I just recieved a $120 speeding ticket for driving 33mph in a 30. FUCK THE POLICE...

I just recieved a $120 speeding ticket for driving 33mph in a 30. FUCK THE POLICE. YOU BOOTLICKING POLICE LOVONG FAGGOTS ARE THE WORST

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>33 in a 30

serves you right for speeding, you fucking psycho. you could have hurt someone.

nice blog post, honey.

30mph is most likely a residential area. slow down faggot its not the highway. speed on the highway.


If you didn't want a ticket for going over the speed limit, MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN GOING OVER THE SPEED LIMIT!

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fight the ticket in court you dumb shit

I am assuming it was a construction zone.

Fight it dumbass.

Speedos can be 10% out. Go to court argue case.

Nope it wasnt.


This, stop being an entitled millennial piece of garbage.

>being this poor

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Next time be white

GTFO poor minority

i'm italian and never got a ticket

what now, amerishit?

While it's true that you shouldn't have to, just spend the 3-4 hours to appeal it and have it thrown out.

Although since you didn't get points with it, it might be worth it to just pay.

He was spending to get to work flipping burgers. If he's late again the boss might dock his pay!

get that queer ass moped off the streets ya faggot.

You are now entitled to destroy $360 worth of municipal property.

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Boo fucking hoo, I hope you get mugged by a nigger

It's literally as easy as just not speeding. Op is a gigantic faggot, and such.

Post photo of ticket or you're full of shit OP.

Nice bait,faggot. Also,another thing that didn't happen, oh and sage.

so it WAS a residential area. i speed on the freeways but i do 10mph UNDER in residential areas. 30MPH is too fast when a kid darts out from behind a car. 3mph on the freeway you have my sympathy no doubt, 3 mph in a residential area over 30 mph? no sympathy here man. i have young kids.

Fuck your kids I hope they get ran over by a truck full of niggers.

Why did you speed?

just lost any tiny speck of compassion i may have had for this you, cunt. no wonder you got the ticket, I bet you acted like a nigger to the cop who would have otherwise let you off.

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He didn't, he just wanted to make a shit thread on Jow Forums and this was the scenario his retard brain crafted.

I made pig noises at him and told him to stick his baton up his grandmas asshole. He slapped an extra 20 for that but do I give a shit? No. Fuck the police

This is bait but I'll bite. Why done you screw with the blue gang and just walk next time.

Degenerate scum. Respect the law.

Why did you break the law then are you a nigger by any chance

Where do you live that speed limits are enforced? kek

fucking pleb

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It would appear based on first grade math that your statement is incorrect

3 mph over?, take it to court, they will easily drop that lmfao

It really is shit because something like tire size can change your speedometer reading by that amount.

Can't do the time don't do the crime.
Cop here, best job on the planet I wouldn't trade it for anything. Hearing whiny fucks complain about something they absolutely deserve because they're shortsighted greedy undisciplined fucks who want to get away with their bullshit is music to my fucking ears.
Stop breaking the law. If you have a problem with it take it up with legislation.

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This is a satire thread btw

It's pretty simple... Don't break the law, asshole, and you won't get a ticket or arrested or shot.

Residential or School zone?

What an inconsiderate psychopath.

Go put your head under your tire


lots of states have a 5mph buffer zone for that reason.
i have worked with some law enforcment and they wont pop you for less than 10 over.
but a nearby state will get you for 2 over.

>cop here
Prove it user, US Police are pretty based

confirmed bait thread

remember to sage

nah, fuck you. lying nigger. you were doing 43 in a 30

white trash or nigger confirmed

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found the angry nigger

they do this yet are far too cowardly to go in the hood and actually take care of real crime

>break the law
>receive due punishment
>cry like a bitch
nigger detected

not buying those prices, what else was wrong on your car, tinted windows? to loud. POS?

tell that to a banker... or I got lots of 30s to trade you..

i told some kids to get their faggot asses ot of the street, they were riding bikes in the middle of the road and intersection. their mom called the cops and tried to get me for a hate crime. ended up with a ticket for not having my physical card license with me.

