Why are working class and non rich people in general so against communism in countries like USA?

why are working class and non rich people in general so against communism in countries like USA?
are they clinically retarded or something?

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Kill yourself nigger. Sage.

Because the "Communists" are currently pushing Immigration and open Borders, nothing could be hurting the working class more.

communism drags everyone down to the bottom
people at the bottom don't want to stay at the bottom.

Have girls always been this thicc or does the overabundance of female whore moans in the water supply and birth control change the way they deposit fat?

Fucking 10/10 body, sauce?

The overabundance of female whore moans in the water supply and birth control have caused this while men become less sexually attractive women become more sexually attractive causing increased hypergamy

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Many of the working class are actually okay with being poor and working hard, as long as they’re compensated fairly. Commies think materialistic concerns are the root of unhappiness, but as ties to the land, our ethnic groups and religion have decreased, so has happiness and enjoyment of life. Turns out having cheap plastic imitations of rich people shit doesn’t make you happy if tfw no gf.

Communist revolutionaries always run into the same problem- the proletariat don’t want communism, they want a strong leader to keep the barbarians at the gates.

Would impregnate.

IIRC isn't it borderline impossible to filter this shit out too?

We're so fucked in that regard.


stop posting you retards this is a slide thread.

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She's just fat, you're fucking retarded.

Racemixing with blacks. Look at brazil or Dominican republic. Thicc-est counties in the world and 90% mullato


>Many of the working class are actually okay with being poor and working hard, as long as they’re compensated fairly.
so they're actually clinically retarded, ok.
>Commies think materialistic concerns are the root of unhappiness
I think you've got us confused with bhuddists or something like that m8















Communism never empowers the people, it just ruins everything for everyone.
With no incentives to reach higher echelons of society your actually educated population leaves and the entire fucking economy becomes undone.

People with a low wage can be perfectly happy as long as their needs are meant, not everyone has ambitions for greater material gain. Some people just want to be happy with what little they have. But the option must exist for the many who do have greater ambition.


>flat stomach with slightly visible muscles
You've never been with a woman

incentives? ambition? what the fuck are you talking about?
you can do whatever you want in a communist society.
do you even know what communism is?

Do you even understand basic economics or history?
fuck off nigger.

They like not starving.

Take your facaded judaism & meme-flag and shove em both.

Communism will lead to bankruptcy. The globalist banking cartels that fund communism will come and buy up any remaining vital infrastructure for pennies on the pound.
It's a robbery scheme you fucking lemmings.

Because contrary to what your surrogate father aka professor sheckelstien has told you, while the rich have gotten richer, so too have the poor. By every measurable metric. Now go shill your bullshit elsewhere.

what incentives and ambitions are you talking about?
>Do you even understand basic economics or history?
have you ever seen a communist society at work?
what would history have to do with anything?

>Commies think materialistic concerns are the root of unhappiness

that is literally true and Marx himself wrote so in his Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right.

do we have to educate you on your own ideology now as well?

here here, seconded good sir

>why are working class and non rich people in general so against communism in countries like USA?
Because it doesn't work?
>are they clinically retarded or something?
Well some of them are stupid but not so stupid as to think Communism works.

who starved because of communism?

>it's ok that the top 1% have more money than the bottom 90% and don't have to work because they profit from the work of the working class just because I don't have to eat shit like my ancestors in medieval times
clinically retarded.

how do you know it doesn't work, name a single communist society you've seen colapse.

Because it doesn't fucking work that way. Ffs, humans are greedy to shit and the fact that you're gonna 'share' the wealth won't stop someone from wanting more.

the overabundance of toxins from poisonous and venomous animals in australia has lowered the average aussie IQ by 30 points causing increased shitposting

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Incentives of greater personal wealth
which motivates one to reach the higher echelons in society.

Work hard > develop competences > be rewarded with greater opportunities and financial compensation > proceed to work harder or settle in the area of your competence and live a happy life

When everything is leveled there is nothing higher to work towards.
And no, a communist society doesn't reward everyone with whatever they want, a communist society fucking collapses because it drives out its own entrepreneurs and employers. This generally leads to a massive restriction of personal liberties as is necessary in a state starting to collapse attempting to delay that collapse.

