All homos are pedos

all homos are pedos
homosexuals are objectively metaphysically evil edition
old thread
Dr Timothy J.Dailey, Ph.D. -- "Homosexuality And Child Abuse"

Attached: objective metaphysical evil gay degeneracy pedophilia child abuse.jpg (1024x669, 51K)

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All gays are the product of child abuse, every homosexual is a paedophile.

Welcome to /agg/ American Generalization General

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yes. they are vampires and pedophilia is how they reproduce.

It's funny desu
You make an antigay thread on Jow Forums and they(mainly amerimutts) glorify traditionalism and other conservative bullshit
You make an anti-woman thread ("""feminism""") and pol unintentinally gaypills itself

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normalising destructive fetishes is bad for you!?

You're the same faggot kike that got a kid to kill himself. Fuck you and everything you love.

Whoa what the fuck is that picture

Antigay are closet gays, why are you obseded about people who like what you don't like?...It's a sort of projection because seriously I will be happy if more men are gay because I will have less competition then fuck more women.

only a fucking gay could ever think this way.
fucking gays have no fucking clue how filthy and viscerally rotten and disgusting they are to straights.
no, you can complain about women until the end of time. you can point out all of their flaws, many rightfully so because women do have lots of issues. you can do it to the point where you make someone hate women for what they are in the depths of their soul. THEY STILL NOT GONNA "TURN GAY", they're still gonna want to bang women.
homosexuality is VISCERALLY REPULSIVE to 90% of the population. the other 10% is gay / bi and deeply mentally ill. NOTHING will ever change that. NOTHING will make a straight person "suddenly attracted to gay". it's literally nauseating to 90% of the population on a deep seeded and primal level.

The fuck?
I had no part in any such evil
But you can take your guilttripping and shove it, how many times have straight people caused gay people to kill themselves.
Get off your high horse you non white victim playing triplenigger

i now call it objective metaphysical evil user. ever since i saw pic related. pic related opened my eyes to things in a really big and powerful way. then i went on /lgbt/ and /d/ and realized what these evil soulless degenerate monsters are really about.

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anti-semites are jewis
islamaphobes are secretly muslim
Atheirsts are Christians
Racists are black
Antigay are gay


>if u hate gays that meens ur gay
This is the wealest bait only the stupidest of amerimutts fall for. Try harder

memeflag memeing.
remember kids, the left truly cannot meme.

>le homophobes are secretly homosexuals meme
picture related. pls fucking KYS faggot. save people trouble on the day of the rope.

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take your AIDS and leave the board dicksniffer

Nice comeback, i was so surprised that my eyebrows DIDMT fall off

>the stupidest of amerimutts

I know for fact this is wrong, I’m a homosexual and not a pedofile. Prove to me that I am.

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>t. Pedophile

I've seen this pic before but the first picture I haven't seen. Holy shit he's a naked unicorn cuddling up to a drag queen boy. "Brave, courageous, inspiring, fabulous" is what normalfags would say about that. What the actual fuck.

Why do bongs spell pedophile with an a?

>prove to me that i am
your first instinct was to try to tell people "but im not a pedophile" rather than be disgusted at the obvious pedophilia and horror in the OP pic, and rather than call those of "your kind" you're trying to gaslight for their crimes against humanity and evil.
there. at the very least you're a pedophile enabler. i'm sure there are many layers to your evil and depravity, just as is the case with all homofaggots.

>pedophilia and horror
Reported OP for posting CP, thanks for the tip user

Because the quuens english, paedo is for kids and pedo is for feet

Because that's the correct spelling, colonialists dumbed down a lot of the language, like colour - color, easier to remember I guess

Because they spell latin loan words properly.

>reading comprehension

>when i became a right-winger
>Same here. Used to be super LGTB.
>i am a former progressive

I must also say that I fucking voted to ban gay marriage in California ALL THE WAY BACK IN 08'! Anyone remember what Jow Forums was like then? /b/ had become 100% Unironic leftist pedos who rejoiced when Prop 8 was struck down because of how fox news had attacked Jow Forums and "muh anonymoose, muh Westboro baptists".

I want you to think about where you were with all of this back when that was happening. I told people at my high school graduation that I voted Yes on Prop 8 to their horror. One asked me pointedly, "But why??!?". I told him (honest to god), "I did it for the lulz". This horrified him. I realized I was all but alone in my generation and peers at that time. I've known some cool gay people who didnt make it their identity and never treated them poorly once. But I saw that them getting married was bad and that they werent "normal" that way.

