Who was worse?
Who was worse?
obama but it is surprisingly-close
Bush: 1 million killed for Oil
Obama: half a million killed for Oil.
And after all that, we STILL had to pay for oil. Or...maybe they weren't wars for oil......
Not counting all the wars and death both of them oversaw. Bush for Patriot act. But if something comes this U1 and IRS and FBI gates then Obama all the way. He's almost on top just for making little girls go to the bathroom with adult trans.
By the way (pic related) I find it interesting that after this Obama as Satan pic came out, scientists find a skull in Russia with horns inside a Nazi Ahnenerbe chest.
Dude... we weren't fighting for us!
The Iraq war was about making Saudi richer and driving up oil prices.
The Syrian war was about a Qatar oil pipeline. They gave Hillary $1 Million, get a war that kills half a million people and destroys Syrian infrastructure.
You really thought it was about getting us cheap oil? You don't grease their pockets so they don't give a fuck about you. You're just cannon fodder.
bush because he led suaids and israel murder thousdands of americans on 911 then got us to invade iraq for nonexistent wmds just like they are trying to do to syria currently. he got 4 thousand americans killed in iraq murdered about a million iraqis got another 2000 killed in afghan with plenty more dead arabs and how many dead jews ? 0 during are 20 years of conflict in the middle east. obama allowed the deepstate to continue exactly what they were doing when they put in patriot act and allowed the goverment to literally bug the entire nation through cell phones and data mining. there is no longer privacy. they are both shitbags. osama was already dead when obama had the whole bin laden is dead thing right before his reelection. he is definitly a gay man michelle is definitly a tranny and the deep state knows this and covers for him because he lets them run the show. if you dont think 911 was a a false flag check out the jews murdering american sailors on the uss liberty hoping america will blame egypt and nuke them. also check out how kennady refused to false flag america and blame cuba one of the reasons the inttelliagence agency took him out among taking america back to the gold standard and off the jew bankers tits. american presidents have been puppets since the kennedy coup pulled off with a helpful lbj. obama absolutley tried to rig election against trump and the media works directly for the depp state. that is why this media attacks on trump will never stop. i think its very likely they will find a way to take trump out.
stop pretending there's ever a difference the only difference this time is you idiots are lapping up the koolaid like there's no tomorrow
King Nigger. He has done irreparable damage
They were both shit