Millennials are waking up to a grim financial future

Job prospects, savings, safety nets, life expectancy—the data show just how bad a mess they face.

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Pic is qt Chan Marshall. Unrelated.

Thanks, boomers. The next 20 years are gonna be lit.

Grow up young man. Get your ass off the couch and get to work. Life is hard you dumb fuck millennials.

T. Boomer

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We will be in a war before two decades pass - IMO the next financial crisis happens in the next 2 years and by 2027-28 shit completely breaks down as the USD stops being used as a reserve currency when we run out of cheap oil (we won't run out of oil completely but it will get too expensive to pull out of the ground and sell to the point of making enough profit to service our debts)

The chinks will either move in on the rest of the world alongside Russia when we're weak and then it's over. A combo of a civil war and WW3 at the same time.

Sounds grim but it's literally what every single indicator is pointing to.

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Good, I pray it only get worse because they still have time to waste on their travel vlogs, IG, starbucks and bento boxes.

I want to see them crying on the street, begging for food, homeless en masse, and eating each other just to survive.

The west is far to comfortable a home, they need to suffer.

Don't care dude. I welcome the coming civil war, I never wanted to live to 60 anyway.

Maybe we'll have to live in a Blade Runner's kind of world, that's what I'm hoping for, that would be so great

Our life is harder than yours. You lived it on easy mode.

I'm hanging out and drinking some coffee before work; so I will be getting off this couch in about a half hour. Also, turn off your memeflag.

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But really, yeah, shit is going to get interesting. I was mainly referring to the en masse deaths of Baby Boomers in the next couple decades. Shit, I need to get a rifle.

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A world run by a mega corporation? Good goy

>tfw working as many hours as I can and I still can't afford to live alone

How the fuck am I supposed to buy a house at this rate?

>Sure, the Lost Generation fought the Great War, survived the Flu Pandemic, and them got through the global Great Depression all on their own with no guide to three global threats of unprecedented magnitude
>And, yeah, the Greatest Generation figured out how to fight evil all over the world with courage and hard work while creating all new technologies and processes never seen before
>The Silent Generation dealt with Korea, the Cold War, and Vietnam, a new type of struggle that previous generations had no experience with, leaving them on their own
>Gen X had to deal with growing up with Stagflation and a serious economic slowdown during their formative years, AIDS, the rise of global terrorism, and other new threats,
>Maybe all of them did fine, but us Millennials? THE BOOMERS MADE US FAIL!!!!

>How the fuck am I supposed to buy a house

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Honestly, you kids have awesome possibilities. The last few presidents pushed all the manufacturing out of USA. Now if you start something, you’re not competing with old in USA competition. It’s like free balling...

It won't happen that way. We're just in the middle of the fourth turning. I've read generation theory which is a look into the future. Our problems will be solved by 2028 because it's when the fourth turning ends.

Yep, as a millennial, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna end up serving coffee at Starbucks even though I went to college.

You're not. You're supposed to live in a communal dorm while you pay for Achmed's house.

Literally all of those generations could have (correctly) blamed their predecessors. It's unnervingly strange and somehow comforting that all of those generations too were fucked by the same type of greed like we are.

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It's not your parents fault that you became unhealthily addicted to electronics.

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Like of the century. Boomers worked much harder than any millennial has ever dared to try and the physical impact on their bodies tells everything.

Where a Boomer would come home from work to continue working at home all day, a princess millennial will complain and just crash in a pile of his own piss and shit after """"""working"""""" for less than $20/hr.

You people make me laugh with almost zero exceptions. An entire generation that has failed to take responsibility. Honestly we should label most of you as illegals just so we can boost gdp more after your drain on productive society is stopped.

Move to USA. I make 34k a year and bought a house.

Just don't move to Pennsylvania. We're full.

You literally benefited from the work of boomers. Then you squandered everything and blamed someone else for your problems like a child.

>I need to get a rifle.

AR-15s are at an all-time-low in terms of pricing - you can get a decent upper for anywhere from $300-$500

I recommend BCM if you have a lot of money to spare or the ability to save over a longer period and Ghost for a cheaper but high-quality option.