Imagine how blackpilling all this was for years. Imagine where you live becomes surrounded by leftists in this time. To the point where it becomes unlivable, eventually becoming a borderline refugee camp for 3rd worlders working as wageslaves and the cities near your hamlet are now complete shitholes. Imagine you fought this every step of the way and were struck down, with no support. Imagine GIVING UP, knowing everything you know now. I did.

Everytime you have doubt in your heart on this journey, I want you to think of all these things I and so many others went through before we reached the point where people like you began to see the light and support the things we needed you to. You're picking up the flag I dropped once, you're picking up the torch I let go dark. Dont drop it now, dont let the torch burn dark this time or we may never see light again as long as we live

Reposting from last thread

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To all the faggots in this thread, seek help

With what?

Your illness


>trying this hard to cover up the crimes of your people
you will hang on the day of the rope, for certain.

You have schizophrenia

Idk man, that is a rotten abyss there that gazes open but id argue homosexuality, while having great potential for degenerated bullshit from the beginning on due to it being.. well sexuality unbound to womenly pickyness and procreation, got highjacked in the late 60s by an espeacially vile branch of sodomites that see it as a jackhammer to force all kind of taboos open in an eternal struggle against society, way beyond what many homosexual men ever regarded as their needs. It didnt start out as a scene with a flag and a lobby afterall.

Pedophilia is disgusting user, I'm not endorsing it. What is also disgusting is that you have no real argument and you're trying to put your opponent on the defensive with generalizations and buzzwords. Have you actually held an argument properly?
I'm gay and a virgin but according to you as soon as i became gay, my dick magically appeared inside children and i became infested with aids.

It's a sad state that the majority of posters in this thread actually believe the above

yeah, we know.
The catholic church has taught this for 2 millennia and before that in tradition too.

they are holding another gay convention at the same hotel this year. it would be funny if pol intervened

So that is one step down and let me be clear. OP’s pick is disgusting and specialization of kids is wrong. I think pride parades are way too sexual and I’m in a long term monogamous relationship.

I know many more homosexuals than you and None that I know act this way and certainly not pedophiles. You are taking the worst parts of community and pretending that everyone is like that. This comes either from a fear of unknown or hatred of what is different. Most gays are man whores, but almost all men would be if given the chance.

>muh catholics
Catholics have only been caught the most, jews and muslims embrace it and are 'oppressed' so it doesnt matter

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was first transmitted through food, not sex. still high gay rate of it tho

>>ZERO reproductive value
gays serve the local gene pool/family by producing in the economy and other family tasks cause they dont look for breedable mates

cool, which genes are they?

arbitrarily defined

>>Child rape and abuse
true and better solutions need doing aside from genocide.

>>Undermining of foundational societal keystones like the family unit and marriage
The family unit has been dead for 6 decades. human relationships are more couples then just mom, dad, 10 kids as support can come from grandparents, friends and ect. women did pretty well for themselves during WW2

>some faggot has literally been making this post, with this flag, all day

Sweetie, you are the one with the mental illness.

You're not a retarded amerimutt, dont bother debating that retard because he uses leftist debate tactics. You'll just end up angry and frustrated when every post devolves to: calling you a pedo or a shill

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> worst part of community
Question is, should there even be a community based on a sexuality?

i do remember when Jow Forums was leftist, and then libertarian.
once in a while i see people post a picture of bill o'reilly with an infographic saying "left-wing website Jow Forums is spreading propaganda" or something, and people are like "hey guys! we're so left wing huh! hurr hurrrr" without ever realizing that back then Jow Forums actually was completely left wing. and full of anonymousfags too, i remember.
then it became libertarian ron paul supporters. Jow Forums was mostly libertarian when it was started.
and then it became nazi and i was one of the few libertarians here.
now i don't even know wtf it is.

but either way, now i see that people like you were right. now i see why libertarianism truly is wrong. i truly underestimated the evil of other people in their souls.

fact is i'm a pretty decent person. i don't have any ill will towards anyone, nor do i get sexual thrills from "dominating other people" or watching them experience physical pain.

on some level i had always just presumed that other people were fundamentally decent too, but now i realize i was wrong. now i realize these people WILL NEVER STOP until they can destroy everything decent and right around them and eventually even themselves too.

and because they'll stop at nothing, lying and manipulating and devoting all of their energy to this, there is no way society can "tolerate" them and survive in any kind of decent form. they must be expunged. genocided. they must be genuinely destroyed.

pic related is just the beginning of it. that's the tamest example and that alone is bad enough to warrant a massive response.

