When balkanization hits, the mountain States are gonna btfo the rest of the country and restore order

When balkanization hits, the mountain States are gonna btfo the rest of the country and restore order.

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I welcome this

No, you're already compromised.

What, you and the 25 people living there?

I'll take those 25 versus the millions of pussies that let our country go to shit.

I've always loved montana. Tried my damnedest to get stationed there.

Start with the Golden State, of course.

Well you're going to have to deal with losing Idaho because Obama imported a ton of Africans to the middle of nowhere out there.

Colorado east of the mountains is deep state territory, they'll own all of that area until it's destroyed

Nevada and Tahoe/Reno will go to the Mormons, as will a large part of your map surrounding Utah. The Mormons are infiltrated at the highest levels, in the event of Balkanization this group would ally themselves with the deepstate in Denver because they're already controlled by the same forces.

So you're looking at Montana and some of Wyoming.

>When balkanization hits, the mountain States are gonna btfo the rest of the country and restore order.
Nah, Only Washington, Oregon, Idaho and the western half of Montana because those states are part of the Northwest Imperative via the Northwest Front. The only real group with a viable plan to make a White country when everything hits the fan.

Do you even have a group with a plan to bring your posts into reality?

Needs to happen sooner than later. Commiefornia filth are infiltrating the Silver State (NV).

I lived in a small desert town in Nevada, it was really nice. We gotta stop the commiefornian migration to our states.

Yes because we are all scared of a whole bunch of Mormons

lmao, you will be when balkanization comes.

Your list is missing Arizona.


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I thought Arizona is getting hit with the SPIC HORDE

KY, TN, IN gonna lay down the law too bromosexual

Which town
I live here too

HA, your state is gonna get invaded

I used to live in Logandale

>The Black States of America.
>The Asian Pacific Confederation.
>The Greater Mexican Provinces.
>The Liberal States of New England.
>The Kingdom of Trumplandia.
>The Empire of the Midwest.
>The Rocky Mountain Republic.

Rocky mountain republic and the Midwest empire will form an alliance.

>Implying they aren't fighting a border war for the Dakotas, Kansas and Nebraska.
Most likely the Rocky Mountains Republic would be a tributary state for the Asian Pacific Confederation as a border to prevent the Midwest Empire to expand.
Meanwhile the Mexicans would be sending banditos and cartels up the the Rockies to destabilise Colorado's drugged out population.