Being able to shoot 5.56 NATO (not just .223) is going to be an important requirement, you can get an Arsenal AK in 5.56 too but it won't take STANAG mags so no sharing with your buddies.

Enlighten me? The 4th Turning doesn't take into account an aggressive and antagonistic Russia via PSYOPs nor does it take into account Chinese information operations stealing all our IP to the point of becoming militarily superior through theft.

Both Russia and China have such well-oiled cyber operations teams that AFCYBER is now copying their techniques and asking the Israelis for help.

Except you won't be a hot guy in his mid-20s with a laser pistol. You'll be an old fart surrounded by mutants. Our generation will be that old Chinese guy making eyes

Does this apply to Canada?

Yeah, you're competing with the old they just have cheaper labor now.

> T. Boomer with 3 mortgages and 0 money to pay for your college like his parents did for him
> T. Divorced child-boomer who couldn't provide and had his wife leave him for BBCs

fuck you boomer trash, go suck kike dick

Shit son, you better be stocking up for July 1. Make your time.

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My family is in construction. You cannot find a white a person to do manual labor. All these kiddies are too entitled to break their backs. Spics will gladly do it, however, then send the cash back to Guatemala.

what a bunch of entitled faggots... glad to see that reality is finally slapping them across the face

>t. manchild

Why tho? What the fuck did you go to college for? Start a business and get a bank loan faget. Start selling things online related to your hobbies and be your own boss.

Oh wait that requires balls and sacrificing your weed pills and your Xbox live account yeah nevermind just serve coffee instead

....and yet these same millennials welcome in illegals. Illegals who are a burden on tax dollars and devalue American labor.

these people defended school and university and looked down to people who are "dumb". why would i feel bad for them feeling consequences for their submission into the system while isolating people who don't go along with it?

I'm about to go to work. at my minimum wage job. I have a degree in STEM.

>You literally benefited from the work of boomers.
Thank you Boomers for importing millions of hostile foreigners whom we'll definitely have to kill because they've destroyed our way of life and rape our women and children.

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Too bad you can't deport me. I know for a fact people will see me as weak or stupid based in the year I was born. It enables me to knock them down when they aren't looking.

I'm aware people are going to collectively blame me no matter what so I just do whatever I want. If I'm going to be blamed and punished by the group either way may as well do what my impulses say.

Yeah I really see a lot of construction jobs listed on indeed. You pay Manuel a shit wage. You don't train.

Your average graduate doesn't have the skill set to work construction.

Speaking as someone who did groundskeeping in college, it's not the difficulty of the labor, but rather that nobody wants to hang drywall for $9/hr.

You can unironically thank the Obama administration for that.

this is something you read a lot of

what is keeping millenials with wasted potential from finding other millenials with wasted potential and striking it out together or in groups

>Millennials are waking up
>implying they're not happy to get in line with niggers for gibs
hahaha good one OP.

as if I feel sorry for all of those dumb 30 year old boomers in tens of thousands of dollars in debt! not my fault you fell for le college maymay stupid boomers

I can't wait to be paid to raid protected island resorts with my right wing death squad bros like Breivik

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>Looking on indeed
Boy, are you dense. You wouldn't even be able to feed yourself if it weren't for the internet.
Learn to network, you dickless loser.

TOLD YA, I'm too fuckin lazy to do business wahhhh. But in all seriousness you have a valid fucking point, best to start a business,

You get paid more than that, chief.

>they don't want to own property
>they don't want to own a car
>they think every job should pay unlimited money
>they think everything should be free
>super sensitive about everything

millennials are just hippies but way more annoying

This is a cat power thread now

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The hippies raised em.

OK, $9.50/hr isn't a lot of money.

>t. goodgoy
I bet daddy and his boss love you, FAGGOT

Hanging drywall is better that cleaning a restaurant for 2 hours like I'm doing

Feeling very suicidal lately

Oh grandpa. I bet if I pound the pavement. Walk in. Give the manager a firm handshake I'll be making 20 a hour with house in the burbs, wife, 2.5 kids in no time.

