Smug lyfe

Smug lyfe

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That thing has a gf and pol remains incel.

At least it's easy to tell who the butch is

Yes, exactly. This is something I just can't understand. Even fucked up indivudals are in relationships, probably loving relationships. Yet I work everyday on myself, both for my physicsl and mental/spiritual well-being, but am still a 26 y/o virgin.
Can't figure out why.

i hate myself too much to inflict my presence onto another

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did you even try? go out and talk to women for a start


just gotta be confident, bro!

I did try. And I haven't experienced any harsh rejection or anything in that sense. At least for now. The problem is, that I am not interested in most of woman, because they are - ill try to say it polite - empty. They don't have any depth, no life, I just can't talk to them for very long, get bored and therefore not interested in any sort of relationship.
The problem lies rather within myself, unfortunately.

Aw fuck, that's bananas.

You are trying too hard.. you want it too much

This living universe was created by the devil who is an asshole so he left a Chinese finger trap in the inner workings of the human mind. You want a thing too much, you'll never have it. You have to overcome your desire and rise beyond it.

Pretend you don't want it. Try not to care. And suddenly, it may be yours..

how did lgbt manage to go full circle like this. Literally just heterosexual relationship where they flaunt their deviancy in public

Eh, you just haven't met the right one yet. Sex outside of love is just boring, risky chafing anyway.

this is what "pride" in bullshit gets you. you be prideful you built a fucking house, not because you "stuck it to societal norms" fucking faggots

>You want a thing too much, you'll never have it.
You are probably right.

>Sex outside of love is just boring
I second that. Nontheless a desire for a family, or at least a female partner, is present. What drives me insane is not my virginity, not lack of sex. I am not really interested in casual sex. But the lack of love makes me lose my mind sometimes, if this makes sense. The opportunity to show and recieve affection, to care, to share etc. This is what I am missing out on.

Your probably gay.

that thing has a girlfriend with absolutely no standards.
Jow Forums, how ever fucked up, still maintains a standard for his woman. this is probably not good for birthrates, but at least we have dignity.
also, fuck you faggots, i have two teenage sons.

see, standards?

this is why you don't do acid, dmt or shrooms.
fucked in the head.

This. Stopped caring about the fact I can't get social housing due to niggers and other less human creatures getting dibs, and now I've got one lined up for me.
Stopped caring about the fact that my income is a disability fund I never should have gotten, and middlemen are mailing me almost daily now to get me employed at various places.
Stopped caring about girls, and more and more keep ogling me with that typical smile instead of pretending I don't exist.
Started wanting to die and stopped caring about being alive, and it's only now getting worth living.

Gonna have to disagree with you there

The problem is that the gf in OP's photo is probably a degenerate roastie.

the other person is not normal either, they're both similarly retarded and mentally ill.

But my problem is that I'm 20 but look kinda 15-16 yo :/

women are an empty vessel you pour your masculine creative energy into. in the same way that you pour your semen into them. they have very little impetus on their own, but are receptive to ideas and ideals coming from a 'worthy' man. to become worthy you have to fuck her brains out and make her feel good.

you will never find 'the one' user, you have to create her.

it's called having standards

lm a fat spic and got myself a cute womanlet gf
Its all in the tude, my dude.

You think that relationships are about hitting some sort of score which will give you access to x/10 women.
It's not, you will forever be finding men who have less than you in one category or another whom still have nice girlfriends.
The horrible irony of the chad/virgin Jow Forums shit is that robots only obsess over it because it's less painful to believe that trope than accepting that all you need is the one thing they feel they can never have: good inter-personal skills.

Fucking rank.