America as we know it is dead

America as we know it is dead.
56% isn't a funny meme to me, it's sad.

White people in the US submitted to the media over the last decade and now massively approve degeneracy (weed, faggots, anti-gun laws) and immigration, studies show... And soon November elections will show.

Even if they were conservatives it doesn't matter at this point, sorry lads you've been replace. The White Race has fallen. You know it because if it's not your name, you all know a bunch of Ramirez, Martinez, Rodriguez, Garcia, Hernandez among your relatives.

It's over lads, Mexicans entered your country, are massively pro-immigration, just like 40% of your white brothers and they will vote to destroy you.

Europe will follow in less than a century.

Redpill: don't try to save the trash, you shall not act for a fallen race but rather for yourself, to thrive and preserve your blood.

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You're in the same boat France and you are heading in that direction at a quicker rate than we did.

It's always the same reply
>yeah but what about you?

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Americans are retarded children.

well actually we're all retarded, the difference is when a thread is about one particular retarded nation the conversation should pertain to that one particular retarded nation.

Am I wrong. He just said it's game over for us and I am in agreement. It wasn't all that long ago where politicians were talking about putting man on the moon, now they are fighting over whether or not we should become the dumping grounds for every third world scumbag. France, as far as I am concerned, is dead. The UK is in bad shape as well, with not a semblance of hope in sight. You guys constantly toss shit at us in lieu of actually learning a lesson from our demise. We were on top of the world and now we a garbage pit for every Central American project rat and his mother. We are fucked and the POTUS has been showing us how much damage our previous politicians have done. You guys are on the same boat, but fail to predict your own demise.

America was never great. First they were fucking barbarians and clinging to survive; then it became an industrial, squalor-infested shithole(albeit ethnostate) kinda like china is today. Then you died for kikes, and then you died for kikes, and then you took negro dick in the ass for kikes, to the """nation""" we have today.

Have faith, Europe isn't BurgerKing™, there will be a uprising.

and here's the same reply, just longer

demographically tho we are much worse then Europe, even France is still probably 80% white, we are at best 65% in the US.

>56% isn't a funny meme to me, it's sad.
Thanks for the pity frog

usa is mexico

The kettle calling the pot black

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>that cover story
>it's real and not a shopped meme from Jow Forums

Yeah, that's the retarded side of nationalism, instead of helping each other fighting the cancer which threatens all our countries, it's just pointing fingers and trying to paint others as worse off. Makes no damn sense.

At this pace, the whole world will soon be be a mix of Africa, the Middle East and South America. Darkies decapitating each other in drug wars or blowing up in sectarian violence, while the ruling elite 1000 sit on their private islands in utter degeneracy before ceasing to exist as well and the world plunges into the next era of dark ages.

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>the pot calling the kettle black for the kettle calling the pot black

Yeah, but what other reply would you prefer? You guys just repeat the same shit over and over, whilst your countries are heading down the same path.

Agreed, although at the rate they're heading, they'll become just as bad, if not worse. If we can really crack down on illegal immigration and start mass deportations, we might be able to hang in there, but I don't see that happening. Everything has been a lie.

the exact same reply for a third time

>Asian family
>work hard to make money so they can move to the United States
>respect the language and customs of white Americans
>gain foothold in country despite having a small population
>live a good life in their own communities
China is buying up land in the US like crazy. Don't expect them to hand it over to wetbacks any time soon.

When my parents were smoking weed and acting like faggot hippies, their parents tried to warn them.
While your parents were jamming Nirvana and smoking weed, people like me tried to warn them.
Ive been trying to warn you selfie taking, rapper celebrity dick suckers for fucking years and you wont listen. The white race is permanently weak and it will die.

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Said Europe's Mexico

I can foresee a lot of states being able to weather this storm of non-whites but I think most of the south and southwest are forever lost to whites at this rate imo. Euros for all of there problems really seem to have parties that make immigration a major issue in the US all we have is Trump and that's the real issue.

sad and true. I live in California. This place is not white. And any whites you might see at wallmart are le abominacions.

I look forward to dying in the race war

By 1940 definitions we're about 85% white. That's just as white as we were historically.

Well IF(big if here) we actually take a hard-line position on illegal immigration, where do you think these illegals are going to self-deport to? Do you think they are going to pack up their shit and head back to Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador? Why would they when a certain PM up north has said, publicly, that he would welcome them. Oh and he will, with all the gibs and trinkets that they desire. We will be raking our garbage into your front lawn leaf and there is nothing you can do about it. Just pray that our POTUS continues to trudge along, placating to both parties.

I remember when it came out. I was a kid and asked my mom what it meant and she told me not to talk about it because I might offend somebody.

Seems like IF(big if here) Trudeau is elected in 2019 that's certainly possible.

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We use to have some of the world's highest living standards.

>Still the most conservative EU country to date

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When? Europe has always had and still have significantly better quality of life thanks to government money not spent by lizards(or as much), anyone who disagrees with that is just retarded.

All the U.S. has to do is eliminate welfare, and all the beaners and niggers will move to Canada & Europe.