>eat my shit I hope you social and healthcare gibs disappear and you die on the street like an animal

For more than a dollar less

lmao are you familiar with how server wages work in this country?

>That'll be $4.50/hr plus tips

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get in as an apprentice. Don't be some alcoholic pothead spending his paychecks every week.

>another child thinks he understands the world episode
I run my own business, you dumb cunt.

Boomers are the ones who are squandering everything they've been given.

My unemployed Dad who just got laid off a month ago from a job he's had for 30 something years and hasn't sent out a single resume despite his old employer actually paying for a job coach to build his resume for him.

My mother hasn't worked for 3.5 years. I am the only one bringing money in to the house and pay the mortgage which costs less than a fucking studio apartment by a couple hundred bucks.

So I have to build up credit through other ways so that I can eventually get a loan for a place to live and get the fuck out of here.

Luckily I wasn't retarded and didn't go to college for a meme degree (they said I would have to pay it on my own and I came to the conclusion that I wouldn't be able to working where I was) so I have basically zero debt, but I wasn't smart enough to keep my parents from influencing me to buy a fucking car for 2/3rds of my net worth just because I had the cash on hand - they're so good at spending other people's money they managed to convince me to drop all that money on a car and told me I'd feel better about myself and now I'm fucked financially. My mother literally said "you'll have no problem getting a girlfriend with a car like that".

Never listen to boomers for financial decisions, they are complete fucking sociopaths and don't even understand things like inflation.

I'm 27.
An old school contractor isn't going to post an ad on indeed to strangers on the internet. He wants someone he can rely on, not some whiney millennial.
I was talking to a manager the other day, and he said he couldn't keep kids on--that they're too entitled. I asked if the kid was a millennial, and he said yes. Told him I wasn't surprised.

Do boomers really post on Jow Forums? Remind me to kill myself if I'm still posting here when I'm 65.

You gotta get a good job; stop spending your money, and go for an FHA loan. You can qualify for a 0% down payment.
Stop making excuses, and live your life.


Millenials are lazy shit stains who take arts degrees en masse and complain about a lack of jobs .

Yeah, they started posting during the 2016 presidential election because of all the press and attention Jow Forums was getting.

I just hold out the option of suicide unless something drastic changes.

UBI and healthcare will still not solve the tension and power struggle that will ensue in the next 50 years as non-whites grow up and assert their identities and divergent interests. Something deeper needs to change.

I'd even be willing to work longer and with diminished earning potential if it meant living in a different type of city, state, and society at large.

I don't care about your dead-beat dad.
My father paid his way through law school, and made something of himself.

All the posters with attitudes like the one you're displaying deserve whatever they get. Which will be nothing.

Alright you neet faggots, I'm off to work. Have a good day.

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Start looking for a better job son

>Born between 1946 and 1964
Can't have a 30-year-old boomer...that's a millennial (started early 1980s)

My father is the norm, yours is not.

So shut your whore mouth.

You’re either a fool or a troll.

It’s nearly impossible to live in the suburbs unless you have 2-3 roommates. A shitty 2bedroom 1bath apartment costs about $1600 per month where I live, and the costs of a house are through the roof. Most people need 2 jobs, as 1 job can simply not cut it.

There is no manufacturing here, everything is either tech or customer service. There simply is not enough good paying jobs to support this population.

Are you sure you don't have that backwards? If you make it to 65 you might have some spare time to kill noodling around on something like Jow Forums. When you're 20-ish maybe you ought to have something more interesting to do with your time.

And what are you implying anyway, is there some problem with shitposting here? So don't.

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Please tell me you are memeing.

Did you spend the 70s working in a boiler plant running a blow torch and pneumatic angle grinder?

Just take a second to consider that your obsession with the upper middle class lifestyle of the "Boomers" is an early 80s aesthetic you're wildly ignorant of

So, according to this article, the only good thing is that younger people will essentially vote for socialism as a "fix" to this?

