So why did God make black people really?

So why did God make black people really?

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Mark of Cain

God has a thing for sending plagues

Correct. Fogs, bugs, negroes, boils, poison gas.
Real joker, this God almighty fellow.


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White women had been behaving so he gave them a treat.

Can't spell "Canuck" without "cuck".

There is no God and there is a lot of sun arround the equator most people that live arround end up dark.

he likes to see the world to suffer

He's got a questionable sense of humor.

are you fucking retarded? there were no white people in the cradle of civilsation. good god man. the black man came first.

Supposedly for a long time people believed Africans are black and ugly because of the curse of ham.

so what when Im about whats the sound of abusting loose say jews say juicy you gonna know what Im talking about peckerwood

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Why did God made miku not real?

Because they refused to ally themselves with God, so they are cursed to be born into bodies with an inferior intellectual capacity.

No seriously. Mormonism is the final redpill.

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So why did god make monkeys really?

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because even Miku isn't safe from being blacked.


The demiurge made them to mess with us because he is the cosmic Jew.

>So why.... niggers?
Every simulation has antagonists.

Eustace Mullins: The Curse of Canaan

Highly recommend to read user, if you haven't already.

Stop with the god meme, they evolved from chimps and we, humans, evolved further. Aboriginals didn't even evolve at all which makes no sense actually.