>Americans are literally throwing undocumented citizens into concentration camps
>Their president passes a bill to "combat" this, but it's really a way to make the media think you changed while changing the law to let you hold them indefinitely rather than having to let them go after some number of days
>"B-B-But he's gonna conquer space! F-Fucking based!"
I knew you fuckers were already some of the sickest xenophobes on Earth, but now you're trying to make that a universal thing? Jesus Christ burgers get your shit together
Americans are literally throwing undocumented citizens into concentration camps
Other urls found in this thread:
If they're undocumented they are not citizens.
memeflags get the sage too.
Just a reminder to let this thread die. Do not reply without sage.
Mind your own goddammed business.
They aren't citizens. They are pieces of shit that need to be flushed.
Didn't you hear? Everyone but whites are citizens of the United States! Only that they have to get there to get documented.
Sadly most of Africa is lacking the resources and skill to construct boats to get there so it might take a while to relocate everyone
you are correct
>gay flag
you are not correct
muh gubbermint prooperty rites :-)
No they're fucking humans too you imbecile, walk outside and maybe say hi to the friendly hispanic people that have built your fucking country for you while you fucked with them and laughed at them trying to make enough to support their families
This IS my business. We have a job as decent human beings to stop suffering around the world. Sorry I care about human lives more than you.
And because of that they should have their children ripped from their arms and thrown into a jail cell? What is wrong with you?
Illegal immigrants should be hung.
>Want the children to not be locked up
>Want the children to not be seperated from families.
Only alternative is the everybody go free into the US. Open borders
So stupid.
cool lies
Why didn't they just emigrate legally so this wouldn't even be an issue?
Are brown "people" incapable of obeying the law or something?
>Only alternative is the everybody go free into the US. Open borders
seems good to me
Show your flag muhammed.
>J-Just emigrate legally!
Yeah, cause the US system makes that SOOO easy...
Maybe if your garbage leader would make it easier to get in there wouldn't be as many people entering undocumented
But instead you want your meme wall (that won't do anything because 90% of illegal immigration is by plane)
Have fun wasting your billions of tax dollars on a waste of time!
Look, the thing is that they are criminals. It’s sad, yeah. But the chilluns wouldn't need to be Child Catcher-ed if the percents didn’t commit a crime. Imagine a world in which Having children prevented you from going to prison, just use your brain for more than no seconds and you will see that this is not only totally fine but should be Actively encouraged. Nothing you can say or do will make me go ‘fuck having laws and borders n sheeeeet’
Criminal aliens became
Illegal aliens became
Illegal immigrants became
Undocumented immigrants became
Undocumented citizens.
That's how you jew the language to trick the goyim into giving their country away.
go to Africa and get raped by the niggers you love so much you filth
you're right faggot. we'll just shoot them in the head from now on along with you pozsage
It shouldn't BE a crime. It WOULDN'T be a problem if maybe, just maybe, instead of the current Hell that's going on, you made it easier for them to emigrate and instead of tearing families apart and harming hispanic families you just give them the tools they need to properly emigrate there on the spot
With the cash you put toward being assholes you could give them enough to find somewhere to live and find work.
Faggots are next!
And people like you want us to believe we're not still being actively hunted and persecuted...
White men built this country though retard.
>>Their president passes a bill
You're retarded.
You're a mother fucking idiot. "The cash I use to be an asshole" fucknoff you meme flag faggot. You are scum, stealing out of working people's pockets to give to bigger tier trash so the can continue to take money out of our pockets to be even bigger bigger teir trash. This may surprise you, PEOPLE ARE RAPING THE WELFARE SYSTEM OF THR UNITED STATES AND TAXES KEEP INCREASING TO FUND IT. Just go fucking kill yourself, no one will say it but everyone hates fucking faggots and would be completely content with watching you hang from a tree by your shit covered micro cock. Fucking die.
Nigger*, god damn oreo 8.0 killed my autofill
>undocumented citizens = criminals
>concentration camps = prisons
what's the problem?
What are you seriously talking about
I don't collect welfare but it's a very important system that enables those on hard times and in need to recover
Please rewrite your post in English.
>undocumented citizens
nice larp
Trump is trying to give them "the tools", but democrats in congress want the laws to remain ambiguous and unenforceable so people just leak into the country.
The children are separated for their safety, as the vast majority (10,000 out of 12,000) are travelling alone to begin with, with human traffickers and gang members trying to pose as "kids" to get into the country.
Jeez, what's gonna happen when we actually have to put mexicans in actual concentration camps?
he probably meant rhat queers need to shut up and stop infecting people with their venereal diseases
yeah, when 90% of hiv cases are caused by straight people
>but now you're trying to make that a universal thing?