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>but a house
LoL sure, What else do you want? Eat?

It’s why I chose to study chemical engineering. STEM is the future.

Move to Oklahoma, Arkansas, Alabama, etc.

And it is all Trump’s fault 0bama spent $10 Trillion dollars he didn’t have...

Other generations can you tell me why I should participate in society? The pop charts and entertainment sucks, the workplace sucks and demands you be a social expert , my elders suck and my generation peers suck. I'm going to be collectively blamed as stupid or weak from the year I was born either way. So why get out there and participate?

Janitors aren't servers

>don't want to
I want to own a house - I can't because Boomers and foreign investors bought up all the cheap single-family homes and converted them into rentals. The median first home price has tripled in my lifetime.

I want to work an honest job and make an honest living - I can't because Boomers refuse to retire out of the workforce, leaving all the Gen Xers trapped in middle management limbo and forcing Millenials to hop from entry-level position to entry-level position, and I can't move to blue collar work because Boomers spent the last few decades shipping millions of trade and manufacturing jobs overseas or giving them to migrants so they could save a few pennies on the dollar.

I want to marry a nice girl and raise a big, white family - I can't because Boomers spent the last fifty years shoving feminism and sexual revolution nonsense down people's throats. Women are told they shouldn't even think about settling down and raising a family until after they've gone to college, traveled the world, had a career, had a few dozen lovers, etc. And even if you find that 1-in-100 woman who wants to settle down and raise a family, Boomers have killed off most of the financial incentives for marriage and incentivized divorce instead.

I want to speak my mind and openly support our president - I can't because I live in a society driven by social media where any offense (real or perceived) or any position outside the mainstream media's "accepted norm" gets you fired from your job, blacklisted from your industry, and hounded by white knights and self-proclaimed do-gooders until you're driven out of town.

Nonsense. If they saved all that money from useless avocado toast they could put it into startups and infinity coin.
Fucking millennials are the reason we'll never return to the moon. They destroyed our generation's technology.

>be a boomer
>want to sell house for 5x what they bought it for
>don’t retire at 55
>”college is most important thing”
>vote liberal
>support handouts, feminism, and illegal immigration
“I just don’t understand why my millennial son is 26 and doesn’t have a job, a house, is $100,000 is debt, doesn’t even have a girlfriend let alone a wife, and can’t just wait tables in the mean time. Milennials are sooooo lazy

that's what you wanna think, because you need a discernible reason for why YOU ARE the failure.

wow, that's a highly specific reference in mind.
You sure you don't just hate your parents?
A lot of boomers are conservatives.

butthurt 30 year old boomer detected

This . At 30kish a year it's more then enough to buy a house in a town under like 100k people in alot of the u.s

I did construction and operated heavy equipment for a while. It's pretty funny what a bunch of catty haters mid 40s guys can be. No sense of leadership and very insecure. Crippling alcoholism seemed to be an issue. The Mexican dudes who worked for Sinacola were a lot cooler when I earned their respect and they were making $25/hr.

Literal Jewish autist run a lot of these companies and their lack of leadership is what is ruining American construction jobs.

srsly stfu. been working 48h the last 3 days to feed welfare niggers. i earn minimum wage (that's 9$/h in germany)

Hot-headed know-it-alls have no place in commerce.
Start your own business if you wanna be a jerk-off and talk shit about your managers.
I'd fire your ass flat-out for you shitty attitude.

I'm working dude, literally working right now at my security job watching stupid monitors all day.

I'm not a failure, my father's generation is. They have no savings for retirement, haven't even paid off 1/3 of their house value and my father doesn't have enough balls to tell my mother to stop buying stupid shit every week to make herself feel better. She'll divorce him otherwise.

You don't seem to understand how fucked everything is, I haven't even brought up macroeconomics.

>be millennial
>call yourself the smartest generation with highest percentage of people who have degrees
>embrace feminism, liberalism, and globalism
>can't afford a house, pay off student loans, and have no future
Maybe adding more sand niggers to the work force and open borders isn't a good thing