You become woke, when a cute white chick sucks your dick. I'm glad we Chinamen are in positions of higher power. We are rustling the right people, just like how Trump/Duterte rustles feminists.
To be a redpilled Asian guy in the west:
>You gotta be banging white pussy >Making lots of money >Supporting China >Rustling the white, jew, and the nigger
Jews fear Asian guys the most, since well in China we treat them like the dogs they are. We eat them and put a blow torch to their face. Someone link those based China webm.
Anthony Bennett
Hunter Bennett
It doesn't really matter. You might manage to get a white girl but it still wont make up for how much Chinese women would love a big white dick. And the best part of it is that I don't even have a job and she works for me
It's more subversive and degrading if a white woman fornicates with an Asian guy.
Also Australian loves the big Chinese dick. Since you folks are on track to be a Chinese colony.
Aaron Rogers
To be a nigger you must consider it a great life achievement to touch a white women and brag about it.
Youre still a nigger chink. Nobody is bragging about fucking your monkey faced gook bitches
Aaron Wilson
In the west if you are an Asian guy, you should be banging white women. In Asia, you should only bang Asian women. There is nothing redpilled about an Asian guy in the west banging Asia women. To reach new levels, you have to get your dick sucked by hot white women/men.