>be me
>get in a motorcycle accident
>wake up on the side of the road some asian guy asking if I'm ok
>say yep
>ask me if I want him to call an ambulance
>say nope
>get up and realise that I'm in a immense amount of pain
>call my buddy to pick me up and my bike
>after loading bike he says I need to go to the hospital
>say nope I'll sleep it off
>>we argue and he convinces me to go to the hospital
>in the ER doctor says I have 6 broken ribs, broken shoulder blade, broken collar bone, and collapsed lung
>a week later was released
>start getting bills
>revieved pic after 2 months
Apparently the hospital wrote me off as a charity for tax relief. They have a fund that they use for charity
Capitalism doesn't wor
Other urls found in this thread:
you are a lucky motherfucker to boot. my dad nearly died on the road in a motorcycle wreck, not even highway speeds. physically lost half the muscle in one of his lower legs, ripped a nerve and doesnt have the use of one arm and shattered every one of his teeth.
be safe and live a good long wholesome life to pay back that charity unto others. user, do right.
In unregulated capitalism (real capitalism) there'd be no incentive for the hospital to write off your bill.
Your father was a faggot.
That's the benefit of democrat-style capitalism. Enjoy it for as long as we have it
In “real capitalism” it wouldn’t cost 5 years of annual household income go take care of some non life threatening injuries
So? You have no right to healthcare.
First of all your lucky second if you could wait for your buddy to drive you down, you don't need the emergency room. Its a lot cheaper when you don't go.
Our healthcare system is pseudo socialized.
That 200k price is a result of:
1. The insurance industry. A middle man always adds to the prices. The bureaucracy of the insurance industry as well.
2. Taco paco. Every time a little mexican jumping bean gets hurt on the job and he goes to the emergency room, he can't pay and thats passed along to other people, such as you (or at least people who don't get a charity pass). No such thing as a free lunch, the hospital can't take that on the chin.
3. Lawsuits, litigation and mountains of legal requirements
Direct care and direct bill hospitals are a lot cheaper. It could cost me up to 1000-2000 dollars an xray in the emergency room and thats without the other myriad of fees. At my local direct billing small doctor its 70 bucks.
I broke my leg two years ago, I had to wait overnight because the doctor wasn't open and it sucked but I ended up only spending 150 bucks.
>shattered teeth
Confirmed squid
What the fuck is this shit? Never heard of this before. You’re usually stuck with that price or get some minor deductions.