So how many of you fucking idiots actually fell for the college meme ? be honest now

so how many of you fucking idiots actually fell for the college meme ? be honest now..

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why do they all look like they have downs?

I did :(

Oh wait, I didn't need to pay for it! o/

I’ll gladly pay for you to kill yourself.

>college meme
>graduated june 2016
>hired in may 2016 at 72K with benefits package
>expense account; once every six weeks travel to iowa, michigan, atlanta, san fran to cover client operations
>work 10 hr days; intense but engaging
>progressive work atmosphere; annual retreat at resort town
>live in metro city with college buds; date qts on weekends
>paid off 75% of student loans; 8K left
>16K invested in tech stocks with 401K
>turn 24 in july
tell me what's wrong with college again?

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I didn’t have to pay for mine at all. And I’m glad I didn’t. All the money I’m making is going into my savings. I’m debt free while stupid fucks like yourself are probably in debt. I don’t even have to pay bills or taxes so all of the money I make is going to my savings. You stupid little fucks think you’re so much better than me. I could stay at home for another five years and make as much money as I can while spiting people like yourself. I don’t have to pay for jack shit. No food no water no phone bill. Nothing.

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College used to be for the top tier students
Now any retard gets in.
For this reason it doesn't have the same value it used to.

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I never got the chance to fall for the college lib meme.

During the occupy wall street movement is when I got really involved into politics/political theory. I wanted to know why the economy was the way it was, and what the government could do about it.

I went deep into it, reading smith, engels, marks, hayek, mises, keynes, friedman, and Bernanke's blog

I voted for Ron Paul in 2012, being finally of age to vote.

While in college I encountered many liberals that never had formed a solid understanding of economics or political theory, and had formed their feelings towards politics by what they saw on TV/Internet. Usually always quips and cookie cutter talking points.

So what if you did well by going to college. Nobody cares, we are talking about the big picture.

The fact of the matter is MOST people who go to college just waste their time or end up in a shit ton of debt.

Are you being ironic??

yeah, I resisted at first, but parents gaslit me and threatened to kick me out, so i bent the knee, was too weak-willed back then. Sophomore year joined a socialist club for volunteering experience. After a couple months realized socialism was retarded and going to college without aim was equally so. dropped out

>The fact of the matter is MOST people who go to college just waste their time or end up in a shit ton of debt.
Then why does the college grad significantly out-earn the average high school grad?

Mcdonalds workers bring the average way down. Show me the data for college vs skilled work/certification jobs.

>Break your back to make as much as a lower paying white collar job
Why do tradies get so upset about college?

Because jews go to college dipshit

My company finally made me finish up. Got an immediate $15,000 raise and promoted several pay grades beyond where I would have been stuck with only a high school diploma.

What is that supposed to mean? Maybe that's why they're the second highest earning ethnic group.

My parents paid for it, so it doesn't matter

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Ashamed to say I did. Then I fell for the welding meme. feelsbadman

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>not having your parents pay for college
lol at poorfags mad at people having fun for four years
>muh liberals
yeah rush a fraternity and see how liberal it is, literally a home dedicated to straight white masculinity

>be me, attend the college meme
>non-meme degree, GIS
>comfy 78k a year starting salary for GIS analyst
>turned 24 last month

Life is good user, going for my masters, just because I like my field

nepotistic busywork

You must have been a valuable worker, if your company wished to keep you in the business, congratulations on your opportunities.

GIS will be my minor, is it as comfy as it sounds?

Focus on GIS analysis, you will make more than the lazy techs who take the meme classes.

Also, learn python, you won’t use it, but employers want to see it on your resume.

You two fags met in that thread last week, ‘member?

Don't be mad because you're a lazy retard that couldn't get scholarships or maintain a decent GPA.

This. When everyone has a degree, a degree is worthless.

Doubt it, have been on /sp/ for the past week to watch them sperg about the World Cup

GIS is a pretty comfy degree tho

>Took last final exam today
>Graduating with a degree in finance
>Zero debt
>Probably going to join the army and eventually get my CFA and MBA


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I fell for the welding meme. It was tough red pill to swallow. Here in Texas it's filled with spics. That and every warehouse is mega seasonal, not something that you can build a life or family with.

bro my school paid me to go to college and now because of that piece of paper I make 6 figures, live in a rich neighborhood, have a huge house, kids and a wife to fill it with, and a car that's worth twice what average families make in a year and am totally out of debt. Get on my level.

Apologies user(Si. Don’t often see gis talk. Great field. GL
t.gis patent holder

Did great with my BSCS degree. Of course I'm a boomer so blame me for all your problems - that's easier than working hard in college and on the job.