>who starved because of communism?
everyone living in those communist nations

>people being rewarded for their work is bad
the divide between rich and poor is irrelevant, the people in the 1% dont sit around counting money all day, they are always working. The people in the 1% isnt a static group, people move in and out of it. That is a good thing.
The primary issue is that there needs to be mobility and legislation that enables entrepreneurs to compete with established businesses no matter how big they get. Traitors in the government of such nations like the USA are sabotaging those opportunities by adding all manner of licensing and red tape to make it as expensive and hard as possible for entrepreneurs to get started and compete.

Kulaks, Ukranians (see holodomor), for starters.

Historically, people are far better off and live longer than ever before. Thanks to capitalism. You are the retard you crayon-eating, window-licking mong.

sharing the wealth?
there's no money in a communist society.

Unless they can squeeze your cock out with their vaginal wall muscles they're not a woman.

there is a difference between the communist utopia Marx dreamt of and a communist society in general, as in a society in the earlier stages of communism that are meant to lead to the utopia, typified by the massively overreaching state that in Marx's head isn't massively corruptible and incompetent.

Why the fuck are commies and faggots on Jow Forums?

Because the know communism doesn't work idiot. They are good people.

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Every single one. China is more capatalistic than even we are now you nebulous turd. Your beloved Sweden is barely holding on to their once illustrious social state. They have privatized nearly everything including the apothecary and post office. Only uni and medicine remain.

By wealth, I don't necessarily mean money only. Wealth can refer to an abundance of valuable possessions. And don't give me the excuse that money is not on a communist society, cause if there is no money, then please explain North Korea's currency.

Ass is fake

Because this isnt an echo chamber

Dream. He was clearly sleeping when he thought up this shit.

Giselle Lynette. I can accept the fake ass. Not the tits though.

Because they like having food to eat.

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Cant be a rich class without a poor class. And we all want to be rich so bad!

>no true Scotsman fallacy

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because they actually work hard and don't need handouts, unlike communists who larp about working hard. Kys.

why are middle class and rich people in general so pro communism in countries like USA?
Do they want to be working class or something?

t.Working class

I'm pretty sure Marx was on drugs when he wrote his drivel

Who wouldn't want their country flooded with poor dirty migrants looking for gibs?

not retarded, they just don't need a bunch of fucking busybodies telling them how to live their life. The commie message is much better received by lazy shiftless morons who have no interest in putting in an honest days work. you see where this is going? And why we hate commies even more today? Get a job for fuck sakes and stop moaning about muh inequality.

>When everything is leveled there is nothing higher to work towards.
that's retarded.
people who want to be doctors will be doctors, people who want to be civil engineers will be so, etc.

>everyone living in those communist nations
what communist nations?

>the divide between rich and poor is irrelevant, the people in the 1% dont sit around counting money all day, they are always working.
I don't think I've ever read anything this retarded in my entire life.

>north korea has achieved communism

ah yes, I can't even begin to comprehend how well Africans, Southeast Asians and latin americans live thanks to capitalism.
you have to leave your western world bubble.

Because Americans like food

NetherlandsAnon has pretty much said everything that needs to be said about it in this thread.
The communism idea only works on edgy 15 year olds, most of them grow out of it for a reason.

>Poor autarkys are poor
>Blame Capitalism
Wait til I tell you why those regions are getting Richer. Hint, it ain't because of more of the same.

because communism is actually WORSE for nonrich and working class people. Communism unironically only helps the top class maintain a grip of power. Communism was created for the elite to destroy the middle class and keep a leash on the lower class.

i don't think most of them would be against reasonable socialist policies, but the two party system works very hard to make socialism seem unappealing to our working class citizens. pandering to minorities, gun control, open borders etc. it's all sold like a cable package.

i just gotta say

ethika underwear is top-notch

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China has never lived in communism, Sweden was literally always capitalist, you ignorant tub of lard.

you calling somebody else a scotman doesn't make them so.
a communist society has no state, no money and no social classes.
no country has ever achieved this, stop trying to change the definition of communism to fit your argument.

there's no state in a communist society, please tell me, who would give them their "gibs"?

>why are middle class and rich people in general so pro communism in countries like USA?
what the fuck are you on about?

>Reasonable socialist policy
I can list some oxymorons too
>Military intelligence

i think this is probably the hardest redpill to swallow

>people who want to be doctors will be doctors, people who want to be civil engineers will be so, etc.
Experiments with guaranteed income show otherwise. Even assuming that were to happen, the economy runs on people putting in more time than the bare minimum because there is a reward at the end of the tunnel. If you think for a moment doctors or civil engineers arent competing youre retarded.
Communist nations have shown otherwise too, the higher educated all fun for the fucking hills. Even if the worst they face economically is being dragged down to the bottom, often times these intellectuals are the ones being blamed and punished for when shit goes wrong despite so called equality.

