truly /ourgirl/
Truly /ourgirl/
Oh, neat.
neat indeed
Are these your drawings? If so, keep 'em coming.
I wish I wasn't such a jew when it comes to money, I'd thrown her like 30 bucks/m into her patreon.
She's doing so much to disseminate Jow Forums ideas through benign-looking cartoons
Brooke Shields was in playboy before she was 18 as well as starring in a role in a movie about a child prostitute in which she has a nude scene where you can see her naked. She was incredibly young and flat but it wasn't considered cp for some reason.
They were all posted from a phone. You can tell by the file names. Likely Android. I hope this is an actual girl and not some trap
>I hope this is an actual girl and not some trap
Remember where you are. Don't get your hopes too high.
I love xir.
R0lling for the opposite to be true. FemPenis get!
I approve
I am not her/him you dolts
Who would be autistic enough to call themselves /ourgirl/
I'm just a fan of the art
Everything she draws is so cute :3
I'm pretty sure this Åland bro is the only one on Jow Forums
Get her to start drawing scat foot fetishisms you cuck
I've seen another one post here once, but when I tried speaking with him he ignored me, so I'm guessing he was using a VPN.
truly. one of the rare political comics that's based as fuck but always humorous first. girl is so racist she makes me look like JIDF by comparison
You definitely have the best flag of the scandi plain cross flags
Post your nose moshe
Thanks dude! It's the flag of Iceland seasoned with urine!
so cuuute and redpilled
This is actually really compelling stuff. Unique style and voice.
Well, that’s certainly one way to put it kek
>Canadian filling a diaper with shit
Yeah looks about right for those utter, utter cunts.
She's pouring maple syrup on a leaf.
or sauce
You blind fucking faggot, keep looking.
Post goblina that’s my favorite
That would be disgusting and degenerate you fucking mentally ill fag.
I don't get it.
Quick rundown on what life is like there? Just from looking at it on the map it seems like it would be cold and damp as a motherfucker. I'm guessing no one really bothers you guys though which would be a plus.
They put the dog down for being racist.
this is fucking cringe
>Nudity = CP.
Americans never change. Seeing nipples is basically the same as sticking a dick in right?
But what does it refer to.
Black people can't be racist
Fucking eurofags defending pedophilia again. Colour me shocked
I'm not a fag fuck you I'm into vegena
does it have to?
T. Ahmed
>Literally can't give their kids baths in case they get arrested.
Bathing your child is not the same as photographing him or her nude.
Among other things, the actual twitter handle RacismWatchdog.
If I had that picture saved on my computer but it wasn't Brooke Shields, just some random little girl, I'd be in jail for cp. Where I'd belong.
It's a slippery slope, and I say this as a mild lolicon
>Tons of Eurowomen take pictures anyway because they take pictures of literally everything.
So you're saying that taking a picture of a nude kid is worse than handling a nude kid?
i'd assume it would be like living on a land
It's roughly the same weather as in Maine. Has been mostly dry and warm (75-85F) since the beginning of may, but it's rainy and cold now (51 F). There's not much immigration due to angry, inbred farmers being the majority of the population and therefore we have no violent crime.
If the situation and pose is appropriate then they don't have to wear clothes for it to not be CP. If the bar is where paedos get aroused then it would be illegal to see kids in public regardless of how well covered they are.
I suspect even in the Middle East where the 6 year old wives walk around fully covered from head to toe there are still paedos getting boners over them.
She trained the dog to point out racism, so he pointed out that the nigger was racist. But calling black people racist is bigoted, so her liberal conditioning kicked in and forced her to put the dog down.
Maybe they got really nervous because there's only like 7 of you?
That helped. Two bucks says that whoever was running the account comes back and only calls whites racist.
Are you guys stupid the black guy shot the dog.
Would waifu up her butt.
>Implying a black guy could hit the right side of the park.
There are no black people in the ATF
That's kinda the joke lol
This is an excellent leafpost
Yeah, but without anything to reference some random millennial snarking off on twitter, it's not as funny.
Ahmed you're defending pedophilia. This was a little girl in a magazine and in a movie about sex. Despite what your profit did and what your host nations government condones, sex with prepubescent children is wrong and harmful
You're the one thinking about sex with kids mate. I was talking about bathing.
Why are you being so obtuse bong
There a difference between parents taking pictures of their own kids and taking pictures of others kids for a mass audience
Right you are
Political cartoons featuring current events and trends are often funnier when you are aware of those trends in the first place lmao
I don't know who's more retarded, him or you for saving thumbnail images.
It's just a kid. Are you going to arrest everyone because some kid gets changed on a beach?
Racism is prejudice + power. By barking at a powerless black man saying, "Fuck white peeple" the dog was saying Racism is just prejudice. That statement in and of itself shows that the dog is racist. As we all know the only cure for racism is death. The owner made the right call gassing that bigoted dog.
R u baiting me rofl
If your topic is 'child prostitution is bad' and the main character is a child prostitute then you're inevitably going to have a partially dressed scene at some point. It would be a bit much for a UK author but in France or Germany it would be shown on prime time TV no problems.
I got that; /b/ was able to cause a meltdown on tumblr with SU and completely wrecked their shit by posting a black guy in a wig as the face reveal at the end. The problem was the dog was too contrived to not be a reference to anything.
more goblina coming
You're deflecting dickhead. Giving a kid a bath is fine. Taking pictures of a kid in a sexualized pose in a movie about a child prostitute or in a magazine about sex is wrong
Too funny
these are from when HeheSilly was in a draw thread - i thought they were cute
Tell that to the Jews who made it. I posted that nipples were basically sex in the eyes of Americans and three agreed including you.
I'm gonna be honest.
I didn't read the entire conversation
I'm also a different burger than you were arguing with
lurk moar
>Three replies to 10 posts.
>Didn't read.
It's alright. I'm taking all comers especially Americans. I don't need just one of you.
get better eyes pleb
Dis my favorite
Quads of truth. So many faggots misexplaining the joke trying to sound smart.
Twitter account reference Racism Watchdog.
She just takes Jow Forums shit and puts it in cute comics, patri-archie did the same, also that faggot that made comics that were basically nothing but Jow Forums memes. I still enjoy her art and delivery.
I don't get it, you're a fin. Why does Åland have its own flag?
What are the girls like there?
>/b/ was able to cause a meltdown on tumblr with SU and completely wrecked their shit by posting a black guy in a wig as the face reveal at the end.
I don't understand this but I'd like to know. What's SU? What happened?
lmao awesome