>Chloe Moretz has man hands because she was born a boy.
>(Friday, June 22, 2018) “A national security memo has been leaked about China hiding their death numbers regarding the H7N4 bird flu outbreak, possibly up to 13,600 dead so far in less than 2 weeks. Several Chinese travelers confirmed infected; Senegal, France, Australia, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Thailand confirmed possible exposure so far.”
One of these is fake news.
One of these is being actively scrubbed globally from all media to avoid mass panic.
This is not a larp. The shit is about to hot the fan.
hey guys, just wanted to stop in and ask you about the amount of people around you that are "sick" Coughing, sneezing, sniffling could easily be attributed to allergies but allergies simply come and go. These people have been sick for weeks, months now. No one discusses the amount of money that isis obtained over their years of reign in the middle east, and bioweapons aren't uncommon The age of guns and bombs is over
mossad and cia, if something really happens its obviously a deep state attack, the one they left for the worse case scenario of being very close of being exposed!
Jason Brooks
It will happen soon enough. The only question will be whether or not it's made by our own kind.
Mason Peterson
Why are there assholes in her nostrils?
Brandon Reed
>Swolly Moretz
Justin Moore
The Grey Death
Austin Ramirez
Im not completely new but ive never seen a thread algo quite like this one.
Dont we all just want to spread truth through humor? Thats how it is done by current rebellion against tyranny in todays truth community. When are we going to start presenting our fixes to problems in a calculated way?
I thought H7N4 had little chance of mutating to human to human transmission type. All the Chinese who died were in close contact with poultry, probably working with it. Seems like more fear porn.
Jose Barnes
The chinese deep state and our own (((deep))) state are most likely totally controlled by the same group/family. The 3 holy cities and the 3 economic capitals too.
What the fuck are we going to do? Waking up cops to their crimes against humanity by following orders that violate human rights of the people they are supposed to serve.
Cops are even worse than Military in general because of their interactions with citizens of their own country instead of being a lapdog against another people
Nathan Wright
This will be the cleansing. I have enough food to last 4 months. God help us all.
not politics enjoy being pruned or moved to Jow Forums faggot
Ayden White
Whats your guys opinion on Augusto Pinochet? I know absolutely nothing about him other than he had a very successful business venture with helicopter tourism.
I've had grass allergies since mid may, but now folks are harvesting it's nearly gone
David Long
HO. LEE. SHIT. I don't know if humanity is ready for this, user. For Chloe Moretz to have LITERAL man hands. Think of all the anons who have fapped to a man. They're all faggots now.
She has a 6/10 face but her body is fucking -1/10 wtf
Connor Mitchell
>13,600 dead so far in less than 2 weeks I know you're trying to cheer us up with these hints of a global apocalypse, but I remain depressingly convinced that it's just a slightly above-average strain of the flu.
Ryan Foster
It's Giga-Chloe 5000 Only quads can stop her Singles power up her dooms day device.....
Wyatt Green
Q predicted this
Caleb Williams
She did so many of these pictures where she's trying to look ghetto thug tough and every time I see one I can do nothing but laugh.
Umm, I just fact checked all your information on snopes and can confirm you are wrong. Maybe you are just tired from all the larping. Are you feeling sleepy? I'm feeling sleepy. We should call it a night.
Logan White
That's because this isn't Q.
Aiden Torres
I would submit body, soul and mind to Chloe's feminine penis. And I'm not even kidding.
This is Gleb "Funn1k" Lipatnikov a pro dota 2 player he's been absent from the scene for a few years now Chloe Moretz memes have increased since he stopped playing regularly
why is this mexican always stalks her wtf is happening?
Kayden Morales
>Funn1k >"Pro"
John Campbell
The original and best
Nathan Ward
God damnit I'm dying here
Liam Hall
fuck a bird was going retarded in my yard the other day when i was cutting grass so i tried to help it but it was just going in circles like one side of its body was fucked up. probably had the bird flu... am i gonna die?
Isaiah Stewart
This is some funny shit. Thanks for the lulz /tv/fag