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>muh special heterosexual club is the only club allowed

>pol was leftist
Humans are reactive creatures, not proactive ones. Jow Forums is one of the biggest reactive cesspools to exist

discord gg/GFKsZ6

add a .

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Im a euro and the gaylobby here cooperated with open pedophiles in the 70s seeking to legalize both until there was a great public backlash.
While this is now being distanced from, it has not been questioned how it could go so far in the first place. Political agitation for all kinds of sexual deviancy at once was a mistake.

>Jow Forums was mostly libertarian
Many libertarians became third positionists after 2012 revealed the elite would never ever let a true libertarian anywhere near power when Ron Paul got screwed. I'm of a belief that the chaos of Trump is without a doubt revenge on the neoliberal establishment for not taking the friendly libertarian option of Ron Paul when they had the chance

>pedo meme flag
>logical points that will upset anericans
Oh are you also here to shitpost?

i'm just not going to be fooled anymore. i'm not using any sort of "debate tactics". i've just been fooled enough and now i've finally decided, after many years of being a "tolerant person" that i'm not going to be fooled anymore. it's not healthy for me. my body and soul won't allow me to be fooled anymore.
gays always try to shill for their kind. they always try to portray themselves as "not monsters" but then when the lights go out and they're all by themselves, thinking nobody is looking, they're pure unadulterated evil.

>in the 70's

FUck you weeaboo cunt suckers. Fucking a man and filling his anus with semen is the greatest feeling in the world. Praise Allah

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>post devolves into namecalling and shill accusing
As foretold by me

Jow Forums supported obama. i don't think what you're saying explains things adequately though. "being reactive" isn't a bad thing. if someone is pointing a gun at you, you react. you're talking down about it like there's something wrong. it's so fucking patently retarded that only a pedofaggot like yourself could think that makes sense.

Not pol, fucking /b/ you faggot, pol didnt exist when Jow Forums was leftist the big board was just /b/ and /b/ became leftist because the whole country got leftist afte the disaster known as George W. Bush

If it's such a fucking cesspool then leave it you disgusting jewish cunt

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Gays are doo doo heads

I would actually agree the idea of community makes less sense for gays when they are accepted into society, because the truth is that their isn’t slit of similarities inside the LGTB. It’s not like a race where you are raised in community of others like you.

However, if their a group that seeeks to put us down then we have been incentivized to come together to fight for what we want. And that to be able to be live our lives are homosexuals and it not be seen as big deal.

There is no heterosexual club, just people of many nationalities, faiths, social classes and other affliations that happen to be attracted to the other sex as it is dictated by biology to be the most common attraction for obvious reasons.
If homosexuals would not have waved the rainbow, but the flag of their country back then, seeking recognition as overly discriminated minority that seeks integration into society in order to cease being a minority to be isolated in the first place-that might have led to a more healthy dynamic but was against the spirit of the times I guess.

bro i don't fucking care. don't you get it? my whole point is that i'm done talking. i believe you need to be executed, plain and simple. i don't care about your "opinions" or your "discussions" or any of your little games. i'm not just calling you names, i'm telling you right now that i am literally advocating for and petitioning my government to pass laws to put you to death for your sexuality. i do not care about you one bit and want you to be physically removed from the living realm. i would do it myself if i had the opportunity.

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well I'm sad no one likes my lifetime pedo prison camp idea to help straights and gays be less pedo in the genetic long run and get actual federal funding for it

Being reactive IS a bad thing
>gun analogy
Fuck off with this shit, it's the easiest argument copout in the book
When i say reactive i mean you go through your life and even the smallest things make you blow up. Not even just you conservatives, leftists too. Every event in this millenia is met with such autistic screeching that we could bottle it and use it as fuel

>im not mad
The post
Oh shit, you're autistic. I'm so. Sorry

Jow Forums supported obama i mean, not Jow Forums. times had changed by the time Jow Forums became a board.

>i'm done talking
>proceeds to write a paragraph
Kaiokek 20

I wish online death threats were a felony

Yes in the 70s.
The time when the rainbowflag rose to prominence in the first place, what is so lol about that?

Wew lad, who thought it was a good idea to put a young boy next to that absolute degenerate?

Yes you can. Dominate them and make them your cum slave. Or become theirs. It's all good baby.

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I get the sense that someone hurt you and if that is true I’m sorry. But you can’t blame a community for the acts of a small group of individuals. There will always be monsters on this planet. It’s important to figure out who the real monsters are, because fighting fake monsters like gays is just a waste of time.

