Continuation of I can’t have my 13 year old sister dating a negro that is 16
More urgent help ASAP
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I would refer you to the scene in Jungle Fever where the Italian girl comes home after her Father has found out that she was having relations with the Negro.
Tell your parents, sit down with her and tell her she can't see him anymore, and that all of her phone and online privileges have been taken away as punishment.
Dumb motherfucker, your daughter is lost.
Move and send her to a strict camp of some sort.
And if you ever see them together again you know what you have to do.
blame your parents, they could forbid it
also if you are older you should talk to her
otherwise you have few options who are more radical
This is illegal in Canada and could lead to having your children taken away. Same if you refuse their new gender identity.
Only thing I can suggest is making sure she gets a steady diet of examples of coal burners that have paid the toll
Her parents should have found a suitable suitor for her by now.
Then they could have gotten married in a few years.
Don't be a pussy, beat the nigger up
My white sister is getting married to a tall, fat Chinese guy. My family's European ancestry is getting flushed down the drain.
asian maculinity bait
I doubt that's your sister. Also as far as niggers go, he doesn't seem that bad. Bad first bf though. She might stay with niggers for the rest of her life which is bad news for you.
She has already sucked his dick and hands-free orgasmed from it I guarantee you. There's no saving her. It's in women's nature to seek the most animalistic violent savage they can because its programmed into their dna that those are the alpha males who will be the best provider even though its not true anymore.
Niggers are a disease
The question is: who molested your hot little whore of a sister to give her such low self esteeem? Because it’s the one thing that ALL nigger lovers have in common. They have zero self esteem
leave small valuable items out around the house
Like bananas etc
This, I don't know a single coal burner who isn't a single mom living paycheck to paycheck. It's pretty funny shit.
she looks goblina
if they're openly dating its already too late, she has been blacked. just make sure she aborts it once she gets knocked up
First part isn't true, second is only true for Ontario (hopefully Ford repeals), but cases have also happened in the US. So much for not separating children.
Tell the shitskin to hit the bricks with his skull, it isn't that hard you fucking pussy.
Also warn any guy dating her of her past so he can bounce
OP how about you give us her Instagram and we can redpill her on burning the coal?
Just curious, do you have a dad? If you do have a dad is he a good dad?
>13 year old with 16 year old
You're in luck. You can oppose it purely on the grounds of age and avoid any potential backlash.
Also, only 5 posts in the first thread and 1 in this one. Nice LARP.
wrong. if the guy was 27 and he opposed it people would call it racism
Bollocks. Don't know anyone who'd be happy with their 13 year old daughter dating someone above the age of consent no matter how dark he is or isn't.
rape her, cant beat the d
the parents/family wouldnt be happy, no. but the nog and every lib in the world would call it racism
>t. village rapist
Just ground her, holy fuck.
She's probably getting fucked right now, user
That is not a white girl so I don't care about your goblina sister, Pedro.
>inb4 the groid knocks her up in a couple of years or beats her up then disappears
kill them both
He looks like a black weeb, just find him a younger waifu to latch onto.
Guaranteed results.
My cousin, only female of my 6 cousins, married a negro and has a kid with him.
She had always been told growing up not to mingle with blacks and raised with a silver spoon up her ass but she had been secretly seeing one since 10th grade. When she was 18 she went on "vacation" to New York for a week. Turns out she married him in a bank parking lot but didn't tell anyone aside from her enabling mother. My cousin found out and told his dad and my grandpa and all hell broke loose. They told her she can either have the negro or her family (she chose the negro). Everyone disowned her and cut contact, except for my grandmother and her enabling mother, and moved away to New York with the negro because he was in the Army. Well this idiot negro left the Army because his "back hurt" after 2 years and moved back home and now they live in an house my grandmother secretly pays for. Oh and he beats and chokes her daily and everytime we get involved she denies it. God I fucking hate her for ruining my family.
Wish I could go get stationed back in Germany and just ignore them all again. Sorry for my personal blog but you're not alone out there OP
bitches never learn.. sure not every negro is a POS but a very high % of them are.. so why take that risk?
Literally making 56%.
Way to go amerifats, you disgust me.
>nog and every lib in the world would call it racism
from when we care about feelings of nogs and libtards?
Go stick your head in the toilet if you're not larping
Kid chill! She's 13. This isn't the man she's about to marry.
Scare the shit out of the nigger and tell him if he ever approaches her you'll kill him and his family
And if he rats on you just tell the police you wanted to make sure he really loves your sister so wanted to see if he is a good boy yadayada
Once you go black you never go back. She'll disrespect herself now any always associate with trash
I once almost got into a fight with Burgers stationed in Germany. Met them at a german Beach club and kept making fun of them. One of my friends almost got beaten up by them in the Toilets. In hindsight we probably deserved a beating back then. Oh well, we all woke up on the concrete covered in throwup, good night overall.
you might not have to, but in burgerland if you're a racist the liberals make you lose your job
kys... seriously you sister lover.
Just burn yourself
Stab yourself
Get aids and wait for death
Not worthy of life -.-
Coming soon
This, diseases cannot be spread
no because the nog will leave as soon as she gets knocked up.
