Boomer Hate Thread

American Boomers are totally unprepared and have no savings, the average boomer COUPLE will get 8000 dollars a year from their retirement savings.

the Majority of them chose high risk investments and quartered their stock portfolios, they don't save properly and are selling their possessions to keep up with their quality of life

>dilligent saver
>$5000 in savings over several years
>30k in her 401k at 63 years old

>muh millenials don't know how to save
>muh millenials can't think about the future

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Actual boomer here.
First off, fuck you worthless kids as usual.
Second, we just made the same choices you shits would have made had you been alive at the same time. And also, you kids have it easy today with your smartphones and doting parents and video games and 1000 channels on tv etc. You kids need to stop whining and grow up.


“Doting parents” said by a Boomer, the most spolied generation in all of human history.

Easy is living in a country where killing a nigger is legal. Sadly, that is not our case. Nice treeless lawn faggot

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Do you support Capitalism or support it somewhat?

Thanks.. now that I am retired I actually have time to get the lawn just right.

Actual Boomer here (born in 52) I just want to preface this by saying I voted exclusively for democrat up until the 2016 election and I never looked back. The G-d emperor not only won bigly with tariffs but showed the entire world that we aren't going to take it anymore. AMERICA FIRST!

thanks, boomers

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You're an arsehole for using pic related.

what's the pic of? i had it saved but can't remember

Honestly if you aren't larping, get a garden and maybe an orchard, fuck a lawn with no trees that looks terrible in comparison to nice trees and a garden to provide for yourself

Youtuber's girlfriend beat him up and instead of beating the fuck out of her he decided to cry and make a video about it forever solidifying himself in internet history as an absolute faggot

some fag who let his woman abuse him

Live in the most fail proof generation, yet retiring broke as shit. Good, glad the generation of frivolous spending will retire in poverty eating cans of cat food.

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Do any of you faggots even know what Generation X is? Who do you faggots consider a boomer, anyone over 22?

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>tfw save 1/3-1/2 of my take home pay
>18k in my Roth IRA and various etfs
>7k in checking
>turned 24 last month

And I feel like an unprepared fuckup. My two best friends from highschool are both engineers- one makes six figures at Amazon and the other makes mid/high five figures working for the county

It's a meme don't think too much about it. Everyone gets called a boomer now.
>that 20 year old boomer who posts on Jow Forums unironically

you're an X'er

>>Boomer here (born in 52)
>you're an X'er

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