Help, it's too much

Help, it's too much.

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i know your feel bro, the burden is heavy lately isn't it, i always knew pursuit of the truth was a long painful path but honestly i wasn't expecting it to weigh me down so much.

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I feel the same way, what the fuck is going on? Why does everyone on here, primarily otherwise healthy young adult males, want to kill themselves?

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>pic so related it physically hurts.

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Too much information, too much"truth". Who do I believe? Who is telling the truth?

Ask not for a lighter load instead you should ask for stronger shoulders

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Stay strong bro. It took the leftists decades to get control remember.

i usually don't enter these, but have you tried not caring? As in, I just saw a coalburner yesterday, the first thing that came to my mind was a story I read from South Africa a few weeks ago. It was about a white coalburning mother who got raped to death by her own children. I giggled in my head and went on with my day.
I mean you're right, there is not much of a future. But maybe you'll be the next Hitler? Maybe you'll save people from this horrible future which is ironically South Africa?

there is still good in the world if you know where to find it, find a hobby, try books. I love reading. You'll enjoy fantasy shit if you're rightwing

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What? No, it's not enough. We should be surfing in space and living healthy lives for over a hundred years. There's not enough time for ME to build my fleet of spacecraft. There's NOT enough time for me to see real alien life, probably. Fuck you. GIVE ME YOUR TIME. IF YOU DONT WANT IT GIVE IT TO ME

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you know the hardest part of all this, even if i left pol and never came back ( unlikely) i can never go back to the blissful ignorance of the times before i came here. nothing can return me to the lighthearted happy go lucky person i used to be.