>Not worthy of life -.-
says the meme flaggot
Jow Forums needs to stop being insecure fags and let people date who they want. I can only imagine how good it must feel to be black and read this thread of pure concentrated white boi rage. OP your sister can date whoever she wants and there's literally nothing you can do about it, maybe you should mind your own retarded business
Either show her a lot of cases of white girls getting beaten up/killed by their monkey boyfriends, or show her those pleas of the Single moms with a biracial baby wishing they'd never had a mulatto child. Only way you can convince a woman is to make her believe it's in her own disadvantage. She won't care about you or your family, but she will care about never being able to find a beta nice guy to clean up the mess afterwards.
>1 post by ID
She's just showing off the new slave her parents bought her.
OP is not worthy of life.
I seriously want to gas that mentally disabled idiot.
I hope this nigger and OPs stupidity culmulate in drama, blood and death in his family.
Rot you fucker
Don’t worry OP. The toll always gets paid eventually. Once the parasites start outweighing the productive citizenry is when society begins to collapse. We’re already seeing this process accelerate at a rapid pace. If you want to redpill your sister send a copy of Wilmot Robertson’s book the Dispossessed majority and tell her to read the final 2 chapters.
We’re literally seeing the collapse of the American empire in real time. She’ll find out soon enough, whether she likes it or not.
>I can only imagine how good it must feel to be black and read this thread of pure concentrated white boi rage.
they probably feel like i feel every day for having not been born black
If I were you and under 18 I would beat her into a coma for such dishonor to my family.
>people would call it racism
Oh no strangers will judge you better to let your sister breed the black bvll and give you wonderful negro cuck nefews
who cares, is the boy nice? Can you judge him based off his Character rather than the color of his skin? I would say, your sister doesn't deserve a racist and bigoted brother who can't see past his own insecurities to want her to be happy.
Sage this LARP.
>this is what your nefew will look like
My cousin dated a black dude for like 5 years. She never got knocked up, and now she's married to a white racist cop who dreams of shooting black people in the face (not even kidding) and has with him 3 lily white children with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes.
why the fuck are your parents letting your sister date at 13
yes we should let the slow destruction of our people and families continue and not even discuss it. i think the world would be better off if it were entirely composed of mixed race hellholes like brazil, or wonderful rainbow nations like south africa.
Pedo cop dreaming of shooting kids
> Only in america
>Can you judge him based off his Character rather than the color of his skin?
Actually no you can’t due to recession to the mean. The quantity of niggers in a society is directly proportional to its level of development. The quicker white women breed with non-whites the sooner the United States deteriorates to third world status and balkanises along racial lines. Ironically, if you want black people to remain safe and secure you should encourage them to stay separate. The alternative is violence on a massive scale when once we’ve reached the point of no return.
Race idealists are ultimately the biggest racists.
It's just two kids dating. You guys need to get some fucking fresh air.
Give her a hug, tell her you love her and want to protect her. Tell her she cant see him anymore but she can hang out with you instead.
also give her a bowl of eggs and tell her she has to eat them all
the only thing you can do to stop her from burning coal is violently rape and inseminate her anus until her brains are fucked out and she's too retarded to function enough to go out mudsharking
either way, you're gonnabe catching toll fees by proxy thanks to her, might as well make the most out of a shitty situation
she looks mixed herself, has goblin traits. receding forehead, deep nasal bridge/wide nose, wide set beady eyes
It is really simple user, you punch your sister in the face, then kick her in the twat. While on the gound kick her relatively until she begs you to stop. And you let her know that she ever again puts you in position where a nigger can look at you with a smile of "my black dick is in your sister white boy" you will fucking kill her. And leave it at that.
I'm just sad another black brother isn't with a black woman.
Tell him the only way he'll hang is from a tree
This. Listen to this man, he knows what he’s talking about.
my god you're probably the dumbest mother fucker I've seen on Jow Forums you've really bought into all the memes created by 13 yearolds posting on a Japanese Origami Forum.
Dude I'm Japanese and Spanish, I have a 149 IQ, I make 6 Figures (Upper), and I have shit posted on Jow Forums for about 7 years now.
t.Racemixing is not bad
>I make 6 Figures
whoa.. do you have a degree in mathematics by chance?
But she's dating a nog. She's forever ruined.
Half of this board wishes there offspring looked like you so I wouldn't get too upset.
Bottom line kid, just be yourself.
If you're fun to be around, knowledgeable about the world and history and culture, motivated to do well etc. your sister is gonna see a side to men that she probably doesn't get from her ork-friend and she'll long for a replacement.
Now imagine what would have happened if you were half African
It's natural selection. Speak your mind, try to convince her with logic. You can use historical development, crime statistics or my personal favourite: the inevitable upcoming civil war between multiculturalism and ethno-nationalism. Speak to her about that future, make her visualise it and ask her what would happen to her boyfriend and their future mutt babies. In the best scenario they will get deported including herself, in the worst case they'll be put in camps, experimented on, gassed and be turned into lampshades of skin, all 6 million of them
>being this insecure
Ok Elliot.
That's not how you convince women you foreveralone, but I like your ideals for the future
>Japanese and Spanish
You’re an hobourary Aryan, welcome on board.
We’re talking about niggers here, not actual human beings
Nothing of value has been lost.
Haha bro youre reallynfucked, her profile pic is them together too
Nothing you can do now shes virtue signaling.
Fuck off.
Nieces are even worse... daughters are the ultimate cucking
This is important. As white men we have to look after each other on the coal burner question.
As to OP, your sister is garbage now. She is toxic waste.
Sorry but thems is the breaks.
She is dead to you now.