I'm done with this 56% shit that keeps getting posted all the time, la creatura, el goblino, la whatever the fuck it is, with these stupid mutt faces with glowing eyes, im fucking done with this shit, don't you fucking idiots know that just because the country is 56% white that doesn't mean the whites living here are 56% white!!!! What is so fucking hard to understand about that, I'm of german and irish descent, through my father and mother
the more you cry about it, the more they will post it sage
Jackson Scott
Ah muy nino, you ask me how la creatura came to be? Legends say that it all began with the mixing of the races combined with artificial and chemical-spiked food and complete disintegration of culture. Then the mutts started breeding with the mongrels, and people started losing sanity even further. Ay caramba, horrible and dark times indeed. Eventually, the even more mixed abominations started being fed meat of deceased by the corporations to cut expenses. When the time was right, Jews opened up the portal to a nether dimension by using the vigin blood sacrifices of few extremely rare blancos that they kept alive for this specific purpose. Unimaginable dark energies descended upon this realm, turning abominations into something, something not of this world ... They were finally ready, the perfected goyim ...
But then there was, the wall. It's still protecting us, even to this day. No one knows for what purpose was it built, but some say that it was used to keep our corrupted cousins that ventured north from returning. However, it is very old, and sometimes la creatura sneaks through the cracks, kidnapping children.
This. Europoors can’t even overthrow their government. We at least can shoot back when the civil war starts. How can you defend the white race without lead?
Leo Ward
I bet you post 'Britbong hate threads!' every day you fucking pathetic Yank goblin
Nathaniel Hall
honestly all the 56% goblinos and such make me think of Puerto Ricans and Mexicans, general cockroachery.
Ryder Sullivan
We still haven't forgotten that Royal Wedding, or should I call it... "The Muttening"
Jaxson Lopez
can't really teach non whites much either, so we'll win, lol.
>I'm of german and irish descent You just proved the mutt meme lol
Colton Perry
Cooper Adams
Only mutts get butthurt from muttposting
Matthew Ramirez
Stfu faggot. We're the best in the world. If you can't handle the jealous banter from those less than us try moving to Canada. You're probably the kind of man who pretend to be a Canadian when you visit overseas. Sage this whiney 56% goblin.
I honestly don't believe the 56% meme because I do not think we are 56% white. It's less. Honestly, I feel like all I see out there today is this I think most of the white people are just old people. The new generation seem like they are 90% non-white (or more). We are already completely fucked.
Logan Fisher
The people who post that shit do so to piss you off. Way to give them the win.
You so t though. You'll continue living in your comfy wageslave lives, grasping for the last little minimal but of consumerism that you can. Euro will get mutated though, and will be on your level in maybe 39 years, but you'll already be South Africa by then.
Parker Gray
>spooped >_
Evan Fisher
As an American, the only Americans that are offended by the 56% meme are the people where the shoe fits. I think the 56% is funny as hell.
the 56% meme is genius >it forces Amerilard asses to face what they've become >resulting in better life choices or a slow, painful death as their organs fail >where future generations "rebelling against their parents" strive for better DNA, a Chad mind, a Chad body, his own Chad business(es), a Chad income, and a Chad-lifestyle don't whine about it. use it! when life throws you lemons, tell the lard asses to unfuck their shit or die off
Sebastian Morgan
Why? You know its true. Over half the "whites" here aren't real whites. Being redpilled means not being delusional too.
Levi Perry
>Lmao, you little insecure bitch. In 50 years we'll be whiter than Europe so who gives a fuck. All the real whites will white-flight to the same state anyway in the end. We will wall off that state to all non-whites and claim it as our new small country. The rest of the country will starve to death and regress to the stone age.
Aiden Lewis
>I honestly don't believe the 56% meme because I do not think we are 56% white. It's less. Honestly, I feel like all I see out there today is this Same. When I go outside all I see is non-whites. 56% is true in fact it's worse because half of those 56% "whites" are just mexicans and shit.
Eli Martinez
Only America should be allowed to joke about racial impurity. Everyone else listed above comes off as extremely ironic.
How is Aus friend not getting diversified by based about muzzies? My face when you're Mexican and you don't have a face Oi bin those memes, lad! *Sells your sister to a based quintessentially British person* This is an America Only thread. Keep Posting those 56% memes. No one else has the right.
>tfw living in one of those 99% white pockets I'll never understand your strange foreign meme, it has no relation to my life of the life of anyone I know. It's like trying to read black twitter, just incomprehensible gibberish.
Luke Collins
Every time the muttposting starts to drop off these faggots post THE SAME GODDAMN THREAD and nu/pol/ replies 75 times. le 56% is breddy funny tbqh but for fucks sake no Jow Forumsack gives a fuck this thread is cancer and OP is a shill faggot
>every time the muttposting starts to drop off these faggots post THE SAME GODDAMN THREAD I can't believe I haven't noticed that it hasn't been posted a whole lot lately. OP is a faggot and a nigger and so is any other American that makes these threads.
Jace Sanchez
i 100% believe this is what the majority of Jow Forumslacks look like. a bunch of mongrels trying to meme a white ethnostate into existence from some unknown reason
that Brittany mulatto is pretty darn qt. if she was sterilized she'd be allowed to stay in the ethnostate. she can service all the incels who can't find a white wife. no school shootings then just book a 30 minute appointment with the mulatto qt.
Eli Campbell
>i 100% believe this is what the majority of Jow Forumslacks look like Well my good sir that's simply because you're a fucking idiot. Pic related are the ones making all of the civic nationalist posts coming from the_donald.
Levi Perry
El creaturo majestico del america trinidad
Austin Adams
if that mutt venti is allowed her what about this girl?