Charles Krauthammer?

Now that the dust has settled what do you think about this man? Was he a good guy or not?

Attached: krauthammercharles.jpg (640x360, 19K)

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lol dead jew

Attached: Charles Krauthammer.png (897x183, 25K)

Was correct on some things, was wrong on a shitload of others, I'm not reveling in his death, but honestly, it doesn't matter much to me.

I stopped agreeing with him on much years ago but I still had some respect for him. Seemed like an okay guy. Wish someone like Bill Kristol had died instead.

invade iraq invade iran invade libya hurrrrrr dead

FPBP nothing of value has been lost

another warmonger zionist. good riddance.

Okay so basically another anti-Trump boomer cuckservative dead. not quite the boomer genocide i wanted but still a step in the right direction.