Problem solved.

Seriously is mexico people do brainwhased to think USA is better than mexico or is mexico is at a so shitty situation that is worse than USA?

I mean I am a brazillian guy and wouldnt accept move to USA for free (also canada, EU, Australia and UK).

How cucked you must be to think USA is better than mexico?

We do, but for how long? At least our nigger population is relatively low and as we both know, they have a tendency to self-segregate or are cordoned off to the poorest communities in the poorest American cities. Our biggest problem is this massive third-world invasion that is not being addressed. I live in East Boston, once entirely Italian American, now predominantly Salvadorian and Guatemalan. They turned our restaurants into cheap, latin bars. Our corner stores have become bodegas and Checkcash/Moneygram's are all over the place, between Eastie and Chelsea. They live 6 to a room and send the majority of their un-taxed paychecks back to their home country. Oh and they do this while displaying their dumbass flags on their cars and homes and failing to even try and learn English after 3+ years. I've gone to the same bars/stores for years with the same staff and I still have to communicate via Spanish. I know the Californian anons experience the same shit, but worse.

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I'm pretty sure we're all fucked

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Nigger all the traffic is coming here. No one is swimming across the Rio grande into Mexico. Thats the only issue. No one cares about Mexico or thinks we're better then them. We don't want 50 million illegal beaners getting on welfare and bringing their shit tier third world politics with them

that response sums up americans. ignorant ppl :D FYI Poland is one of the white countries in EU along with Baltic and other eastern bloc countries

>le Hispanics were always here meme
Even in the 1940 census, Hispanics made up only 1.5% of the population. Consider suicide.

The settlement of North America ("barbarians clinging to survive") was a great feat. Of course, now we're supposed to be ashamed of it.

So was the proceeding industrialization. Literally a few cities (New York, Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburgh, a few others) were "industrial squalor-infested shitholes". The rest of the country, a space larger than continental Europe, included both some of the most pristine wilderness, and the most productive farmland, in the world, crossed by the best road networks. Even hand-built homesteads more remote than literally any place in Europe south of the Arctic Circle were electrified and plumbed by the mid-20th century. California was the paradise, the eternal spring, towards which European settlers had sought for centuries, the real El Dorado.

And then, yeah, we fucked it all up.

>le border crossed us
Between 10k-30k Mexican citizens were living in the territory ceded at the end of the Mexican War.

>come see how it's changing your world.
turning it into brazil

Jew here. After whites are gone, we are going to put harnesses on your vital organs and basically mutate you beyond human recognition. We need orcs to live and die in the mines/fields, while the jewish race merges with supercomputers that will increase our IQ to above 300+

>Have faith, Europe isn't BurgerKing™, there will be a uprising.
No there won't. I mean, the Eastern Europe will certainly revolt and break away from the European Union in our lifetime, but the Western Europe will continue to be invaded and subjugated until its native population becomes minorities.

I know it. We know it. They know it.

It's truly sad, but it's true. But something keeps all of us going, hope. Hope that one day something or someone will cause a massive backlash against degeneracy and the filth.

I'm tired of this, but faster you realise all of this, then better for you. As long as we're alive, there's still some hope. Have a nice evening, anons.

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There will be no race war retard. Just witnessing your race being replaced. I've literally seen Trudeau do it here in a matter of year. If the dems get in America is done and China will take control.
Just wondering why the Jew's would destroy there only ally like this. Once America is gone so is Israel

It's true, take it from an American. We are all mixed-race here to some extent, supporting an American "White Nationalist" movement is one of the biggest wastes of time you can squander your life on.

Is that before or after the Palestinians shove you into ovens

Let's abandon this shithole and go takeover Egypt

He gets it. How many "far-right" politicians have vowed to rectify this issue? How many of them actually fulfilled their promise? Not too many as far as I am concerned. Didn't Spain just take in a shitload of low-IQ, subhuman African migrants. Realistically, how in the hell are you going bring an adult male, with an IQ of 68, up to speed in order to be a productive member of society. They're there for the gibs.

mexico is Spain

>You know it because if it's not your name, you all know a bunch of Ramirez, Martinez, Rodriguez, Garcia, Hernandez among your relatives

Despite the 56% meme I still assume that the American posters I'm replying to are white, and whenever it turns out to be a beaner I get angry and disgusted.

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why don't you just live in Alaska for fucks sake, it's one of the biggest continents and has geothermal potential and good loess soils. Whites are fucking built for those conditions too.

Something about sunlight and going crazy

Why Egypt?

I heard there were whites there living well

>great feat
The result is what's glorious, not the process.

>Large land
>Best road networks
Are you fucking delusional? America didn't have a major road network until after the civil war, and the "pristine" white trash you're talking about it pic related. The rural midwest non-cities always had it far worse than the industrial squalor.

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>then it became an industrial, squalor-infested shithole

Pawel, what the fuck? We have endless wilderness.

