My City is Having a Gay Pride Festival

What do I do to stop this degeneracy?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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J/k this board is satire

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you can't

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Set up tons of loud speakers that play that high pitch dog whistle type sound that hurts like shit. No one actually gets hurt it will make make it near impossible to be there because your ears will be getting raped.

Wear antifa gear and protest that the parade is offense to Muslims

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See the gay pride festival on your own and make your decisions based on how these people really are.
Pic unrelated, tho

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Only one solution.

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Pressure cooker, nails, diesel and a 20% nitrogen pellet fertilizer. Also gonna need a basic flip phone, some wire and a soldering iron

Mustard gas is cheap and easy to make.

Die you incel losers. It's ok to be gay.

invite your local muslims

>What do I do to stop this degeneracy?
Complain on the internet and create hit and run threads obviously.

You're just a LARPer so that's all you'll ever do.

Do nothing, except take pictures.
Post them on the internet so the world knows of the degeneracy

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Rarely fatal though, we are trying to solve the problem, not prolong it.

Omar Mateen did nothing wrong

>It's ok to be gay.
Then why do you have so many STDs, cancers and metal illnesses?

Let alone the fact that faggots can't breed...

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I think almost everywhere in the western world people get suspicious when you guy nitrogen fertilizer. I think you have to show you ID in my country for this (and called more than once the police on muslims trying to buy this stuff).

do what must be done

Shouldn't you have a hardon for freedom? If you don't like it, don't go there.

Smart, find your towns Muslim place of worship. Then invite them all. Withholding the true reason.

I feel fine and mentally healthy and am quite successful at my company, like other gay men and women are where I work. We even have a monthly LGBT lunch. Look at Tim Cook and others.. many gay people are highly successful and feel proud.

>how to stop degeneracy.

First find an honest, God fearing woman. Then have 8 children. Raise them to be honest God fearing people. You must out breed the degeneracy.

womp womp faggot. I hope an incel runs u faggots over.

Indeed, it is getting harder to find anything stronger than 10-10-10 by me. They afraid of people going full McVeigh


No Russian.

You can't stop this. Gay people and their rights aren't going anywhere. Stop being a homophobe shit head and accept it or ignore it. Keeping that hate built up inside will do you no good.

Suck dick.

Why do y'all hate muslims so much considering you all talk like ISIS terrorists when it comes to people you disagree with...

Don't straight people suffer the same things, dumbfuck?

>I feel fine and mentally healthy
Why would I listen to the opinions on mental health of a mentally ill person?

>many gay people are highly successful and feel proud.
Not an argument.

Making money is not the means of existence.

Claiming to be proud of degeneracy is not a good thing.

LGBT lunch.
Is there an orgy afterwards? Asking for a friend.

>Don't straight people suffer the same things, dumbfuck?
Faggots suffer them much, much more. And heterosexuals can actually breed.

Stupid faggot lover.

We have the Dems trying to dismantle our country completely and turn it into a borderless stew and this meaningless drivel is what you worry about? Useless.

Wear a hijab and hold a protest sign. "Homosexuals will burn in hell, praise Allah" You'll paralyze them.

What you consider degeneracy is nothing more than an opinion, don't just shut the door like a fucking manchild: I disagree with your life so I will ignore all your arguments.

No it's not, pic related you mentally disabled, brain dead fucking retarded faggot.

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I'm actually thinking of creating homemade stink bombs and dropping them in the trashcans along the route.

>Let me give you my opinion on your opinion

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No terrorism. Wear a burka so you can't be ID-ed and protest

Have a heterosexual parade at the same time.

That's honestly a good idea.

You're wrong. After we kill the pedos the rest of you fags will go back in the closet.

going HURR DURR YOU ARE DEGENERATE SO NOTHING YOU SAY COUNTS isn't an opinion, it's being a fucking baby and brainlet.

Without the degeneracy of 1920's Berlin, you don't get the Third Reich.

Throwing away stinky trash is not an act of terrorism

No doxxing cuz hijab, no counter-action cuz Muslim minority, no protests cuz muh religious beliefs, while still getting the message across.

It is an option, because we dgaf what you have to say degenerate. Your degeneracy will never be accepted

Ask (Pic Related) for ideas about how do deal with faggots ruining the world

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>Expressing a belief is not an opinion
>t.nigger babbling Dutch moron

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>keeps cute photos of gays kissing on computer
>pretends to be a homophobe online

Google gay pride nigger

Why don't you hang yourself you degenerate fuck. Homosexuality is the most unnatural thing possible.

Cause a civil war between Mudslimes and fags while we watch? Sounds comfy.

That's just crazy enough to work. Personally I have nothing against gays, but I have everything against AntiFa and want to damage them.

>pretends not to have any more pictures like that

>What do I do to stop this degeneracy?
If you're acting alone, you can't do shit. Simple as that, unfortunately.

>"Why of course this wasn't a hate crime your honor, og course I'm not a homophobe judge, I have a whole folder of gay porn on my computer.
Ahhh it feels good.

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Have you even read the Art of War?

awww go join them!

Minorities are like Pokémon. Each type has a weakness against another type. Muslim beats gays (literally)

Go take photos of all the degenerate shit happening especially at the after parties and show normies.

you know what to do

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Should I contact my local Muslim centers to ask them why they don't protest this degeneracy?

Now you're getting it. Sand types beat flower types

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obvious answer is obvious

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Then tell me why it feels right as rain and perfect when I am inside my boyfriend's asshole (well lubed of course). What is natural is how something feels to someone. How is it that different than a guy being in a woman? Hell many 'straight' guys beg for anal sex with women.

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Shelter in place until the faggotry passes, or load up a Super Soaker with petrol and go bring back the original meaning of “faggot” to them.

The Devil is a liar.

I do agree Trump does lie a lot.

Suck some dicks. That'll scare them away.

You can't. It's a tourism ploy that works very effectively.

Not if it ends in chaos.

You have demons in you, child. I'll pray for you.

Those aren't inherent or unique.

No credible source considers it a mental illness.

(((credible source)))

There are no credible sources, only faggots pushing their degeneracy.

[spoiler]Shoot it up for Jow Forums![/spoiler]


[spoiler]SHOOT IT UP![/spoiler]


it sticks to kids

Do what leftist do by a bull horn make noise , bang shit , play stupid music , autistic screeching!! ,

Shit like this

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Aside from being a board of peace Jow Forums is satire and I satirically agree with every satirical post suggesting violence

Hold a straight pride one.

I heard if you kiss 10,000 mens penises (with tongue) it will bring an end to homosexuality. Good luck, user. We all believe in you.

>le ebin funny (((meme)))
Ebin XDDDDD!!!!

If that were true you would have already brought an end to homosexuality my penis tonguing friend.

Go to the parade and get pozzed

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or try this

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You know, none of my liberal friends ever condemned his religious justification and reasoning for his actions, instead they blamed it on his mental health and societal trained intolerance.

I just don't want you parading naked in the streets, making out in front of children

>buy a cheap drone off Amazon
>mount a small, portable speaker to it along with a cheap MP3 player
>load the MP3 player with this and set it to repeat:
>fly it around out of reach while furious faggots throw shit at it
>no way for them to know who is flying it, and they can't catch it until it runs out of batteries or someone gets a lucky throw
>you can even film their reactions with the mounted camera and upload it when you're done

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