It will be absolutely glorious. When the money runs out to pay off the muzzies, then it will collapse. Then it will be open season on all white people. Like south africa, but worse. Here in the USA, we will have a front row seat, protected by an ocean where we will get to watch the muslim hordes unleash their venom on every white, jew, and anyone else they so choose.
How long until the fall of Europe?
I'm thinking they'll have a 9/11 style happening next year which kicks off a civil war
>debt capitalism
>running out of money
>original shithole of multi-culture
>"watching" europe fall
>Here in the USA, we will have a front row seat, protected by an ocean
Unless it happens to us first but much more sneakily and one day we realize that we are outnumbered by spics.
>implying there won't be an European Uprising
Dumbfuck Burger, we're not you.
>open season on all white people
you know the laws and governments were specifically made to STOP US from slaughtering darkies, right
3.3 million
According to a Pew Forum estimate, in 2016 there were 3.3 million Muslims, comprising about 1% of the total U.S. population. A Pew Forum report on American religion found that Muslims accounted for 0.9% of American adults in 2014, up from 0.4% in 2007, due largely to immigration.
Islam in the United States - Wikipedia
Sure thing Mr. 56
Under 18 you're already a minority.
spics are less likely to turn on us. They are raised catholic. They come from spanish colonys. Also, they were bred to respect the white man. The white man were their colonial masters.