What's going to happen to black people once white governments run out of money?

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For a reference, see what happened to African countries when le ebil colonists pulled out. Even Apartheid-era South Africa was better for blacks than what's going on now.



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Dust in the wind.

Theyll burn the place down. There is a reason they are the only race to have never built a successful nation. Never forget how they burned their own fucking cities down after Rodney King. It will happen one day, and soon. These people will boil over and take everyone with them

Jesus, that fucking shirt is perfect.

Only what God allows until we as a whole completely fall out of love with you. You are already fulfilling prophecy now with your murder of the black in this day.

Numbers 21:6

The LORD sent fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people, so that many people of Israel died.

lots and lots of death from famine, disease and civil conflicts

Same thing that happened to most of Africa when the colonial powers left I imagine.

"By the end of all of this, half of the black americans will live."

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it doesn't say "my parents fucked even though they couldn't afford me".

They're like children, they think they're independent and no longer need us then the first thing they do is go to war with us then with each other then immigrate to our country once they realize they're shit. Same thing is happening in South Africa, someone is feeding them ideas of grandeur, that they don't need whites, that whites have all the wealth, to revolt, etc.
In the US libs are always lying about about blacks capabilities and past events like slavery, then when reality doesn't match the warped reality they made in their heads they chimpout.

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that's accurate.

Oh no!

Massive riots, gratuitous murder, cannibalism, extreme violence.

>white governments
No the American government. Dutch niggers are nothing like yours.

dont forget the abbos

Angola é Nossa

wait a generation or two
->regression to the mean

>(((someone))) is feeding them idea of grandeur

When the US government stops paying blacks to be black ….
>they will chimp out and destroy their neighborhoods
>start attacking/robbing/killing each other
>form into shitty 'gangs' and try to raid white area's..... and be slaughtered en mass.
>starve in the streets, just like they do in africa

>->regression to the mean
What can you mean? Dutch niggers are mostly from Suriname and the Antilles. They have been here for two generations already.

Are you saying you have some sort of special niggers that are smarter or more advanced than all the other model?

>some sort of special niggers
I have no doubt the (((Dutch slave owners))) practiced eugenics on their niggers, the real Dutch were the world leaders in crops and livestock at the time.
Many Surinamers have whitoid and often jewish looks and names. And yes they are far superior to American blacks.

>destroy their own neighborhoods
We're there.
>attacking/robbing/killing each other
>form into shitty 'gangs', etc
Yep. There as well, although we're not at the hamfistedly organized assaults on white neighborhoods yet.
>starve in the streets just like they do in Africa
That'd probably take a while since the vast majority of the blacks that l see in public are laughably, morbidly obese. Most would die trying to steal from each other / fending off other desperate blacks long before they ever managed to starve to death.

Still, three out of four more or less means it'll just be more of the same.

What happened to Zimbabwe.

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>they are far superior to American blacks.
Based delusional retard.

This country deserves nuclear anihilation t b h

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> says the niggerlover

As if they are not already survived 400 years of savage free slavery.

Heck no wonder despise you racist fuck

>These people will boil over and take everyone with them

They will cling to the entitlement mindset as they next attempt to move into the suburbs.
At first, it will be "lets try sharing", but then they will bump into the people who worked their way out of the inner cites, and have taken precautions to never have to go back.
Which will come to a fast boil, and then be over pretty quickly, I think.
Then Jimmy Carter and his crew will show up, and we can put whoever's left back to work rebuilding their neighborhoods.
But this time there will also be a wall. If we add plumbing, it could do double duty as a rather large public swimming pool.
Won't that be nice?

Well said.

I like how the more you look at this pic the more your brain fills in the original.

Ever see two niggers who are best friends/family members fight over the last chicken breast?

gonna get messy


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and to answer the question, pic related.

A feast for fit for KANGZ as they all eat other

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fucking demons.

The Chinese will give them free shit because Chinese are very polite and caring people. Can't wait to see it nogs, you gonna live like a kang someday

What is 'Liberia'?

First they dehumanize them.

>runs out of money
If tax revenue is just gone and there is no more money to print, civil war. You'll get the GTKRWN opportunity of lifetimes and wipe whoever you want off of the face of this Earth.

Uma delícia

American blacks are 20-25% white on average. That's why their average IQ is around 82-83 instead of ~70

technically demons have/are souls no? Niggers don't even have those being simple animals.

It just makes them more dangerous. Mulattos led the nigger uprising in Haiti thinking they would be the new KANGZ but the full niggers wound up eating all of those too.

>run out of money

The underlying concept of fiat currency is that you never run out. The 'debt' crisis is a meme and our collective societies run on debt. This will continue for the foreseeable future, more than likely long after we're dead. The fed will issue more bonds and the banks will continue with fraction reserve lending.

Someone prove me wrong here, I actually want to be proven wrong. I'd like to see it collapse myself.

the big chimp out.
then the big ethnic cleansing

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We are going to grind them up and use them for fuel and lubricant.

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they'll put you out of a job and be your manager.

you're not wrong. Its a major black pill.

Governments in white countries will collapse. China will take over. Chinks will eat the niggers. Chinks eat EVERYTHING.

about that...

"Photos of 3 Chinese said to be road construction workers have made rounds on the social media during the weekend. The 3 Chinese men are being accused of killing and eating over a dozen humans."


RICED...and probably served with rice.

It is a major black pill. The increase in money supply needs to be matched by an increase in real production, or simply human labor intertwined with goods and services.

When zooming out and looking at the big picture: western birth rates plummeting, MGTOW, feminism, cool wine aunts vowing to not have children, an increasingly entitled society mixed with new generations being forced to pay for their elders' social security. It's no wonder that the powers that be on most sides want to import pliant workers that reproduce. An increasing money supply needs an increasing population, if this condition is not met then there's a real risk of a debt crisis.

The other scenario for a financial crisis is foreign nations abandoning the dollar as the world reserve currency. A global run on the dollar in other words. A few nations spend all their ameribux while it still has value, other nations follow and next thing we know our currency is inflated in domestic spending at rates never before seen. Might as well burn it at that point.

Ultimately, I think it's gonna be more business as usual. A slow creep of working longer for the same or less pay and getting used to having less, nothing dramatic.

They are going to try to wipe us out simple as that. When our money are gone, it's our fault for taking their welfare in their head.

Mass starvation begets plague.
Cities will die but all the "rural and suburban retards" will survive.
Maybe we should all go on welfare to speed up the process?