Fuck yes
Gas the Xenos, Space War Now
They're undocumented. How do we know who is actually whose parents, and not human traffickers? You want to give everyone a free pass and that way 1000s of kids end up as sex slaves or disappearing into the interior to have their organs harvest or some bullshit. Rral humane.
>illegal immigration by plane
imagine falling for this AND FOR A MEME FLAG. you better have saged.
>undocumented citizen
Neck yourself
i was too lazy. sorry leaf
Go Choke on a dick ,literally kys
Our laws & policies have been in place for years, Nothing new, Nothing Trump changed for worse.It has been stated clearly that if a family is seeking asylum they can go to a port of entry and be allowed entry, your protecting child trafficking is what your doing.
Stop making this your go to talking point because your too damn stupid and vapid to have an opinion on the subject that matters and is actually intelligent, good day sir
based corporate tax cuts!!!
I really can't enjoy troll threads anymore because of meme flags. Makes me sad.
>break law
>get detained
*woooooows in mexican*
nevermind this college humour video proved me wrong. you truly are based gayfriend
Nice argument friend
Hey there! what happens to the children in America when both parents are arrested for breaking serious laws? Oh that's right. they're taken into protective custody until a trustworthy family member can take care of them or until the parents get out of jail assuming they're not a threat to the children. Why should these foreign law breakers get special treatment under the law?
No. It isn't. Your opinion doesn't mean more just because you opt to fuck your own sex and you don't have to stick your big nose in everything.
You do you. Mind your own goddamned business.
There is no such thing as an undocumented citizen. Everyone that has been to school, seen a doctor, or has lived for a USA census has a file with a name address and ssn.
> if you just kept your door unlocked people wouldn't have to smash your windows to get inside!
Nobody believes you people really care. You would boil every living Mexican in a vat of acid to score a political point.
>And because of that they should have their children ripped from their arms and thrown into a jail cell?
Yes. Commit crimes, get punishes for committing said crimes. That's how the fucking law works
Why the fuck are we locking them up in the first place? There should be flights going to and from southern Mexico 24/7 sending them back. It would be cheaper and get shit done
get back in your containment freak.
>Yeah, cause the US system makes that SOOO easy...
Oh well if it's hard then fuck having borders and shit. It's hard to get into Harvard so they should just admit everybody!
>Being this much of a faggot
Seriously though, you should try illegally migrating to Mexico and see how tolerant they are about it.
fucking based , i wish we were rounding up our gypsies and putting them in camps too , they are worse than niggers
>With the cash you put toward being assholes you could give them enough to find somewhere to live and find work.
Why exactly should we give non citizens anything?
>homo flag
>homo post
Like clockwork.
>Implying niggers are people
based Jow Forumsster
Based amerimutt
Almonds activated
>say hi to the friendly hispanic people
You first. I'm sure your degenerate cock sucking kid loving friends will get along really well with MS-13.
>mfw when no Wednesday Addams gf
>>Americans are literally throwing criminals into jail
Fixed that for ya. Also sage
>And because of that they should have their children ripped from their arms and thrown into a jail cell? What is wrong with you?
Yes. Crossing borders illegally is a very serious crime. We can't have the entire 3rd world coming here shitting up our country we built and leeching off us til we have nothing left from what we ourselves created.
>you made it easier for them to emigrate
Why would amerimutts do that ? It is proven that ethnic diversity lowers societal cohesion
I'd hate to tell you this but please read.
Mexico is a shit hole. sure there are great and pleasent people there but they are beaten down by extremely violent gangs. How violent you might wonder? There are videos on liveleak full of them killing people.
One of which is very horrific, where they chop the head off a fathers son. then after the video ends they stuff the phone is his mouth and put it into a carboard box and then send it to the father as a warning.
Then there's the case of these gangs taking children from villages and towns, to be sold as sex slaves in the U.S then when they are caught at the boarder they simply say that they are there children.
When you actually witness what these people do to innocents, you will understand why we have to take such strong measures against illigal immigration. For starters when we seperate them from their "parents" its because we want to find out if they're actually the childs parents first and not a kidnapper.
2 scoops, 2 terms, 2 words... WOMP WOMP
You're acting like we DON'T want illegal border breakers to suffer the consequences of trying to invade our sovereign territory. They should shoot them on site.
You ain't seen nuttin yet. Wait till we start dealing with traitors.
Oh and i suggest you'll get more satisfaction at plebbit. So basically fuck off back there coz we don't care either.