Post red pilled vidya

Post red pilled vidya.

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Attached: stellaris.jpg (460x215, 24K)

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>tries to be a good empire
>ends up enslaving everybody
I think I have a problem.

If you're going to post video games in a Jow Forums thread, at least discuss what makes them political.

Attached: FA1F2AAD-6147-4BBA-B56E-D621AFB0BD83.jpg (220x290, 38K)

vidya itself is the bluest of pills for you are living in the Matrix within the Matrix.
Get out while you can s o y s

Can you not use the cheat to bypass the filter on Onions?

Paradox is becoming quite blue pilled as a company, thankfully the openness of their games still allow to play in a redpilled way.

Shit guess not...

I don't think enabling the ability to enslave every planet you come across is a bluepilled game..