I think you are the guy from before. I know this may be forward, but I think you may need consceling. You seem to have some emotional issues. I’m sorry if me saying that hurts, but I can’t in good conscious hood my tongue.

Just to upset you niggers, here's the original screenshot
This is a video game

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>Fuck off with this shit, it's the easiest argument copout in the book
yeah its almost like it's fucking common sense or something, pedo.
>When i say reactive i mean you go through your life and even the smallest things make you blow up. Not even just you conservatives, leftists too. Every event in this millenia is met with such autistic screeching that we could bottle it and use it as fuel
>hey guise, it wasn't really that bad watching your way of life be stolen from you, watching your country be invaded and fall to degeneracy! it's no big deal when your children are exposed to homosexual degeneracy, leaving them sexually confused and in danger of becoming AIDs ridden pedomonsters! you're just over reacting!

fuck off pedo. i am telling you right now, i dont care about any of your shit. as far as im concerned i am openly advocating and petitioning my government to execute you for your sexuality. end of story. all of these little faggot games you think you're so cute and smart for playing won't mean anything when you're finally hanging and your dead body is swaying lifelessly in the wind.

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They are in my country

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>Most gays are man whores, but almost all men would be if given the chance.
Which is why you have AIDS and are a walking biohazard

>missing the point this badly
no shit asshole, it's called a typo and i already corrected it earlier >muh "who hurt you" cliche
stopped reading right there. rope for you. no more putting up with your shit.

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>im done talking to you
>multi paragraph
>name calling and leftist tactics

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straight people are so dumb

enjoy your women, morons

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I know, but I can’t help I always want to try and reach out. Maybe convince one person. If not the person I was talking with then maybe someone who is lurking. I know it’s dumb, but I always believe in engaging and talking to people. Especially those most lost cause they need the most help.

>no shit asshole, it's called a typo and i already corrected it earlier
I was typing it before I saw your correction, I deleted it calm the friendly fire we cool mane.

like do you think this is clever? this is exactly the kind of cancer that leads people to hate you. intentionally missing the point of things is like some kind of tactic that makes you monsters think you're so clever and cool, but you won't be thinking you're clever and cool once society rises up and murders you for your sexuality and degeneracy and overall faggotry the same way they've always done throughout history.

>when you hate leftists for calling you evil nazi monsters and ruin your lives but then you turn around and call them gay pedo monstersand ruin their lives
The ironing is delicious

whatever nigger.

Being a faggot is worse than smoking

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Moar liek Jow Forums fancies amirite?

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I said it because you seemed greatly disturbed by this beyond a normal reaction and it doesn’t seem like trolling. It’s one thing to hate gays it’s another thing to be convinced they are destroying society. The second one requires a certain level of delusion that worries me. Despite the fact that you would have me killed I don’t wish harm on you. I wish for you to see a better way before you do something irreversible.

Gay pedos ruin the lives of innocent little boys so the hate is justified.

> Homos wanna life their lifes
Yes but this is already the case in the west where you can hardly ask for more tolerance then there already is in the face of more actual problems such as enviromental degradation, economic issus, AI development, increasing surveillance and interethnic conflicts.
But If you look at the OPs pic you see people who try to make it a "tribe" with its own children, history and political agenda beyond mere acceptance that wants to draw in more people. And this is not only pants on heads retarded it will be the argument for nonwestern societies to recoil and execute or alter their own homosexuals to another state one day by force.
I wonder what those rainbowwaving fucks think their public display leads to if seen in countries like tajikistan or senegal were a greater share of the population now has internet.
If I were a thirdworld homosexual Id try to defend myself with an antiwestern stance against such associations but such a stance will lead to different and less tolerant conclusions

Wasn't there some kind of statistics that showed that homosexuals are 20x more likely to be pedophiles compared to heterosexuals

>still talking
>still strawmanning
>still playing his typical leftist pedofag games, using leftist pedofag tactics

>thinking any of this will save him from the day of the rope.
it won't. it's only bringing us one step closer. everytime you people pull this bullshit it pushes the world one step closer to the sweet release from your monstrous evil.

one thing i have wondered:
were roman catholic priests pedophiles BEFORE they got ordained? or is it BECAUSE of their heretical beliefs that they go on to rape kids?

The best part of being gay is that I get what I want. Straight folks have no such luck.

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That man, and the people who organised this photoshoot should be arrested. Then shot.
That poor fucking child. What parent would allow this? Oh, that's right, a liberal.

>It’s one thing to hate gays it’s another thing to be convinced they are destroying society.
hahahahahahahaaha is this even serious?

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