Thoughts on metokur?

Any thoughts on metokur? Is he /ourguy/, or just another degenerate?

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hes great in murdoch murdoch

Kind of in the middle.
Obviously bright, but married to a Person of Rice.

As a result he will never fully be on board with white nationalism.

I think of him a bit like a Sargon. An entry level redpill for people who maybe thought feminism was a good idea.

he's funny and i like his content but he's not /ourguy/

twitch thot

if this were 2010 /b/ metokur would've been /ourguy/ He's an oldfag who's truly still in it for the lulz. So complicit in white genocide to some people here, but the /ouristofguys/ in a lot of ways.

I see him a bit of a step above sargon. He's sounds much more sensible to the average viewer, but he's also more welcoming of pol ideas (unlike sargon, who tried to declare some kind of fucking war)

he sperged out recently because the stepfather knocked him down a peg. was hilarious

did he actually marry the gook? Nice trips satan

Metour is great for lulz. We need to relax sometimes and not constantly be on the hunt for degenerates. His content is entertaining, and that is what matters.


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He's a cringy useless fag who spends 12 hours a day sifting through youtube videos for people to troll for shekels. He just happens to be somewhat decent at banter.

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Un-fucking-touchable. The guy could say that 2+2=5 and somehow, someway, he'll manage to use his 1972 radio voice to either jump around the point or convince the person he's talking to that he's right.

For the past 3 days there's been threads on this faggot. Make up your own minds newfags for fucks sake

what u gonna do Satan?

old news

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He's Johnny Carson for internet nerds. 7.5/10 humor.

Two satan trips in one short thread about him.
he's clearly satan.
now stop making threads about this shit every single day metekour.


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Will you shut the fuck up already, faggot? Fuck you.

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>not race mixing with a asian to raise your family lines IQ

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Which episode is it? I havent seen all of them.

>Reproducing with someone 105 IQ.

No thanks

This desu

> that grammar
Yikes, guess you aren't Asian then. Clearly aren't Japanese with that cringy stenography.

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He's rootless and shapeshifting to always be on the winning side.

What other kind does this?
Ralph was playing the clip to metokur and you could tell by his reaction, that the don hit a nerve with this

What’s with all the Metokur threads lately? Metokur is an oldfag who was a leading voice in GG but left because of the faggotry that always ensues any movement that is set to deconstruct the forces of degeneracy. Now he is a humble farmer of memetics and likes to make fun of degeneracy in all its different forms. He’s not /our guy/ get outta here with that leddit shit...he’s just a decent guy.

>careing how somebody writes online
aspie spotted

The long running theory is that Jim is in fact Dr. Murdoch.

The truth is, in fact, that he IS Dr. Murdoch, but also does the voices for Murdoch Murdoch and Murdoch-Chan.


A fun dude but he has some serious commitment issues (for everything except ladies of rice).

He means sarcuck sperged.

> virgin can't type
> still thinks he can speak about intelligence

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I like the sound of his voice, it’s good white noise for any menial task.

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He's just a wild dog who barks at the retarded autism of the internet


You need to watch the new AMA they just did on Cheeky. None of that is true. I highly recommend it if you are a fan or actually just support the 14. It was like a white pill overdose. Fuck black pill pussies.

Weak-willed man who married an Asian woman, and his fake-ass voice sounds like he's about to laugh at how amazing he is. From my personal experience on Kiwifarms, anyone who spends this much time insulting other people is troll-shielding, and probably has his own skeletons in his closet. The fact he hasn't shown his own face hints at this.

His content is informative on an entry-level, but he's become a rootless patreon whore. His promised content for TGWTG started strong with Spoony, but quickly became rushed and sloppy. Especially his content on Angry Joe and Latza. He also stole all of the information from that video series from /tv/, so he's no better than a plagiarist.