John senior General /KUsucks/ Christian Culture edition

How do we restore it anons?
Any Seniorites on here?

introduction to john Senior


Quote of the day
>"There is no such thing as a Christianity in which the commandments of God are accommodated to the Rights of Man"

>Latin Mass Directory

>Cool stuff to check out
>based monks

>based school, if you have/are high schoolers

Attached: read this too.jpg (300x300, 24K)

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Has anybody on this board read Death of Christian Culture or Restoration of Christian Culture?

Attached: read this.jpg (324x499, 45K)

shameless bump

More quotes

>What is Christian Culture? It is essentially the Mass. That is not my or anyone's opinion or theory or wish but the central fact of two thousand years of history.

>The one thing needful, the unum necessarium of the Kingdom, is to love as He loves us, which is the love of joy in suffering and sacrifice, like Roland and Olivier charging into battle to their death defending those they love as they cry "Mon joie"; that is the music of Christian Culture. (C

Throw that shitskin tome of lies (the Bible) in a fire where it belongs.

Disgusting fucking religion has turned the entirety of the white race into cucks, basedboys, and cowards.

You don't need religion, forgiveness, or empathy. You need to fucking nut up and protect your people. Fucking Christcuck faggots.

“One or two percent of any society is always subcultural. The Trotskyite, the Communist, the arsonist, the homosexual, the assassin--these are obviously dangerous and the courts must dispose their cases. Law has its problems. I shall not underestimate them; but law is not the problem. The enemy I am talking about is the one lurking in the guts of the whole nation like an invisible and deadly virus. It is not an action, but an attitude that says everyone has the right to arson, murder, rape, because doing those things is necessarily included under the rubric of freedom, of doing what one wants--not what I want or you want, but what someone wants. In a word, we have raised the abnormal and aberrant to the condition of a human right. The beast is loose among us, and he is welcome in our universities and homes.”

Tell me this is cucked, faggot

>“People who care for nothing but themselves inevitably lose to those who, capable of sacrifice, will fight for something more than themselves,”

>The strongest reactionary force impeding progress is the cult of progress itself, which, cutting us off from our roots, makes growth impossible and choice unnecessary.

>Latin is the language of the Roman Catholic Church; you can repudiate the tradition and overthrow the Church; but you cannot have the tradition and the Church without its language. And though the Second Vatican Council permitted the substitution of vernacular liturgies where pastoral reasons suggested their usefulness, it commanded that the Latin be preserved. The Catholic Faith is so intimately bound to the two thousand years of Latin prayers any attempt to live the Catholic life without them will result in its attrition and ultimate apostasy - which we have witnessed even in the few years of the vernacular experiment. We must return to the Faith of our fathers by way of prayer of our fathers

>"Woman's place is in the home not because some chauvinist put her there but because there is a law of gravity in human nature as there is in physics by which we seek our happiness at the center."

>The immediate (practical) purpose of drinking a cup of coffee is to wash the biscuit down; the proximate (ethical), the intimate communion of, say, cowboys standing around a campfire in a drenching rain, water curling off their Stetsons, over yellow slickers, splashing on the rowels of spurs, their faces creased with squinting at the sun, drawing the bitter liquid down their several throats into the single moral belly of their comradeship. The remote (political) purpose of coffee at the campfire, especially in the rain, is the making of Americans — born on the frontier, free, frank, friendly, touchy about honor, despisers of fences, lovers of horses, worshippers of eagles and women. Nations have their drinks: the English, tea, the Irish, whiskey, the Germans, beer. Drinking coffee from a can is us. The ultimate purpose is mystical. To drink a can of coffee with the cowboys in the rain is as Odysseus said of Alcinous's banquet: "something like perfection."

>Peace at the price of one's reason can only be that "evil peace" St. Augustine speaks of as the violent enforcement of injustice.

Basic Gestalt on these books + its author?

Proffessor at the University of Kansas 1960s-1980s- Ran a program called the Pearson Integrated Humanities Program.

>taught that we should restore western Civilization through Christianity

>took his students to europe

>some stayed at pic related (they were jewish kids who converted to Ctholicism and decided to become monks

>the (((parents))) were not happy, so the ((administration))) (((shut it down)))

>Bishop Conley of Lincoln Nebraska (possibly one of the coolest US Bishops) and Archbishop Coakley of OKC both came out of the program

Senior hated modernism with a passion he spent his life advocating for a return to classical education and small, high-0trust, low-media society.

Also, his writing is really gud. Beautiful stuff.

forgot related video. Fontgombault abbey

Some of the former jews went on to found a copy-cat abbey in near Tulsa. the Monks in both places are fricking dope

Thank you. Sounds interesting, I'll have a look.

cool user. You wont regret it. Starting with "death of Christian Culture, then read "restoration" would be my suggestion

you wouldn't happen to have a pdf link for the first book you mentioned? Poor as fuck...

kust looked. Couldnt find one online, but i did find a copy for like $15 if you are an american

Sorry i couldnt be more help on that m8

Gee, thanks a lot user. That's much cheaper than on ((amazon)).

Hey sorry if I'm annoying, but do you have any sauce on heresy? Senior has a chapter on it from what I've seen, but I'd be interested in works by religious scholars specifically on heresy. I don't know my way around this type of literature.

Gotta go user but I'll leave this thread open - thanks in advance if you can provide sauce. If not, no worries I'll do my own research. God bless ya'll.

>Disgusting fucking religion has turned the entirety of the white race into cucks, basedboys, and cowards.
That would be ATHEISM and New Age Paganism, you bleeding idiot. For 2 000 years with Christianity we NEVER had these problems, before we got rampant atheism and new age paganism. You are too stupid for the board. Get the hell out.