Fuck is going on here you faggots? Is (((Trump))) on drugs?
Fuck is going on here you faggots? Is (((Trump))) on drugs?
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Fine, OP. Let's state the obvious.
> Here's snubbing Prince Jew
Here's your (you)
Bibi is going down for corruption or didn't you hear?
Such as?
Didn't his wife get arrested recently for hiding a few catering bills? For shame...
The MKUltra is strong in this one.
>not using parethesis properly
At this rate shills will start using parenthesis on hitler
>Israeli foreign ministry officials tell me they are concerned that U.S. withdrawal from the UN human rights council will make it harder to block anti-Israeli initiatives on the council. The officials say that even though they feel the council is extremely biased against Israel, U.S. membership helped to soften or fend off some anti-Israeli steps.
(((Trump))) is a Jew loving liar. He'll never be the 2nd AH.
this is the funniest shit ever
>when you're so understandably insecure about Trump's love for Israel that you have a folder full of cherry-picked articles at the ready to try and debunk words that have come directly out of the horse's mouth
Insecure? I'm proud of my President for subverting the kikes harder than they've subverted anyone in their whole lives.
So IS he pro-Jew or anti-Jew, i can't figure it out.
>trump doesn't know protocol
>doesn't realize he needs to shake hands and take picture
>Jow Forums delusionally mistales this for trump snobbing israel
Trump is Israels greatest friend.
Absolutely retarded
best webm ever?
Did you know that the holocaust was actually committed by Zionist Jews like George Soros? Zionist Jews murdered around 200,000 other jews so that they could scare European Jewry into moving to Israel.
>h-he's merely pretending!
The Balfour Declaration was signed in 1917 so why did it take so long for Jews to move to Israel? Because nobody wanted to live in the fucking desert. What do the Rothschilds do? They use the holocaust to scare Jews to move to Israel after WW2.
I'd love for that to be true, but come the fuck on now
>I'd love if that happened but I've just seen nothing to indicate it
Get new script lines shill
Is Jared Kushner a satanist?
Is Ivanka?
When will you kikes come up with a defence for this?
>his daughter is jewish and maried with the israeli ambassador
>Jerusalem set Israel capital
>ahaha user you dumb TRUMP SUBVERTS THEM
No and you know that you guys using MUH ANTICHRIST talking points only proves just how desperate you are right? That's like exponentially worse than calling someone Hitler and anyone that calls Trump Hitler is fucking stupid.
she spent 100K per meal, little do american know that jews actually eat shekels so it was just a miss understanding
>18 posts in a 32 post thread
I'm the shill?
That doesn't need a defense. Who the fuck cares abotu that shit if it won't matter when Israel gets BTFO.
Im just gonna keep posting redpills, and all you're gonna do is keep pointing out my post count. You think I give a fuck?
666 5th Ave NYC
No. I dont think you care. I think you're being paid by Jared Kushner to post here
You can't be fucking real m8
Yup, when you resort to using shit like this it only exposes how BTFO you truly are. You have nothing left but fear mongering bullshit. That's all you know how to do. FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR.
>Kushner used profanity to scold Israeli ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer for being too heavy-handed in his dealings with the White House.
>On February 13, 2017, the day that Michael Flynn was forced out as national-security adviser, Dermer reportedly went to the White House to try to arrange for Trump to sign secret documents, as other presidents had done, which the Israelis saw as an American commitment not to ask them to give up their undeclared nuclear arsenal. Dermer asked to meet privately with Flynn, prompting aides to explain that he could not dictate whom he wanted to meet with. Advisers felt like they were being taken advantage of.
>At one point, in front of witnesses, Kushner swore at Dermer in his West Wing office, saying he wasn’t going to do his bidding just because of his Jewish background. “You’re not going to tell us how to run these things,” he told Dermer. “Don’t try to push us around. Don’t try to jam us.”
>it doesn't matter
Again you have nothing except "it's le 4d chess, trust him dammit!". Yet still nothing but kowtowing from him to them for everything and you expect everyone to just go along because he MIGHT do something against them for once in the future.
The landing will be rough for you if you aren't a shill, I feel bad for you and the narrative you try to draw. May God be with you.
You hate the 4D chess meme because you're getting played and you're too prideful to admit how badly you're losing. You try to pidgeonhole your entire argument on some article abotu a holocaust law in Poland. You're ignoring the entire world geopolitical landscape because you know that you have no arguments when talking about the big picture.
Israel is surrounded with militaries approaching the borders on all sides...The real question is what is Israel gonna do about it?
>miss understanding
That's fun knee.
Once you take all the showbiz and profundity out of this; one could come to the conclusion the 'Punished Trump' timeline is correct. A single-minded man, hellbent on revenge. Popcorn in the summer doesn't sound that great, but buy more anyway.
My memes are like bullets.
When they leave the chamber someone is going to get hurt.
>pic related
Trump de-arms every single enemy of Israel who is willing to destroy the Jewish State while he protects and empowers Israel.
JIDF, Kushner shills, and the MOSSAD == BTFO
The spice will flow
She was charged with fraud.
Bitch boy Bibi is next
>Fuck is going on here you faggots?
a kike made a thread drip feeding hope to the masses that all is not lost, they fear a population that has nothing to lose, so they have to give just hints that its not worth going over the edge no matter how bad things are.
they control both sides, if we see cameras pointing at them recording in a staged event like this, somebody is directing it.