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"Big Data" from services like twitter and facebook means that everyone is scrambling for statisticians. It may not have completely hit yet, but if I were trying to get a degree now that would put me in a VERY competitive spot for a high-paying job I'd probably go math and statistics. Even if it didn't pan out like it OBVIOUSLY WILL then I could at least make a comfy living as an actuary.

>Go a liberal arts college for anything
>Going to a normal college for humanities
These are the fuck ups.

You can go to a college if you receive scholarships/grants, etc., or if you're reasonable about cost, but if loan payments make up more than >10% of your annual income with a bachelor's degree, you fucked up.

No problem, see you in the field geospatial-cowboy

Do you know what taxes is you dumb fuck?

College is fine if you go to some cheap ass CC for the first 2 years then transfer. Can easily get scholarships as long as you did well.

In college currently. Doing geology

That's like saying everyone has fingers so I don't need mine anymore and can chop them off.

A college degree is still a plus, no matter what way you look at it.

This, When I was undergrad in Economics they wanted Statistical/Econometrics people for internships with an emphasis on Data Mining and Analytics. Strangely enough I was working with Marketing majors.

My mother worked at a university, so I got through without paying tuition. I had to go straight through because there was an age cut off. So I ended up with a master's that I don't use.

Now that I'm nearing 30, I finally figured out what I want to do with my life, so I'm going back to school for an education I'll use, but luckily the program is a little over a year, so not too long. Also, I never got saddled with debt, so I got off really easy for being young and dumb.

>college is free in brazil

>Be me
>Work as computer programmer
>Can't find work for shit
>Every job posting requires degree

Do the math.

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>Strangely enough I was working with Marketing majors.
Probably because analyzing data is a huge part of marketing

this guy fell for it

I did but I make 6 figures doing easy engineering work now so I'm comfy.

Do you think it was a good choice? That's my main interest right now.

It has some value but as as much as it used to.
And if they keep lowering the standards for admission, then it will keep going down.

No one cares about your degrees beyond your first job, unless you are doing something that requires it specifically.

You either can't pass interview assessments (so you need to find another profession before you kill yourself) or you need to learn how to do an interview, pick one.

Not every school is the same pedro

Fell for what? I'm graduating with no debt. For those who have to take out loans, a nursing student will get paid 15-20 an hour throughout college, will make 70k starting, an have unlimited overtime. Also, they can get in a CC program. Stop falling for the "don't go to college" meme.

it is "free" in the sense you don't pay tuition,
We all know it isn't really free.

If I’m picking between who to hire, do pick the guy with 10 fingers or the guy with 10 fingers? Worthless

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>be finance co. cfo
>get 50 resumes
>30 are psych majors, 10 are english majors, 5 are sociology majors, 2 are chemistry majors, 2 are math majors, 1 is physics major

guess which 5 he invites for interview

I did. I was underemployed for over 2 years doing shitty labor but I've finally got a decent paying seasonal job. Now I just need to find a decent paying permanent job and I'll be set.

I think it’s pretty interesting. And the field has lots of opportunities. The pay is also great if you can land certain jobs like the oil, mining, etc

It's merely a question of demand and supply.
In past there was low supply, now there is more (and on average of lower quality).
It's natural its value start to decline.

>CFO reading resumes
If a CFO is going to make a hire, it will be through the good-ol-boy network. Major does not apply.

>50 guys
>all have fingers
>30 go to community college, 15 go to midtier schools with average entrance requirements, 3 go to high tier colleges with hard entrance requirements, 2 go to ivy league schools

which 5 do you pick for interview

>college meme
>graduated may 2017
>hired at $10/hr with no benefits or vacation days
>work 10+ hr days; intense but also intense
>blue collar work atmosphere; stack boxes all day
>live in shit apartment; work overtime on weekends
>no student loans because scholarships
>invest all the money I saved buying redbull and tylenol to get though the day
>turn 24
>feel like 54

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In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

Bs chem, minor in math.

Process chemist

115k/yr starting.

Fell for what?

>hired at $10/hr with no benefits or vacation
What is your degree

in smaller companies, CEO/CFO/CIO are in the interview stack since they're picking individuals with specific fit

in companies like this, everyone knows you, you can advance rapidly, or get fired in weeks

College was a good idea for me. Full ride, 4 years of partying, no debt, and a middle class job where I don't have to do any manual labor when I was done. Anti-college fags are just jealous that they slacked off in high school and couldn't get into college without debt, or were too stupid to get into college at all.

