Why do leftists hate Israel so much?

Why do leftists hate Israel so much?

Attached: parties israel.png (2050x1431, 825K)

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archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/filename/ parties israel/

They don't.
They use it as a prop to reinforce how we should be more multicultural here.

When a right winger like Patrick Little maligns Israel they go after him like fucking wolves.

Liberals love jews. Why would they bite the hand that feeds them?

Because muh poor innocent Palestinian time bombs.

Because Israel is a proper example of ethnostate done correct.

They see mostly white ashkenazi Jews running brown ones and bombing shit skins.

If White Nationalists would wisen up they would find a legitimate great ally in Israel just like Rodesia did.

However incel level autism crushes any nuance, most Israelis are nothing like American kikes.

Why do neocons love "America's greatest ally" so much?

Because they’ve been brainwashed by Fox News and Evangelicals to put Jews above their own race.

So all the leftists boycotting and sanctioning Israel don't actually mean it?


Attached: GoodGoy.png (472x726, 676K)

And the majority of billionaire Jews, many of which have duel Israeli citizenship, donate heavily to the Democrats!

Super weird!

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/filename/ parties israel/

Attached: 1518978732531.jpg (582x569, 178K)

and now compiled so you cant get away with it

fuck off soros agent, no one is falling for your retarded fucking bullshit.

Attached: parties israel.png (1383x1600, 296K)

Thanks bro. Fuck off OP.

this shit happens every day, i really wish the retards on this board wouldn't reply to it every fucking time

You had me until the incel part. What's wrong with incel you fornicating degenerate?

>Psoe leftish
>Hating israel

Yeah, sure you nigga

Most anti Israeli people are sick in the mind.

Attached: VART.png (1156x1475, 3.06M)

I would love to take Palestine as an ethnostate model and shoot at Jews with rockets.

What's so special about Israel? Any country behaves like that. African ones. Muslim ones.

Attached: Palestine_recognition.png (1280x574, 228K)

It’s as if factions exist.

These niggas dressed as Splatoon? lol

Muslims exaggerated what goes on there. Last year like 14 Palestinians died fighting Israel and all of them were terrorists who tried committing terrorist acts. More people die in car accidents in small countries than in the Israeli Palestinian war meanwhile the Arabs want you to believe that millions of Palestinians are being slaughtered .

also notice how all the shit countries recognize "Palestine"

Stop replying to spam. If a thread is posted every day on a board, you're supposed to ignore it. OP is gone, so there's no more debate to be had. Stop replying. Go away.

Should support Israel, right? Why don't they...

Because all the countries that recognize "Palestine" are corrupt shitholes. They would rather suck up to Arab oil crime bosses then stand for the truth.

Wtf I’m pro Israel now.

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain what the fuck is going on?

Leftist, Soros backed media demonizes because of the poor, innocent palestinians who would never dare hurt anyone. Islam is a religion of peace after all.

BUT, wouldn't they be supporting Israel with Zionism?

I really feel like they're the next Rhodesia, and also I've been looking at some cheap surplus IWI Jericho's.

Can I buy with pride, or am I contributing to globalists?

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bot replies lol

this ones so obvious too

Israel is a terrorist country. They are the bad guys. You sound like a shill.

Being an incel is probably the most degenerate stance you could take.

Not a bot, just seriously that confused.