Your hear that?

is the sound of thousands of people wanting to kill some fucking nazis.

Attached: oyvv.png (688x585, 574K)

Other urls found in this thread:

So what you’re saying is we’re a bunch of bad bad naughty boys huh?

No wonder your mom sucks my dick


Opinion disregarded

Stop talking and do it

Trump's going to be reelected

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sorry bucko, those footsteps you hear down the hall are the mighty antifa coming to bash your head in for that hatecrime of a get.

>use the same losing strategy from the election for midterms

msm is going all out. i think they are finally truly afraid the meuller investigation has been irreparably tarnished. they are going nuts

Then do it faggot, think we're scared or something
we have nothing to live for under "progressive rule" anyway.

Its like fucking legion, the libs are all going to turn soon, they are on the edge of snapping

They've been pushing hard this past week at trying to label anyone who supports or works for Trump as a evil person who deserved to be harassed and murdered.
>Peter Fonda openly says he wants to kidnap Trump's youngest child and have him raped by pedophiles with no consequences
>Communist professors doxxing any ICE agents with no consequences
>Antifa has been threatening to stalk and then "break the teeth" of ICE agents who are doxxed
>MSNBC calling Trump supporters "Nazis"

They want us to die now, for real. One of our own is going to die... then we will be forced to fight back.


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Mighty antifa might actually be an oxymoron.

i don't mind being called a nazi.
i like it when the (((media)))) calls all Trump supporters and conservatives (i.e. whites) Nazis.
because it wakes up the moderates and centrists to the game that is being played and the stakes.
Every time they accuse someone of being a nazi, they risk being the one that actually creates a nazi or nazi sympathizer.

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>Be OP
>Be faggot
>Post something from msnbc
>expect anyone on any side of any aisle to take him seriously.
an hero,faggo.

neat now only if they actually knew what a nazi is.

they really don't understand why they lost 2016 do they

What a surprise they are trying to create violence as the IG report shows their extreme incompetence and treason

They are basically crying wolf.

ok retarded nigger

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Too bad you don't get to see who I voted for, huh?

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Divide and conquer/bread and circus.

Wanting to kill people for having a different opinion, and then calling them Nazis/fascists. Oh the irony

Checked and yes. This is the left's counter assault into the ardennes. The last chance to end the advance. They may still gain some seats in the midterms due to energy levels but their ability to set the Overton window is shot. They can't keep narratives together. The second the media takes an action, the right has any number of analysts ready to go to expose the goals and methods of the propaganda contemporaneously. I mean the msm launches an assault and in an hour or two Scott Adams or bongino or tucker or some 4channer with a bit of experience or homever totally exposes how it works and what it's doing. They are tightening their grip over the people still in their hands but more and more slip through their fingers.

Keep turning leftists against each other so they WANT to leave the cult.

>implying your dick will ever touch a woman

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This became a nazi sympthizer to a hardcore family traditions and natsoc.

oh wait, I think I hear sounds like............

Attached: womp.gif (554x400, 135K)

No, that's the sound of worthless faggots complaining. Kill yourself, commie nigger

Yes, we are all nazis. Please keep normalizing it.

>You hear that?
It's the sound of millions of normies ready to stomp the heads in of some stupid fucking commies who try and pull some stupid fucking shit
>neck yourself memeflag

Attached: gunnnnz.gif (320x240, 1.02M)

DO IT, accelerate to 1488.

Holy fuck you win. The more and more they call people nazis the more i want them to be put in an oven. Not kidding

Maybe, just maybe, it might wake up conservatives to the fact that actual nazis were not the monsters they were described as by the same people who are calling them nazis today.

63 million people voted for Trump. There are thousands more supporters who didn't vote out of guilt or fear (such as myself). So there are more Nazis in America today than ACTUAL Nazis in the Third Reich.

gullible manipulative people and thats the majority in USA

id this the evolution of "deplorables"?
are we now a "basket of nazi guards"?
I like it

Well, if the stahlhelm fits...

Deepstate knows their days are numbered so they're attempting a last push for civil war to save them.

Many of them don't even fully realize they lost. Cognitive dissonance is denying them the ability to confront the fact they lost on reasoned terms.

Comprehend that a leftist has learned to embrace intersectional identitarian theory and big government socialism since kindergarten in most cases. Yes they are dull to the other viewpoints because they've never been exposed other than through mockery on tv by jon Stewart and his ilk. But also comprehend the level of INVESTMENT they've made in those theories. Literally their formative years. Many have pursued academics and careers on the basis of those beliefs.

Then realize that trumps election victory not only showed those theories are not the growing consensus view as they'd assumed (60 plus million Americans voted for Donald fucking trump!), but also proved that socialism does not work. Think about it. Socialism RELIES on cooperation. The theory is people will come together for the common good if empowered. Yet after decades of growing socialism and a decade of strong pushing by a very charismatic socialist, 60+ million people still rejected it wholesale! Its actually tremendous proof that the cooperation they expect from the human race will not happen, cannot happen.

From there the cognitive dissonance and invented narratives amd frankly sunk cost fallacy are very easy to understand.

Keep them infighting so they lose their tribalism. It will work. Give them the EXCUSE they very much want so they can walk away...

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They've been calling us Nazis before Trump even announced his presidency. We'll always be Nazis, fascists, or racists to them no matter what or who you support.

Because we go against their neoliberal leftist agenda. The fact is they've pushed us to this point, look at how many of us were libertarians or even liberals and were pushed to the extreme because the left has became extremist itself. Fascism is a reactionary movement, it wouldn't exist without an antagonist.

It's happening in white countries worldwide too.

It's also because we directly represent the reason their ideology fails. Not everyone will agree with collectivization and cooperate. Will never happen. We are the fucking proof. Naturally, they hate us.

I was a libertarian. I remember distinctly the time around six years ago, of being very annoyed by people who focused on race so much.
Not anymore.
I'm secretly Far more racist than I used to be, and I've become more fash and far right the longer I go.
You aren't going to win people over offering freedom and equality to liberals and brown people wanting to collectively obtain gibs. They don't want freedom. They want gibs, and they want you and people that look like you to be the giver. They want Exactly the opposite of libertarianism. Also, and you better bow and feel bad when you do it, too.
It took a while to say fuck it to the high-minded libertarian ideals. But I'm over it. It's a cute, pretty idea libertarianism, I still like it, but I know it's not happening. At least and especially, in a browned up, all groups self aware and interested but whites, leftist-led society. Disagree or sidestep that factor you're wrong and I pity you disliking the reality we face do much one denies it. Reactionary or fash is the way to go now.

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