Deep. Powerful

Deep. Powerful.

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even on leftie art subhumans look disgustingly ugly

I think it is safe to say that Trump and every one of his supporters happily wants these children with their families, but have no reason to concede that it should happen in the US.

That's one nasty little goblin.

Comparing temporary separation to the holocaust is like another holocaust. These lefties are anti Semites!

Attached: Welcome to America.jpg (750x906, 47K)

why they continue to compare this ignoramus with only politician in history who fully fulfilled his election program?

Attached: coolstorybob.jpg (225x225, 7K)

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why did they make the kid look like that? what a bunch of fucking morons
absolutely no human being will genuinely feel sympathy for that thing, some might virtue signal and pretend to but deep down they'll still feel nothing

I still find the Trump is Hitler narrative funny. Trump is not trying to genocide a group of people (pretend the Holocaust is real for a moment); he wants to stem the flow of illegal aliens coming into the country. He has no problem with Mexicans and Central American shitholers going through the legal immigration channels.

You want to make change. You ask for it. You want to make meaningful change. You don't ask for it 20 years later.

>fully fulfilled

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That's not how shadows work.

say something in another language nigger, no matter which one

>the shadow of fake outrage cast by retards is what makes Trump seem like Hitler

secretly based illustration

Literally looks like a 56% meme.

You speak ours, faggot. We don't speak yours. Every year in school, English class for you, and every other country in the world.

Russian classes mysteriously absent

The irony here is that this immigration "problem" didnt start recently.

This pic is gayer than AIDS.

terminarlos a todos

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Why is it abuse to take these kids away from their parents, but not for these parents to stuff them in the back of a semi in the Texas summer, surrounded by drug smugglers and people traffickers?

>literally hitler

>>This DEEP depiction of modern America SLAMS Trump!
WEW nice post friend

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>grey scale goblina
>looks like a nigger
Fail/10 meme