Did you know we the goverment can kidnap individuals as young as 10 years old?
Quotes in greentext.
>Notional considerations of civil liberties do not trump the very real threat, the very real threat of terror in our country today,
>There is going to be people out there talking about civil liberties today,they are going to be talking about the thin edge of the wedge and all this sort of stuff,well frankly, that talk … is a luxury that might be available to them it is not available to political leaders in this country,
Here's another article
> Complaining about police powers that infringe on civil liberties, saying effective political leaders must give police exactly what they need to combat terrorism.
>Some people have the luxury of being able to have that notional debate. Those of us in positions of leadership don’t have that luxury.
I plan on calling Daniel Andrews to ask some questions, I will record the conversation as it is legal to do so. It is not illegal in Victoria, the Northern Territory or Queensland to record, without consent, a phone call you make or receive, or a private conversation you are having
What questions do you want me to ask Daniel Andrews? I already have some.
>Do you condone violence against non violent people? If so how do you justify it?
>Isn't it wrong to kidnap people as young as 10 years old without evidence?
>Are we not innocent until proven guilty?
>If threats of violence are illegal then how is threatening non violent people justified?
Anyone done this before? I'll host their statements online.
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