Reminder that most of mainland USA is rightful French clay. Give it back

Reminder that most of mainland USA is rightful French clay. Give it back.

Attached: D3EB2506-EF29-44D0-844E-5EC062E91756.jpg (750x524, 492K)

You sold it, too bad
Womp womp

Reminder that frogs are subhuman garbage who sell the future of their own children away for momentary prestige points. Your entire race is garbage, and you all deserve to suffer.


rightful US clay faggot memeposter shill

come and take it faggot

No backsies

Ever heard of the Louisiana Purchase? Take a 3rd grade level history class for once in your life

France used to be french clay too

didn't most of this territory vote trump? wtf I love the French!

What did Denmark give to the world other than Legos? We atleast had a vast empire.

Because that’s the part with loads of rural and suburban retards

Typical Frenchman. Buy land from them and they demand it back later.

>implying the French really owned that land and not the natives who were there first

Attached: howdareu34554.gif (238x300, 2.95M)

kys disgusting degenerate
french are based

We were the original jews
Selling stuff that wasnt even ours

Um, no sweetie. We bought that from Napoleon. We still have the receipt. Fuck off.

No one even speaks French anymore except for isolated pockets in Louisiana and northern Vermont/NH/Maine

Reminder that we were supposed to use that money for our planned aerial invasion of England, but then retarded Russians attacked us, forcing us to cancel it

Attached: Invasion kh69467.jpg (539x800, 331K)

Reminder you sold it all, because you were getting BTFOd by the Brits.

Attached: 1523680387201.gif (320x384, 1.15M)

I'm one of those people and desu I rather not be ruled by Macron.

The whole world is rightful American clay.

all of the americas is beaner now anyways

no one gives a fuck about a bunch of jack pine niggers

correct, we lost the mexican war, and were pussies now and no one cares to do anything about it except bitch on pol.