Hi Jow Forums. I've been meditating about this a lot. It's time to abandon Europe. The damage hasn't cure anymore. It's too late:
>France is Africa-tier country now
>Portugal is filled by niggers
>Germany is Germany
>Spain is starting to get flooded by them
>etc etc
There is no way out. It's too late.
I suggest you guys to move eastward as soon as possible. Because its a matter of time that EU will start closing borders for European Emigrants to keep us in. They know that if they flood this country with subhumans someone will have to keep this thing running. And we all know that it wont be the niggers, so they will want to keep us in.´
Take it as a friendly advice:
>Go eastward, to Russia if possible
Why Russia?
The Only country capable of defending itself and its allies. And (((America))) shits itself with Russia.
Just apply for citizenship, at first. For your own sake and for your children