School uniforms go unisex as Japanese schools seek better fit for LGBT students


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Lol eat shit weeb

A pantsuit is fine too

Did it taste that good, Abe?

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Would you folks eat a shoe to support our great ally Israel?

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fucking faggots, why would we change anything for them? Faggots have anus poop sex and should be hung from the back of cars and boats and dragged for as long as one pleases. Fuck faggots, worse things ever, every race is plagued by the faggot.

How did we let fag-bashing become unpopular?

Fucking japs are fucking up the good thing they had going. It's so damn sad.

/s/ on suicide watch!!!!

RIP jap schoolgirls with short skirts. Now it's just TRAP school girls *~*

If u stupid faggot baka gaijin knew anything about superiour nippon you would know that there are stores all over japan that sell these uniforms for girls to wear as casual clothes because they are so popular with women.

Uniforms are a staple of japanese culture in every sector. Even train janitors have uniforms.

Watch japanology on youtube about uniforms. This is a meme and japanese girls wont put up with it

Was this the beggining of the end?

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>Japanese schools will now have cute traps in them
What's the bad part?

Asian girl still looks adorable.

i watched a thing in social studies class in my junior year of high school that talked about handshakes when it comes to people of power. when a picture is being taken, the person whose back of hand is facing the camera is the one who is shown and believed to have dominance and power over the other. they gave examples of putin and dubya back in the day. putin almost always had his back of hand facing the camera in order to appear more powerful in the eyes of russians and to make the US look weak.

They've gone too far this time

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Basically girls have the choice to wear pants at this ONE school in japan. Tons of schools in Japan don't even have uniforms like in your anime.

So whoever is standing on the left? That's fucking retarded, as it is customary to shake with the right hand, and the back of the hand facing the camera doesn't mean anything other than they were standing on the left side of the frame.
If your teacher wasn't incompetant, they would have instead taught that dominance in a handshake is determined by whose palm is facing downward. Pic related, Putin is absolutely dominating and cucking Trump. A neutral handshake is where both parties hands are perpendicular to the floor.
To offer your hand palm up in a handshake is a sign of humility and submission.

Attached: cucked.jpg (960x540, 55K)

Oh that'll help with the Japanese birth rate problem.
>I got it guys.
>let's make the girls look like boys!

Tomboys wearing the male uniform is an old animu trope, ever seen Utena?

What's the problem with a cute tomboy wearing pants? The only downside for this is you can't see her panties while she is stepping on you.

Words cannot begin to describe how nervous the guy on the right is about this situation.

>A neutral handshake
>humility and submission.
It's amazing how you kikes can contradict yourself in the same breath, and still act like nothing when you're called out on it.

Tomboys need to be sweaty in athletic clothes not wearing dress pants you galactic faggot

I thought Japan told cultural marxists to eff off... were they infiltrated?

isnt it only 2 schools though?

Who even cares. It's probably a good thing. Maybe men will start paying attention to their studies rather than the neighborhood ho who that sluts up her uniform skirt.

Or you could learn to read. I said if both hands are perpendicular to the floor, meaning both hands are offered the same (thumb up), that is a neutral handshake.
If somebody offers their hand palm up, that's a sign of humility and submission. Pic related.
Conversely, if somebody offers their hand palm down, that's a sign of dominance and control.

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I don't see this has a big deal, Japanese schools from what i'm guessing each have a certain dress code. Some go sailor uniform and others adopted this kind of uniform a decade ago.

>calls me a faggot
>doesn't like cute tomboys in pants

What's wrong with haruhi?

Jesus, who gives a fuck. It's just a school uniform. You faggots are no different than SJW.

That's what I'm thinking. If something like this doesn't even make /JP/ have a thread about it, then I don't think it's an issue and those /jp/ weeps are pretty hardcore about Japanese things

There is nothing wrong with Haruhi as she is best girl.

This is now an SOS brigade thread

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I'm not against trans people but does a whole school have to change the whole uniform for such a minor group of people. Why do we have to be forced by the government to not to upset these people? I'll happily accept different people but it's annoying when the government almost take away our freedom of speech just because some "faggots"-which would be a tiny minority from the LGBT community- are unable to live their lives unless everyone accepts-almost worshipping them- and not just doing what they want to do without shoving it down everyone's throats.


Don’t buy into the jew. Also, girls will not put up with that sort of uniform during he summer, when it’s really hot.

I raise you a Konata

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I'd rather they went with skirts

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You make a compelling argument.

That particular style of pants just look so wrong on a girl. Even when women wear pants, they have to be the right style to look good, unisex clothing is a meme.

Look at these faggots over-analyzing handshakes.

All threads are SOS Brigade threads.


