to the fact that they will be wiped out in a matter of decades.
>people go to big cities because of higher paying jobs
No where does it suggest that cities are breeding people to have higher IQs.
And were also way off topic from the original point.
Cities also have a massive amount of crime.
The places you pointed to with high IQ also had a high amount of white people.
Also, >using wikipedia as a source
>using THEGUARDIAN as a source
The guardian was literally just a story from a guy
Just wait till Whites are solid minority and no longer have noticeable voting power. Suddenly every mongoloid fuck, nigger, spic, and every other cockroach subhuman will wonder why the country turn to rancid dog shit and having a pot hole scarred road is luxury.
The bigger laugh is the remainder of Whites will, in all likelihood, self-segregate together in those flyover states. Their small communities and rural episodes will have better infrastructure and employment per person than the rest of the country.
Higher IQ people will naturally move to areas where resources are more plentiful.
You are retarded, I'm sorry.
Please refer to You fucking leaf
>city people
You mean niggers and other shitskins. White Men voted for trump, regardless of where they live
Also, read this:
>The Gentrification of Chicago is a process that has altered the demographic composition of some neighborhoods in Chicago usually by decreasing the percentage of low-income minority residents and increasing the percentage of typically white, higher-income residents.
From my OP
>A multi-cultural society would never work.
New York City is the most multicultural place on the planet. Could you please explain to me on what level it "does not work"?
I truly live in the state of the eternal basedboy. Every white guy here looks exactly like the meme pictures. It is sickening.
>The Gentrification of Chicago is a process that has altered the demographic composition of some neighborhoods in Chicago usually by decreasing the percentage of low-income minority residents and increasing the percentage of typically white, higher-income residents.
Whites come in and dominate the city due to jobs that require higher IQ people to be there.
New York is a fucking shit hole.
Only nice places are white/asian majority.
Yeah, and the rich white leftists and Jews in new York city live absolutely NOWHERE near the ethnically diverse neighborhoods
>Whites come in and dominate the city due to jobs that require higher IQ people to be there.
What is the problem then? Shouldn't you be happy?
Average IQ is not so good here. I bet you all the sub 100 states have binomial distributions.
That means two peaks on the normal distribution curve, which means an outside force is affecting the curve.
That thing is illegal immigration.
>This means the negros and mexicans are gonna get mad at whitey for dominating all these high paying jobs.
>Then they start demanding things like affirmative action
>This degrades those jobs because now they have people there who shouldn't be there.
No, why would I be happy with this?
>This means the negros and mexicans are gonna get mad at whitey for dominating all these high paying jobs.
Completely irrelevant. They can get mad all they want, it makes no difference.
>Then they start demanding things like affirmative action
Again, completely irrelevant because a company that is not competitive will go out of business.
>city people all voted for hillary
Your own png refutes that.
It's because it's one of the whitest. See Montana and ND at 98% white.
I agree.
You're gonna have you're smart whites/asians and the lower IQ mexicans.
But the lower IQ mexicans are actually causing more harm to the states then they are helping.
They start voting for democrats, dumbass.
Refer to
>85% white
Your time is up leaf.
>They start voting for democrats, dumbass.
Democrats support globalization which is a very reliable form of natural selection. I don't see the problem.
The problem is when right wingers like Trump start implementing anti-evolution policies like protectionism and closed borders. I'm against that because it's both retarded and anti-nature.
>Whites and people of color
I believe you meant to say "People of Light and People of Color".
>no borders
>hordes of spics and third world niggers start invading all cities/towns
>they all turn to shit holes
>"How could this of happen? I though this promoted natural selection??"
This is my last reply to you, leaf.
They aren't keeping them out because we're scared they're gonna be smarter than us, they're keeping them out because they don't want them to change our country to a mimic of theirs.
>hordes of spics and third world niggers start invading all cities/towns
But it also means lots of smart Asians who could take your job.
lolno, its most black, latino, and a smattering of chinese (for some reason).
shit skins need to go
>06/21/18(Thu)22:41:28 No.176035873
75% white retard.
I am genuinely surprised Florida's average IQ is as high as that.
>It can easily be reversed if we do those 3 things.
you right wing retards need to realize that you're fucked regardless of immigration. The vast majority of young people HATE republicans and will continue to for most of their lives. Once the rural boomer retards finally die out we'll OWN this shit, the demographics will just be the final nail on your coffins
Nice fake propaganda with no source.
Are there any historical examples we can look to to see what will happen? Has a country ever replaced it's stock with others like this before? My gut reaction is extremely negative, but I'm hoping my fears are just misplaced.
Your arguments would work if we weren't a democracy
And overwhelming muddy majority would trash any political resistance. Taxes would be hiked endlessly on the elites living in cities, even more so than they are now.
And then their country would collapse and another one that's more adapted to the modern world would take its place, thus continuing natural selection. I don,t see the problem.
How do the polls even know if you are college educated, do you have to like fill out a survey before voting?
> The groupthink is this bad
Holy fuck.
What site is this interactive from?