>sells his kids to kike superfamilies
>is bailed out by rothschilds his whole career
>b-b-but muh handshake
>The real question is what is Israel gonna do about it?
Use the US atom arsenal, or call papa GI's.
Who would replace him? Another nut job kike? Or does Trump have that one figured out too
United States isn't gonna help Israel, look at the global picture and let go of your pride. You're incapable of accepting reality because of your pride and ego.
Netanyahu is the last Prime Minister of Israel.
pic here says you're a lying shill
>You're ignoring the entire world geopolitical landscape
>Nk might be disarmed while Israel is safeguarded
>Trump bitching about Iran all the time
>US military in Syria put there by Trump
>Israel getting more funding than ever before
>America threatening countries who go against Israel in the UN
user are you sure it isn't you that's getting 4D Cheesed here.
My pride ?
Which side am I user ?
Why do you post pictures of Israel thanking Trump? That's you kikes trying to suck Trump's dick because you know what's coming. Jerusalem embassy move only worsened relations with EVERY OTHER COUNTRY BUT THE US.
you cant even counter my maymay bro LOL you lose forever.
You're a zionist.
>Why do you post pictures of Israel thanking Trump?
I'm sorry did that pic hurt your narrative?
Trump is a famous and successful businessman and celebrity you retard, I think he probably knows a few things about social norms. Stop filling your head with garbage leftist fantasy slop.
No, and you just dodged the entire point I made in the post you tagged. It's amazing how incredibly low IQ black cube morons are.
You mad Jew?
The western wall is in Palestine and Trump didn't let Netanyahu visit with him.
Muh kike shill
LOL you're still using propaganda from when McMaster was working with Trump. You realize the ZOG Emperor fired McMaster and replaced him with John "Friend of Zion" Bolton, right? What a dumb Jew you are.
So you deeply think that Trump is anti-zionist ? Seems crazy to hear especially after the Jerusalem capital. Are we on the same dimension, or am I deeply blind ?
Here's why Zionist kikes hate Trump.
A) On the surface, in the news, and from a PR aspect Trump is a turbo zionist. Even bigger than actual Jews
B) His ACTIONS from a macro standpoint of relations with other countries indicate that he's stabbing Israel in the back at every turn.
4d chess
i ment missed understanding
Looks like he stood up too quick and got a rush of blood to the head.
Why do you think Trump got rid of McMaster and put in Bolton????
A) So that Jews in the media can't chimp out because McMaster is openly Anti Zionist when Trump stabs Israel in the back again
B) Bolton knows all the players in 9/11
C) Bolton knows all the Jew tricks.
>muslim countries to confront israel
>that feel when we will be alive to witness "allahu akbar" being yelled all around jerusalem as the blood of these subversive rodents paints the streets
It is a good feel indeed.
>gives israel billions
>protects israel's illegal nukes
>de-arms Iran and NoKo who both have threatened Israel
pic related it you.
>give Israel billions
That's been happening since Israel was created
>Protects Israel's illegal nukes
>de-arms Iran and NoKo who both have threatened Israel
Without NK threat Israel won't be able to false flag as NK. Without Iran nukes Israel won't be able to spark a war with Iran ovver their nukes. ALL EYES are on Israel's nukes.
all these screencaps are just part of the psyop but i know you know that already.
the truth is if the jews in london and new york thought they could wrestle more control over the west theyd happily make the call that nukes israel off the map, blaming it on iran and unleashing millions of new refugees into europe, they give no fucks about israel and are happy to use them as human shields. you dont see the kushners or rothschilds out on the golan heights or waking up to air raid sirens do you? they live in penthouses and mansions.
the elite view the lower caste jews as goyim the same as they view everyone else, even if israel was wiped out by a meteor tonight it would change nothing for the fate of the west
>That's been happening since Israel was created
and trump cant stop that tradition? LOL
again: trump can't stop that tradition? LOL
>ALL EYES are on Israel's nukes.
it doesnt matter because Trump just signed a pledge to protect them LOL
look how defeated you are.
Trump will stop that tradition by destroying ALL OF ZIONISM. Trump will stop that tradition because Israel is gonna be wiped out this summer. Trump signed a pledge...OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO OH NOOOO. He also pulled out of the Iran deal that was "impossible" to pull out of.
Exactly. It would give them a new, real this time, holocaust to bitch about tho
The holocaust was caused by Zionist Jews on other Jews in order to scare European Jews to move to the desert since nobody wanted to move to Israel.
>h-he's gunna destroy all of ZIonism goys!
>just keep waiting!
>trust the plan!
>Q predicitweoteroiieuteruieotuoete
Why are you bringing up Q? Q is calling for regime change in Iran because Q IS A MOSSAD PSY OP.
"The Holocaust"
Never happened
>He also pulled out of the Iran deal that was "impossible" to pull out of.
Ah yes. Trump really can work miracles when it involves getting rid of something that pisses off Israel.
Trump not taking pictures?
wtf he loves to have his picture taken
remember The Don is the worlds biggest (((troll))) Ever
and us Amerishits voted him in
because he is the biggest ^^^^^ ever
fuck u rest of the world