>it's an uppity eurofag episode
I hate reruns

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>Wilderness and lack of infrastructure is good
Jesus, you mutts are stupid. No, living in a remote wild isn't the idyllic LARP you make it out to be, its struggling to eat, drowning in poverty and famine as well as lacking basic consumer goods.

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cry about all that shit while i jerk off, later

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true we're fucked - bitch and complain ad nauseum - nothing changes - fucking mexicans coming in droves and nothing stops it. Where is the fucking wall!!!!

It’s fucked but it isn’t over yet. All the faggots in here responding to this criticism with “well you have problems to” need to shut the fuck up. Only way we will ever solve these problems is by doing something about them not by attacking someone with valid criticism

>Call America, Amexica.
>Call Mexico, America's next target.
If double standards were edible, I'd be the fattest man on the planet.

Pierre, truth is western civilization is coming to an end - from here on out, it's devolution. Progress, science, and justice will disappear. The whole world is fucked and will be controlled by chinks, who are totally homogenous and unified. This is the end of the road and while we are bad, you guys are gonna be fucking muslims in 4 generations.

why the fuck do people keep getting embroiled in these incredibly obvious d&c threads!
Disengage friends. listen to the kraut, for once. >although he's wrong about this having anything to do with nationalism

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Yes, but that is precisely how dialogue is formed. We share the same problems, some worse than others. Instead of the same, tired nonsense, we could be having a productive discussion.

Look at the value of the peso compared to the dollar. Why do menial labor in Mexico when you can make 10x as much doing it in the us?

>We are all mixed-race here to some extent
I'm not.
Entirely Celt and Germanic stock, nothing else. Most people here are.
You may have some shitskin in you, but that doesn't mean we all do.

Sure thing, bud.


That’s nothing compared to the 16 million that have came from Mexico to here since 1965

If you knew how incredibly wrong your statement was, you'd die of embarrassment.

I think its true, the land of the free is nothing more than a corrupted small minded race war, everyone believes the worst of their neighbors and everyone would climb over the corpses of their next to get some riches.

I think we Euros can do better, i hope Europe can be the shining beacon of the west, the west as it should have been and a west with high moral values.

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most migrants go to the us for pure greed you can live well in mexico but they see that doing the same job could get more cash

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holy fuck bud you have no idea what you are talking about do you?

>ppollandd is most conservative country in EU guise

You guys had that but I doubt you will be able to maintain it with the importing of rapefugees creating the same issues we have historically had. The thin that strikes me the most about Europeans is that they grew up in a comfortable safe society and appear to have no idea how to handle these immigrants that take advantage of them. It isn’t through tolerance and turning the other cheek.

yes your new african friends will surely flourish in your progressive utopia. diversity truly enriches us all

>Redpill: don't try to save the trash, you shall not act for a fallen race but rather for yourself, to thrive and preserve your blood.
How the hell am I supposed to do that? Even if I somehow find one Irish-American girl out there, then my children will be born into a world where Ireland is fully into Ireland 2040 with 10 million non-Irish immigrants and the traces of the Irish-American community that are already dying completely gone.

You are the typical low iq idecline of an empire diot, luckily you are not European then we would have had to expel you to the US.

Refugees are coming to the west why? we could fight them at the borders or ... we can fix the reasons they have to to try to enter the west or die trying in the first place.

>Tell me I'm wrong
>Don't say why
Typical american.

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You can have wishful thinking and hope these afghanis and Africans have the same mindset as you the thing is that they don’t and it’s becoming abundantly clear from the growth in violent crime. The shit like those rapes in cologne on New Years shows how weak they see you guys and how they take advantage of you, a thing euros that grew up in an all white society wouldn’t understand. All I’m telling you is that you’re in for a rude awakening and these people flooding in to your countries don’t care how tolerant or progressive you are.

America is still here, numbnuts. Blacks are only 15% of our population at best, and still pathetic countries like yours are forced to permit them to shitty rap videos in your the worlds most iconic museum.

Whites will be more powerful as a minority for exactly this reason: America will still have their backs. And it will hold true no matter who bitches about it.

America already owns you. You simply haven't accepted it yet. You don't even have property anymore. You don't even have guns anymore. You can be imprisoned for an opinion.

Europe is done. Don't come here of all places pretending to be of superior intellect. It won't work.

The countries of Europe have no future without radical totalitarianism. And you know it. It's why memes are now against the law.

You're wrong because remote areas still have access to plenty of goods. In fact I would say rural living is superior to Urban having lived in both.

Anyway imagine if I started talking about your country despite never even visiting there.
>hur dur Poland was never good it was the cum dumpster of Europe were Germans, Swedes, and Russia all took turns raping them forever

>plenty of goods
>build shacks with my bare hands 12hrs away from any town
>even if 1800s super market is nearby, can't afford anything
Fuck, Americans are stupid.

American here; You think once our leaders and country are overtaken by a largely hispanic and black population we're going to have the financial means to interject with a country that can no longer offer us anything anymore? Let alone the idea that a now largely hispanic country is going to help a formerly 'white' country?

Europe is done; America is next. Lets not get too cocky.