>tfw $300 speeding ticket for doing 102mph in a 65 zone
defend this shit you statist fucks!?

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ya, this is my main issue with the LEO. it's about quotas instead of stopping actual criminals and protecting/serving the public. typical bureaucrat kikes have to turn policing into some money-making scheme.

such a, soon to be tasered, bad ass

Go to court and explain your side faggot

Show me the mathematics where 30=33

>but a nearby state will get you for 2 over.
what is new mexico.

freeway, 1 am no traffic 74 in a 70... are you kidding me?

called it! op is a bitchnigger

Guess you should have obeyed the law citizen.

gas the pigs law war now

Why were you in such a hurry anyway? Stick to the limit and drive sensibly you tool. The cop fined you because you were being a fucking idiot and having a temper tantrum. If you kept your shit together the cop would probably left you with a warning. In the case that your black, i think the cop should of shot you.

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appropriate digits

You can take responsibility for your actions or you can blame others for your mistakes

Assuming this scenario actually happened
did you ever consider that you can
>fight the ticket in court
>you got in in the first place because you were acting like a faggot to the cop?

You must have been a real piece-o-shit for a cop to stroke you for 3 over faggot.

Reminds me of that asian vet who was insulted by that Persian woman for driving at speed limit.

I'm not a nigger. I agree with OP.
Go get beat up at a Trump rally whilst the police just sit there.

or you can be a bootlicking faggot trying to troll on an user board

That ain't shit. In Chicago they hit you with the fine and force a court session if the cop is an asshole. You go to court do the guilty plea only to find out the state passed a law forcing you to pay court fees of 250 dollars on top of fines. Yeah I hate this fucking 3rd world shithole Chicago


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The only reason you weren't let off with a warning is that you were a massive fucking asshole.
That, or this never happened and you came here to shitpost.

womp womp

this. /thread

>He slapped an extra 20 for that but do I give a shit?
so yeah, you give a shit
And you give your weeks wages to the cops. Good going.

Pro-tip: cops in America leave you alone if you drive a muscle car, as long as it isn’t some 90’s shitbox. I have a 69 Mustang and a 2009 Mustang.
Cops leave me alone, and the few times I do get pulled over, they always let me off with a warning, and sometimes even ask me to rev the engine for them.

Now when I was younger I liked import cars more, and man did I get a fuck ton of tickets. Cops have zero respect for rice-burners.

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they charge you $15 a day to be in jail here and an automatic court fee of $300 no matter what you do. i kind of feel bad for the fags that get 11/29 without work release. serve 9 months, get out, automatically owe $4,000 on top of court cost, fines, fees, and a new $45 a month probation fee.

have you considered people could not break the law to avoid these harsh penalties?

I just slap vet plates on whatever I drive. ezpz

I can somewhat attest to this

>Visit friend who lives in the country when I was in my teens
>Get drunk so go for a walk to get some fresh air
>No idea where I am
>Van comes down road and knocks woman off bicycle
>Nearby telephone box (mobiles weren't as easy to come by then)
>Dial 999 and tell them I need an ambulance and the police
>See van start driving away without checking on the woman
>Hang up to assist woman
>Before I get to her she's shaken herself off, got back on her bike and fucked off
>Just me standing in the middle of the road when the police and ambulance turn up
>Try to explain what happened
>Get arrested for drunk and disorderly

