I think some Liberals are doxxing me

So long story short it appears some group of liberals on facebook is harassing me. It all started when they failed to defend their views or think critically.

I'm worried that I might be doxx'd. What do I do?

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I hope they do

>using facebook


Delete your Facebook, idiot.

you relax. Let them defeat themselves. Doxxing is used by cowards who can't win an argument so they are trying to destroy someone's life. They are basically terrorists. If it gets too out of hand don't be afraid to go to your local police station and explain your situation.

Commit seppuku in your front yard as they watch and yell glory to Trump.

Challenge them each to separate individual fights behind the closest high school gym.

Well first of all, you have to


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and never show up. Only leave an envelope with a note saying "I know what you did last summer"

Maybe. Got a LOT of pictures and shit to back up

You're right. I am pro-police, after all and half the reason I'm being persecuted

Doxx them first you little bitch. I do even before interacting with someone. Get your opsec sorted out, use pseudonyms, record conversations and store them indefinitely on encrypted drives, use your fucking brain.

BASED! Unfortunatly between work and spending time with the Fiance.. It's tricky to devote time to this.

was going to help you out until you posted this, hope you get BTFO

First thing they gonna do is fill you're works HR department with complaints. HR will then verify by authenticity by running a background check with facebook. if you're comments are really politically incorrect, you will face immediate termination. If not, then HR will launch an investigation and have co workers probe your opinions. Then you will be fired.

>what is open source intelligence
Find a primer on Github OP.

Good thing I never brought up my present work on FB. They still think I'm working at an Airport

This needs to be thread of it's own. Get rid of facebook, use google and jewtube as little as possible. If not your paying for the Jews next move

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you let me move into your daughter's bedroom for protection
i'll bring my guns

don't use facebook

you could tell them that you've come around to their way of thinking and then stop using facebook and then later delete your account

Hacker here, if you post your social security number I can set up an IP mask for you.


Buy a gun

So why is everyone worried about being doxed?
Everybody knows who everyone is, with a little research.
Worried about bodily harm?
But a gun and some ammo.

Welcome to the club bud, at least you weren’t an international news story like me so suck it up pussy

We're not sure if she's pregnant yet. A bunch of my massive creampies may have gotten her pregnant.


I listen to the Alex Jones show everyday, maybe I heard of you..

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I don’t remember if Alex jones did or not. CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, a hundred other small scale liberal presses and the daily mail are what I remember.


>I'm worried that I might be doxx'd. What do I do?
Just buy a gun faggot. Maybe pose casually with it in your profile pic if you think they might actually do something to you irl.
I mean they could bully you online or harass your friends or relatives, but if they show up and physically threaten you just shoot them

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Well now I feel like you're obligated to let me know who you are..

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What would that story be?

adblock nigga, dont give the dirty kikes money

Honest answer? Punish yourself. Confess something embarrassing like you live at home with your mom and now you have to delete Facebook and you're sorry. It will satisfy their thirst for vengeance and yearn for justice. Libs are petty like that

Sorry to hear man. Too late for the advice but it’s always wise to evaluate if and when it’s productive to have those kinds of discussions. Facebook or twitter really isn’t the place. It’s not worth it. I treat those places like when I clock in at work. I have no opinion. Godspeed and I hope it works out for the better for you.

who are you? asking for a friend