Poles are superior to your race.
Poles are superior to your race
*steals car radio*
How does it feel to see Poles as white chads and yourself as 56%?
Me in the middle
Enjoy polish kielbasa
Everytime I visit Poland I see all the peasants mirin on my Mercedes.
>be me
>visit Poland few weeks a go
>loads of renovated buildings
>cities nice and clean
>new motorways
>"Project financed by the EU" signs everywhere
wew lad, so this is where our EU money has been going
She's probably fantasizing about getting gang-banged by a dozen kielbasas.
I've read a bunch of news about some weird gangbangs of fans from different countries happening (followed by some police calls, that's how they get there), she definitely did.
Well, even if we agree for a moment that it is as simple and plain as you described it isnt that what the money was supposed to go?
For mimimalising the diffrences between the EU states and helping its citizens?
Oh, no! for a moment I forgot! The EU funds are for feeding and housing the hordes of middle-eastern and african leeches who rape our women!
So Natasha is getting gangbanged everyday and you faggots can't stop it?
If it wasn’t for the Witcher series no one would give a fuck about pooland.
You slavs are the niggers of Europe. I don't see how one nigger race is similar to another nigger race lol.
>mfw niggers of europe are also the whitest in europe
also, show your real flag
>poland stroonkk
>polan based! Not take refugee
Meanwhile whole of europe is full of fucking poles, they drink, do drugs and fight. They get their money and go back to kurwania to fuck their ugly ass sister
try washing it
Cool, enjoy being poor Mr. Master Race
Fuck off Ashkenazis are top race
easy papadopapoulos
they are literally whiter than you
Where you see 'natasha' in the Op's photo?
ashkenazis cannot even win a footrace, what makes them a race at all?
>Well, even if we agree for a moment that it is as simple and plain as you described it isnt that what the money was supposed to go?
>For mimimalising the diffrences between the EU states and helping its citizens?
No, still a stupid commie I see? the EU was birthed from trade associations which was it's original purpose, interconnectivity through economic ties resulting in peace. Instead it turned into the bureaucratic socialist redistribution abomination we know it to be today, the money being redistributed to third world '''refugees''' nogs and eastern shitholes like yours, both being an issue.
There are Asians literally whiter than most whites, doesnt make them white
meant to reply to him
there are Americans literally fatter then a burger and it does make them burgers
I bet your poor ass would love a burger
you would change nationality if you tried our non-trans fats burgers
>Literal toilet cleaners
Senegal made you their bitches
The Poles are definitely going to take home the world cup this year. No idea who's going to win it though.
looks like turd in a pool
>meme flag
Everything you say is automatically retarded.
but we DO work atleast unlike 95% of muslims here (maybe it's different in NL).
and no my sister is hot
nah you work here too, and you go back, that's what you want of a guest worker unlike turks/Arabs.
ooh boy since gou cabagefarmers got senegalesed it realy got to your head didn't it?