>what communist nations?
all of them

>I don't think I've ever read anything this retarded in my entire life.
maybe you should read a fucking book

>ah yes, I can't even begin to comprehend how well Africans, Southeast Asians and latin americans live thanks to capitalism
Life expectancy, quality of life, infant mortality rate, etc have never been lower even in those regions. I dont think you understand how famine is essentially a thing of the past whilst it was extremely common even a century or two ago.

And want to remain in said bubble so why don’t you go preach your shit in those places? Why is it then, everyone in those places want to come to capitalist states? Ouroboros. The snake devours itself. Nice cyclical argument moron.

Then why is Sweden always touted as a social paradise jackass?

Because the left hates white working class

Thats not what the no true scotsman fallacy is
A communist UTOPIA doesnt have those things
there are transitional states

Money is a physical representation of wealth, even without money there is wealth in forms of even the most petty things like how the prettier girls get more attention and a greater option of male suiters.

because we aren't retarded and can read a book, now fuck off back to your neo-communist block bullshit and kys

>Why is it then, everyone in those places want to come to capitalist states?
are you retarded? they already live in capitalist states, they want to leave the ones that get fucked over for the ones that fuck over the rest.
you're an idiot.

Wait til he finds out that nonmonetary transactions are less efficient

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first of all, we were talking about communism, not socialism.
but also, when have I done that? you mentioned sweden, not me.
no socialist person ever praises Sweden, mainly because Sweden is a social democracy, that's not socialist, it's literally capitalism, the absolute opposite.

the transional state is socialism.
I was not talking about socialism, I was talking about communism.
the definition of communism says that it has no state, no money and no social classes.
stop being retarded.

>why are working class and non rich people in general so against communism in countries like USA?
Because we know that our money would go towards supporting a bunch of lazy niggers & mexicans.

given the answers in this thread, I've noticed that americans trully are clinically retarded.

>commies are too retarded to realise currency is an inevitable development in any human civilisation

Because Communism makes the working class and non rich pay for all the gibs for the rich and lazy non producing baitfags like (you).

then you might as well be talking about unicorns.

>system that would not improve their lives in anyway shape or form
>stuck inside a commie block for living
>has to wait in line for bread and soup
>under capitalism, working man has a chance to make money, save up and have a better life or at least a comfortable living for him and his family

I'd like to see the drama teacher doing in a 2 hour Oedipus play in front of the bakery in order to "buy" bread.

No, you see user, OP is asking why the working class would be opposed to the theoretical utopia Marx imagined. You know, the utopia. Utopia being a thing that can never be real.
That utopia.

Yeah it is, men are becoming more feminine while women become more hypersexualized. If it were the opposite women would have mustaches while men would have foot long cocks and be 7 feet tall at 350lbs with 6% body fat

Mate you have no fucking clue about communism
GTFO hebe

do you have CTE or something?

if someone made a thread about unicorns in the correct board, would you start sperging out about horses and mules like a little mongoloid too?

what was the point of this post? do you have an argument?

youre missing the point on purpose arent you?
I refer to unicorns because they arent real.

The rich like owning things. The working class like not being overtly murdered by the rich.

that's why I literally put quotation marks around it, you low iq retard.

I'm out, this is clearly a troll, I refuse to believe anyone is this mentally handicapped.

If doing whatever I want in a Communist society means choosing between working or dying, I think I'll pass, thanks.

>The left want open borders so white Americans will lose their jobs to spics
>"Why are working class and non rich people so against communism?"
Kys faggot

Because we have life on easy mode in the United States. The current system is literally built for freelancers and entrepreneurs to excel in.
If you find yourself being forced to wageslave under Mr. Shekelberg, that is literally your fault. Making money has never been easier.

>Buy digital monopoly money because it was shilled on a Japanese cartoon image board
>Make more money in a month than some third-worlder makes in 10 years tearing up his lungs in a coal mine
Capitalism is for winners. It rewards winners and punishes stupidity. I am glad when I see poor people locked out of happiness behind a paywall, because I know that it is just nature punishing them for not heeding sound advice and acquiring wisdom.

Communists are bottom-of-the-barrel scum. Losers, every single one of you. You will never amount to anything.