Obama paid for me to get a History degree at Berkeley.

t. $150k welder fag

I'll gladly pay for you to kill yourself

well done user

what's the mortality rate for welders

Since when in being a salaried wagecuck with no method of upward advancement in a dying system soon to be replaced by AI and robotics a good thing? You're bragging about being in coach on a sinking ship. 72k a year is menial at 24, stop comparing your life to your shitty age group and start comparing it to the 1% who own 80% of the wealth and are diverting it all towards making your ridiculous degree completely worthless. You have nothing, everyone in college and graduating college has zero future stability in the nonexistent job market.


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computer engineering

I’m in an air conditioned shop with acrylic floors. I imagine I’ll die someday, though.

Found the psych major

Your original hypothesis was correct

>tfw most people on this board will experience a big black finger in their anus in his lifetime

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ΣΑΕ reporting in.

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>Autistically spergs out
>74k is nothing at 24
The nurse should be finishing their DNP by 24. Anyways, stop larping.
>nonexistent job market
Nice b8.

>72k a year is menial at 24
in my town, dudes my age are making 12/hr with no benefits working part time, waiting tables or changing tires

72k is starting salary -- ideally choose companies with 6 month reviews; my typical raise is 2k every half year, and performance bonuses of 1k depending on the success of the client accounts im assigned to quarterly

>implying they don't already due to their money going to nig welfare

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Found the rust belt fag.

preddy gud

So basically you get a 3k raise each year, but true inflation is at nearly 3%. Enjoy matching the rising costs of goods and real estate with your menial income.

nah, small town new hampshire

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Where do you live? 72k in my state is solid

Got a 60k a yearish job working at a factory straight out of high school. Dead-ended so went to college part-time. Graduated in 2015, up to 100k from 60k now in 3 years. Still work in manufacturing, but as an engineering manager. Good mix of practical and academic experience has led to success.

how it works in my company is you start around 72K, they weed out half the new employees, by the second year, the hardcore group is making 80K+/-, with about 6 to 8K via performance bonuses, then the better group are offered a bump up to jr. account mgr, which is 88K, with better stock options, and above that, you manage a group of 10 ppl and get into the 95 to 100K bracket; many people go "lateral" and work at larger firms, but the culture isn't as personal; for example, my CEO gives me front row tickets to basketball games or invites me to lunch with CEOs of other co's; smaller co's may develop their staff, especially if the industry is smaller

im heading out to grad school tho

>be me
>graduate high school in 08
>spend a year in the army under a special program
>leave because army sucked
>fall into trap of university being a scam
>do a 4-year apprenticeship
>spend 6 years total as blue collar worker
>it was also super shit
>start university second-semester last year
>second-year law/commerce student
>attempt to fast track my degrees now so I'll finish before I'm 30
>currently 26

I didn't particularly enjoy college because of all the shitlibbery that goes on there but without it I wouldn't have been able to travel to asia and work as a teacher.

I'm also planning on going to germany and getting a free masters after which I should be able to emigrate and leave behind the Amerimutt multi-cult shithole and leave my white children citizenship in a functioning, white state.

Also, no debt because I'm not a retard and I finished half my degree in highschool and did two years at a state school. Also, my dad saved up some of my dead mom's social security money to help me out with costs.

Public school, or at least mine, really killed any desire to go to college.

Nothing more appreciated by actual men than an engineer with even the smallest amount of practical experience. Godspeed, you train driving faggot.

If your smart, join the Navy or Air Force.

>no collage
>hired on $13 an hour
>"oh you know computers?"
>"this is your office so keep it clean, also your getting a raise"
>pay goes up to $20 an hour
>twiddle my thumbs until someone can't print an invoice
>fix it in 25 seconds
>"Wow user I'm impressed, you fixed it in no time and didn't have to call anybody!
>buy a plot of land off the highway
>clear it out because I have a tractor
>slap double wide in there and have a well dug
>currently living comfy
>only my dog to annoy me

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Implying the global economy is going to require basic skilled workers in the next 20 years. Do your research on AI and come back to me. Most predictions are at 80% of current jobs being eradicated by automation in the next 20 years. Transportation jobs will be first, destabilizing 4 million people within the next 5 years. Everything after that will accelerate. How exactly do you plan for retirement in the next 15 years assuming a 72k a year base rate and an average life expectancy of 95 by year 2025? The fact is you can't. If you are thinking that stable and comfy are good, you are in for a rude awakening. Peter Thiel isn't building a doomsday shelter for nothing.

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My parents pretty much pushed me into it
They are taking on all my debt but it’s still ending up an overall waste of 4 years of my life and a waste of money for the family overall.