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Japanese Schoolgirls in skirts is a major export for them, why would they ruin that 0.1% population of Degenerates

at the school I studied at, a few of the girls wore trousers during the winter. Because it was fucking freezing. I swear, the rest of the girls bike to school in thigh-length skirts in snowstorms and their legs are like iron sinew. On the other hand, the boys with their trousers did nothing but complain about how cold it was.

Also, I've always wondered about this: Since women are much more uptight about modesty than men and are more vulnerable to sexual assault, etc, why on earth have they ever worn skirts? That makes no sense. Is it an airflow thing?

Here comes the diversity, you slanty eyed motherfuckers!

in a thread full of faggots over analyzing Japaneses school uniforms.

In the old days, women wore long skirts and dresses because they were considered more modest than trousers.

Naturally as time went on, women and girls gradually made skirts... different.

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Haha white piggu where will you go when SJWs successfully infiltrated everywhere you go? Even JAPAN isn't safe for you now...

Can we all just agree that the LGBT community needs to die? They ruin everything good in this world.

How about where you are?


What do the girls think?

Contrary to what porn and anime might tell you, they typically wear something under the skirt so their panties don't show.

Absolutely. Look at this As OP said, WTF happened??

Dunno about Japan, but here they don't seem to.

t. schoolgirl panty expert

I think women and men have different circulatory distributions. A lot of my female friends can wear any bottom or top during the winter but cover up their extremities. On the converse, myself and many other guys get really cold in the body while our feet, ears, nose and hands aren't that bad.

Honestly worth it.

Japan's porn industry already created the stigma that girl school uniforms are for fucking.
At least this way, it'll be viewed as an actual school uniform.

>How to identify a US proxy.


Girls will just start wearing really tight and immodest pants instead. Don't worry fellow pervs, girls will do anything and dress any way to get Chad's attention, regardless what the school uniform rules are.

yo goys, this yellow nigga is woke

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this so much

I'm almost certain that some Nip visited the West and saw all the girls wearing spandex workout tights to school and wanted to encourage ass-hugging trouser culture in his home country. I also bet you that this is only happening in a handful of specialty private schools.


The reason why this i being implemented sucks. Tho, a girl in a suit can look really cute and beautiful. If she doesn't have Merkels proportions and face.

I don't understand.

Cute males should wear girl's clothes. It's a fact.

Imagine if there was a threshold cuteness index whereby at a certain point you're required to wear the girl's uniform, regardless of sex or gender.

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It's crazy how tight school tops are in this country by the way. Literally most girls wear blouses as tight as pic related, probably a little tighter. You walk around after school lets out and the streets are full of schoolgirls wearing these blouses that are basically porn-movie office girl-tier, it's nutty

Attached: schooltop.jpg (580x725, 56K)

It's not cute compared to the alternative.

>japan's economy sinking for the last 20 years
>their population is basically all grannies, grandpas and nigerian bouncers now
>their games suck, either terrible weeb shit no one in the West enjoys playing, or boring cliche fantasy settings
>no schoolgirl outfits anymore

Jesus Christ, just nuke them out of existence already. They have nothing to offer the world anymore

Have a compromise. Skorts, i.e. skirts that have legs. Best of both worlds. They look fantastic.

>They have nothing to offer the world anymore

They still have lolis.

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Raising a generation of cute tomboys? I'm ok with this.

I'm pretty fashionable guy and I'm confuse. How do the buttons not look like pic related? Are they actually pullover? Isn't it hot and humid over there?

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Women should were skirts and have long hair

I dunno man, this is how they are supposed to be worn, girls just get them a size too tight on purpose it seems

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why does unisex always just equal male? those aren't "unisex" uniforms, they're just male uniforms

I don't know if this "back of the hand" shit has any truth to it. If it does, though, this is clearly two strong leaders not wanting the other to show it.

Please God no this isn't real


jesus that auto tune sounds horrible.

If you wanna amuse yourself, check out the comments, kek

>Give the Japs an opportunity to be even more conformist and buglike
>It's, uh... for gay stuff!

It's not, because that's dependant on the perspective of the camera. The position of the hand is body language though.

My wife is supposed to wear button shirts for work but can't because the buttons do this but it's baggy in the waist and arms

I can still fap to this.

A lot of girls just go around with the buttons like that or even more... like that.

Some girls are clearly wearing blouses clearly designed to be worn tight though. Which looks a lot better, obviously.

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She's just really modest and doesn't want to have gaps in the buttons where it's stretched too tight. She just wears sweaters now to hide her curves.
It's funny because she sees obese women walking around wearing almost nothing because it's summer and it's disgusting, she can't believe it. She's shy to wear anything revealing in public.

You will not be able to tell the males and females apart now.

It's not unisex; the buttons are on different sides.