This thread is stupid and OP is stupid.
I'm gonna blog post too.
I've never gotten a ticket in my life, I've had a ton of close encounters with police but never got in trouble, and I've never called the police for help even though I've been in situations where most people would.
Every time I've dealt with them in Florida I just act real calm, generally follow their orders, respond properly, and just act intelligently with them. I've been in the car multiple times where my idiot friend or someone else is the driver and they got in trouble. They are always mouthy, or say dumb shit etc.
Cops are just normal people for the most part. They gotta deal with incredibly stupid people alll the time doing incredibly stupid shit in incredibly frustrating situations. I would actually like to try the job myself if it wasn't for drug laws and some other bullshit. I had an old classmate who was a cop. Saw him 10 years later and asked if he had any stories. He was the nicest person in school, super nice guy. But his stories were about a persons brain splattered on the road and a woodchipper accident... In both stories he talked about the other cops and his superiors laughing about it and him telling the stories in a joking manner. It's soooo easy to see how that job can fuck with people's heads.

I realize all this but still fucking hate most cops. They, along with soldiers, are the enforcers of the political scum who continuously fuck over the country. When you see a cop in the rear view it brings everyone dread. They constantly fuck with people (though I can hardly blame them after what they go through but still dislike it) and they just cause so many fuckign problems in the supposed land of the "free". If this cunt ass government could get their act together I would have no problems with the cops. But since they have to enforce thousands and thousands of asinine rules and they have to throw people in jail for nonviolent shit, and they protect the scummiest people on earth, that means I hate the damn pigs.
And it's only getting worse now cause the current government is a wet dream for overpowered fascist authoritarians. And these faggot "Americans" love it.

You were doing 40. The officer was nice enough to walk it down to keep you from getting points on your license. He was forced to write you up when you stupidly incriminated yourself by "trying to be honest." When he asked you how fast you were going you didn't want to admit you were going 10 over, but also didn't want to outright lie and deny you were speeding, so you admitted "I was only speeding a little bit..." because you think that a little honesty makes you look more sincere when you're lying like a jew.

This is the thanks he gets for trying to help a faggot out.

Bootlicking faggot. Surely you don’t agree with every law.

This is bait, but most places I've been to have residential speed limits at 25, not 30. Youre likely just retarded.

>But since they have to enforce thousands and thousands of asinine rules
Most of those rules aren't enforced, I can assure you. Those rules are in place to give cops probable cause to search your vehicle to see if you've got anything /actually worth/ taking you to jail for or to run your name out to see if you have any warrants, etc.
>they have to throw people in jail for nonviolent shit,
I'm assuming you mean drug related offenses? hell, in california just possessing meth/heroin is a Cite and Release now. $60 ticket. if you don't have probation it's not a big deal, and definitely not something you'll be brought to jail for. keep in mind that those people with meth/heroin on them are likely funding their habits by burglarizing your house, breaking into your car, robbing stores, etc (why wouldn't you want them arrested anyways)?
>protect the scummiest people on earth
...law abiding citizens?
Honestly if you're breaking laws that are severe enough to get you put on probation, you probably are a lowlife anyways. I can't think of any infractions that I don't agree with off the top of my head aside from vehicle code infractions

Your point is exactly correct, but that dangling, useless ‘and such’ looks like faggotry to alpha eyes. Thought you might want to know.

Go to court and they will throw it out. +or- 5 miles and hour. No calibration is that accurate on a car. Was it clocked using radar. What state was this in. I have won even when I was wrong.
When the facts are on your side, argue the facts.
When the facts are against you, argue the law.

No good deed goes unpunished user.

>law abiding citizens?
Politicians. They aren't there to protect citizens, they are there to enforce laws.Cops have no qualms smashing people's rights and making situations worse for citizens.

That’s not that much stop being so poor

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>Assuming this scenario actually happened

I knew I'd get a laugh out of this thread somewhere.

God I fucking hate summer.

>they aren't there to protect citizens
Ok...even though 99% of their contacts are with citizens making a 911 call.
>no qualms about smashing people's rights
rights like what?
>making situations worse for citizens
situations like what are made worse?

>people don't make up random bullshit just to shitpost
>traffic actually goes up during summer months.

>Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect
Rights like protesting
Make situations worse like arresting people over smoking a joint or drinking a beer in public.
